In just under 46 minutes, I'll help you get your thinking cap on straight. I'll show you how to view the internet for what it is and how to harness it's power...
This CD is not about some unique trick or strategy or concept. It's all about how to think about the internet, how to think about what you sell on the internet, and how to best position yourself to be successful selling whatever it is you want to sell on the net.
You'll want to follow along and take notes as I reveal my P.I.R.T. formula for guaranteed success on the net.
And best of all, you don't even have to wait for a hard copy to be delivered to you... Simply provide your name and email below, and I'll fire you off a special link at light-speed so you can download this amazing CD and begin listening and learning instantly (and get entered for the Dell drawing next Tuesday... see the specs below)!
PS: As you can see, next week I'm giving away a brand spanking new, state of the art, blazing fast Dell notebook (with a gig of RAM, huge hard drive, and lightning fast DVD player/recorder) to one lucky marketer that downloads and listens to my free gift. Check out the specs below!... This is my way of saying "Thanks for listening!" :)
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And here are just a few positively unsolicited comments from real people... |
I'll Guarantee You'll Make Money... (at this Beta Tester price it would be nearly impossible not to!)
And I'll Flood Your Inbox With Customers, Members, Subscribers, You Name It - Whatever Your Offer is - I'll Bring You The Customers
Mike G here.
Listen, you may not realize this but I've been in the email marketing business since the very beginning of my involvement of the internet, way back in 1996.
I live it, breathe it, sleep it, it's an enormous part of my business life and needless to say, it represents an enormous part of my annual revenues.
As a matter of fact, when the FTC was considering rule changes to the CAN-SPAM Act, way back in 2003, I was asked to prepare a special report for them, which I did, and I'm happy to say they embraced my concepts. I've always been dead serious about being a professional email marketer. I know it, I love it, and I do it legitimately and with professional expertise and now I'm willing to do something very special for you...
You see, I have developed a very large database of people to mail to. And I gotta tell you, these people are interested in all kinds of things: Business opportunities, network marketing, consumer goods, software, hardware, health products, beauty products. Well, the list goes on and on.
And, I have built an extremely sophisticated software platform that enables me to mail this database with a very high deliverability rate (that's the tricky part these days). And I wish that I could share with you all of the things that I have done to make this so effective, but I cannot, I will not, because frankly, I'm tired of being copied and ripped off by other people. So, you'll just have to trust me on this... I will get your mail sent and I will flood your inbox with order, members, customers, subscribers, whatever your heart desires.
Now you also need to realize that mailing ten million people these days can easily cost as much as (and you can Google this if you like) up to $2.00 CPM (CPM means 'Cost Per Thousand) so a ten million mailing could cost you $20,000.00. And, then on the other end of the spectrum you can buy this for as little as (and you've got to search hard, have a lot of volume, and sign lengthy contracts to get this price) of 17 cents CPM. That's still $1,700.00 to email ten million people.
But right now and because I've had so much success with my new mailing software system, I want to open the doors and allow other people who are flat out struggling trying to make it on the internet, the opportunity to do something very positive and very profitable right now, and I'm willing to do it for you at a special "Beta Tester" price.
This is vital, this price will go up.
After I've had a chance to run several dozen clients through this system and they report back to me with their testimonials / success stories, you can bet I will raise the price. And I'll raise it to at least 20 cents per thousand. Believe me, even at 20 cents per one thousand, or $2000.00 fungolas to mail ten million people, that is a steal in the marketplace.
But not today, not now, beta tester only price, well you've gotta see it.
And put your thinking cap on for this one... This special beta tester price is so low that I will extend to you the right to act as a facilitator for your own clients and resell this package along with this service which you simply coordinate with your clients by getting their sales copy from them and sending it off to us, and you are welcome to charge whatever fee you feel is appropriate for the additional services you provide your own clients and then just order from us. Simple, easy, and very profitable. This is a money maker for you.. mail your own offers, mail offers for others.
Oh, and one more thing... And it's not a small detail.
I have over 200 million opt-in email records available to me for you to tap into...
That means this. Once I mail your offer to the first ten million, you can repeat the success 19 more times!
Is a party a worthy cause?
So trick or treating and costumes and parties with inflatable jumpy thingies aren't as important as food, shelter, and healthcare (which many of these children we are serving also lack)...but you know what is?
Making kids, that by no choice of their own have limited exposure, feel that they matter, that someone cares, that they are extremely and utterly precious and special and they are worthy of preparation, effort, time, and money!
This party is not just a Halloween Party. It is the beginning of something bigger. It is ministry!
Ministry through Halloween? Yes!
It is life coaching! Life coaching through Halloween? Of course!
It is community building! Community building through Halloween? Absolutely!
How can we expect children to believe that they are worthy of the sacrifice and gift of Salvation if they aren't worthy of a party?
How can we ask children to grow up to achieve if we haven't exposed them to anything for them to aspire?
How can we serve a community if we don't serve their children?
We can't!
That's why we are going out throughout all of East St. Louis, IL, to every neighborhood and elementary school, every barbershop and beauty shop, and the local newspaper promoting our FREE Halloween Bash!
So far we are expecting well OVER 200 children!
Many of whom, like we mentioned before, have NEVER been to a professional party or trick or treating.
This event will be professionally organized and decorated with the works! There will be indoor inflatables, pop corn and cotton candy concessions, game booths, prizes, dinner, candy, face painting, and MUCH MORE!
All for FREE for kids living under some of the most impoverished areas in the region, if not the country.
Additionally, children that attend Sunday School the very next day will receive an entry for a BIG PRIZE raffle on November 1st! Yes, weâ??ll do whatever it takes to get kids (and their parents) to church on Sunday.
We want our kids off the street but we also want them to have fun so that they don't long to be in the streets! Right?
We want them to ask their parents to bring them to church the next day! Right?
We want our children to know that regardless of whatever their circumstance is or what they see outside their window...they ARE special...they ARE worthy...they DO deserve nice things! This is the message we want to send and if we don't make an effort to do so...well, by DEFAULT we send them the opposite of that! The cycle doesn't end much less change unless we start reconfiguring those fresh minds starting when they are young!
$3600 that's 200 children @ $18 (meal, candy, entertainment, and next day raffle and childrenâ??s church materials PLUS of course, food for parents accompanying children). Actual costs will be more than the budget we are trying to raise.
Will you give $1, $5, $10, $500+? Every little bit helps. Don't...DO NOT...assume that your $1 does not matter. It all adds up. Our committee does MIRACLES with a buck!
We need your help! We are a very small young community based church but we will do big things with your help. With a humble heart, a spirit overflowing with a desire for ACTION, and Godâ??s guidance, we can make a difference in this community.