100 Musical Footsteps
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21 Hidden Secrets of the Illuminati
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to celebrate Angels and Demons (dan brown’s latest film), I
play a little devil’s advocate here. After all, the Illuminati CONTROL
EVERYTHING, don’t they?
1. they control the media. yep, cnn, bbc, fox news, printed pages. Everything2. they control banking. yep, and deliberately crashed their own financial system. Out of the chaos, a new world order.
3. they control medicine. with pharmaceuticals they pollute and corrupt your body. They already own your mind.
4. they control politicians. Both sides of the political game; both left and right, liberal and conservative. in every country
5. they control lawmakers / judges – everyone has had their youthful indiscretions. Sometimes blackmail / sexual incidents are deliberately set up. Everyone is under their thumb.
6. they control technology. ever since Roswell, we
have been on a technological ascent. With harvested alien / ufo
technology (back-engineered) we have reached our current technological
peak. Companies such as GE were beneficiaries of seeded research.7. they control weather – using HAARP technology they can cause / manipulate the seasons & hurricanes. Think Katrina.
8. they control frequencies. it has been said that mobile phone frequencies attune with the human mind, and distort / corrupt it. Deliberate?
9. the control food – using GM technologies, our food is being degraded of precious life. In the pursuit of ever bigger harvests, we end up with emptier foods.
10. they control life – a birth certificate says you have been born, a death certificate marks your passage from this physical world. Without this ‘official’ stamp, it hasn’t ‘happened’.
11. they control religion. Christianity is the
biggest faith on the planet, and the biggest of the big, is the Vatican.
The Pope (apparently) is an Illuminati agent.12. they control knowledge – universities are the gatekeepers of cutting edge research. Using carefully directed funds & research grants, knowledge is steered in a certain direction.
13. they control the military – the whole army industrial complex or weaponised might is powered by Black Ops projects. Underground bases.
14. they control the drug trade – the borders are safe, what gets through is totally permitted. the cia is in on drug running, and even organises the whole racket.
15. they control education. you can only make correct decisions with correct information. Education sees to it that you receive the wrong / irrelevant data.
16. they control the counter-movement: think the 60′s was all about rebellion? it was co-opted. Think Alex Jones tells the truth? where does he get funded?17. they control space – all the images we get from nasa … have been airbrushed and tampered with. Bases on the moon, ruins on mars.
18. they control celebrities – Britney Spears and Anna Nicole Smith? mind controlled sex slaves.
19. they control the future – everything has been building up to 2012. Wait to see the big event! A cosmic slideshow!
20. they control … YOU!
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the truth will set you free
blessings, and much peace (especially of mind)
your friend
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Tags: conspiracy
May 17, 2009 at 3:36 am great post. Although I think there is too much stigma associated with the word ‘illuminati”. The real people who control the world are the bankers, media and elitists.
May 18, 2009 at 2:04 am The one about education actually makes a lot of sense.
May 20, 2009 at 1:15 pm I wonder if the “Illuminati” are responsible for the new show Glee Club…
June 3, 2009 at 7:00 am some of this makes me laugh; control the weather and frequencies?! lmao!
June 3, 2009 at 12:42 pm This is bananas. Whoever wrote this is mad. They probably believe in every thing they see in movies. And don’t make crazy pics of Obama.
June 5, 2009 at 5:43 am about 60-75% of this information is actually true. just because society tells you something… doesn’t mean its true. why do you think secret societies exist?
June 5, 2009 at 6:52 am just because some random person tells you it is true doesn’t mean it’s actually true. some of this stuff is seriously pathetic, who ever thinks that weather is controlled by people really needs some help. prove to me that this stuff is true and only then will i believe this nonsense.
June 6, 2009 at 8:22 am you have to watch the arrivals in youtube it talks about the secret society.
June 6, 2009 at 8:29 am not everything on the internet is true, especially wikipedia! youtube isn’t much better.
June 6, 2009 at 1:23 pm Read up on the Biderberg group and learn somethings you might not know. Some of you’ve not been getting out much or your very young and vulnerable.
June 9, 2009 at 6:26 pm these things are true, take a look at the bush family. they went into Iraq to steal oil? and who do they blame for the 9/11 attacks? and why did George bush senior and his father fund Saddam Hussein? where did that money come from? think about it, we are being controlled and slowly but surely being killed off for a new world order (novos ordo). read more and open your eyes, they call themselves the enlightened ones but their true identities remain secret! but not anymore. we know who they are……u and I should strive on foreseeing that everyone is informed before hand before the dawn of the dark one is near. If you say you are a Christian then this you should know!
June 9, 2009 at 8:31 pm stop talking bull shit that you’ve discovered on the internet. get a life in the real world. sounds like you need to seriously get laid! dont give me any bullshit about this iraq crap. what you quoted there about the bush issue totally contradicted itself. stop trying to cause havoc making other people worried, and let people live there own lives instead of following the random illuminami and new world order shite you are talking about.
June 11, 2009 at 3:01 am I think Fidel Castro controls more than the stupids Illuminati, nobody will never control the world. there is a brotherhood hidden behind every step that powerful figures make. Lit on the candle,take a look into the very close mirror & find your lonely eye, then tell me what you`v seen.
June 11, 2009 at 11:29 am LOL… at Keet.
“Get a life in the real world. sounds like you seriously need to get laid!”
After saying stop talking about ‘bullshit’ then you write that sentence. That is absolutely restarted.
Let me help you tho keet:
Go get laid everybody, go get a job, go get a girlfriend, fret for your taxes and credit cards, worry about your new car or the latest computer you want to buy, figure out how your sprinklers work so that you can repair them yourselves, worry about which presidential candidate will be best in charge of ‘our’ country, and please for god sakes when that president is in office follow him blindly into the gates of hell.
Keet, he is not trying to make people ‘worried’. In fact, the world you are so infatuated with does that plenty, but not with ANYTHING important.
Remember that the path to the light is paved in Hard Battles, Mass ridicule, and cobble stones as hott as fire itself that must be walked upon to gain awareness.
It’s the enjoyment of self worth, fulfillment of desire, comfortable furniture, appealing marketing and everything that we are obsessed with in this material culture that leads down the road to darkness.
Light up the darkness.
June 11, 2009 at 12:13 pm to be honest, i dont really care about ‘your’ president, i’m not from america. i’ll help you though cyberclaw; the only thing to fear is fear itself, probably one of the best quotes ever said by an american.
worry about what you need to worry about, follow what you want to follow, believe what you want to believe and live how you want to live. dont waste your time worry about what people believe is going to happen, like the crap with the millenium bug and The Prophecies by nostradamus.
June 12, 2009 at 7:56 am Just be aware and be good. X
June 13, 2009 at 9:17 am Well, what an interesting article and comments. Some of this stuff might be true… around 60% maybe but, the world will always be this way. you have to have those in the back controlling things. If we gave the world to everyone there would be mass chaos.
All they have done (the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, Free Masons… or secret societies that are actually secret) is make the world run smoother. They have created illusions to keep us occupied so they can control until they die. Then it’s just a massive circle people fighting for Greed and Power because of Religion and Political Beliefs. Just Deal with the world and play along with that illusion it makes us seem like we are significant in some way. And get real it’s not like you or you and a billion people can stop them.
And is anything going to happen in 2012? Yes, Big technology advancement not a nuclear war.. not “Jesus” or Aliens…
June 15, 2009 at 4:01 pm Wow. Rope. YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT!
“And get real it’s not like you or you and a billion people can stop them. ”
That is truly a pathetic mindset. I think a billion people could and will if the time arises. It is only pussies like you who want to be enslaved and “taken” care of by big brother. Do you even know about the second amendmaent and why it is there? Jesus. And keen, your an apathetic idiot as well with no perception on anything philsophical. You just go with the whole go along to get along thing. And if you get a long you might get a little. its sad to see the close mindedness of people in the world. ALL of this is true. And if you want to figure it out then go fuckin research it instead of being a goddamn critic and asking everyone else to do it for you. People like you guys who have such a sore attitude towards humanity and freedom should are the whole problem in the fisrt place! Many BOOKS. Yes real books have been written about it. Not internet. Books. Go read them and you will see. Connecting the dots takes a while but in the end it all makes sense. You WILL ONLY FIND THIS OUT ON YOUR OWN. But this is pointless baceause you are already convinced. So be glad that other people DIE EVERY DAY so you can dick around and write comments on this website. So get involved or shut the hell up!
June 16, 2009 at 1:27 am joe, you are judging me by a quote i put on a website, (i take it you did mean keet and not keen)? you dont even know me, and no i dont know what the second amendment is, why should i, i’m not american. what people write in a book is no different to what people put on the internet. many books have been written doesn’t mean anything, except theres many people writing the same thing. what is a real book? a book that is written on what someone believes is true, or a book that is written on what is proven to be true? is the bible true, is the Tanakh true, is the Qur’an true? you are clearly so judgmental and easily convinced. have you ever looked at things from two different sides of the story? what about the people that believed all that crap from michel de nostredame. yes things did fit into what he predicted, however you can translate his ‘prophecie’s’ into almost anything; its only been translated in hindsight. the millenium bug never happened like all those people said, ‘it was the end of the world as we know it’. i know people need to believe in something to live, however it doesn’t mean that you need to start an anarchy and try to brain wash others into believe what you believe. isn’t that what terrorist’s are known to do? you say that i dick around and write comments on this website; isn’t that what you’ve just done? what should i get involved in, an anti-everyone and everything cult?
June 16, 2009 at 6:35 am After reading comments on this site, all I can say is,
1…why should you call each other names over this? everone has their own opinion and should respect it just like your own opinion should be respected.
2…if you know or believe all this illuminati stuff, then you know or believe it, and if you dont know or believe it, then you dont know or believe it………… YET!
June 16, 2009 at 8:09 am We need to make a counter party. we need to make a group of rebels, insurgents, whatever. we need to end the illumanati.
June 16, 2009 at 10:29 pm we’ll call ourselves the rebel alliance! lmfao!
June 17, 2009 at 4:55 pm Keet doesn’t believe in the n.w.o but he checks this site daily. Who really needs to get laid ?
June 17, 2009 at 5:12 pm i get an e-mail telling me when someones posted a new message, so i can reply back. im just reply to you cocky arseholes that keep telling me that im not open to my own opinion however you seem to be trying to rebel against this NWO that is ‘controlling everything in the world including this freedom to think for ourselves’. stop all your bullshit that you keep contradicting and try living a real life.
June 19, 2009 at 6:17 pm You know what in the end it all comes down to proof cause people only believe what they can hear or see… which in fact means that religion shouldnt exist…. so then why does it exist… cause we have to have something to look towards a comfort… but in doing so we try to find something wrong with what makes us comfortable as we are human and seem to find that nothing is perfect… well I say id dont acctually care if religion is true or not or that the world is controlled by one person or the other as long as i’m happy and got my shit in order. You people waste your time worrying about things that dont acctually effect you in any way. I mean for one have any of you ever been effected by the so called illuminati? and yet look at how many people read this post. I shows how un original we all actually are and how we need to create theories to try and miss prove something that was never proved in the first place. So stop wasting your time with this shit get up off your ass turn off the computer and go have a life!! cause else whats the point of putting up this post. If your not living your life then why complain about things that dont effect it!!
June 22, 2009 at 12:33 am This illuminati thing makes sense! They may be responsible for a negro becoming the leader of the US. Yes, he is the one that will usher in the anti-christ
June 22, 2009 at 8:27 am justbeen watching a programe on this subject and i have beileved that there is a elite team running the show since i was 16 years old (now 49). just look at what we read every day through our media dumbing down or what they have us exactly where they want us.
June 22, 2009 at 11:34 am chinese’s wispers… people keep adding more to the story making some of it stupidly unbelievable. some stuff may be true, however i believe that the story has been getting changed too much for it all to be true.
June 22, 2009 at 11:51 pm illuminati exists, it even controls what you think just like the confusions and arguements you have over it.
June 27, 2009 at 1:20 pm I pity the less witted man who actually believes all this is coinsidence and ignorant similarities. The “illuminati” does indeed exist and coming from a wealthy occult family, I will go a step further and say it is in the churches here in America. tHEY DO NOT CALL THEMSELVES ILLUMINATI. mORE LIKE THE ENLIGHTENED ONES WHO WERE CHOSEN TO UNDERSTAND THE WORLD’S MYSTERY. First off, their goal is to fit in and join a church or be a pillar of society and they do that if they want to move on up the ladder. If you can really get close to a high mason or occultist(32nd degree or further you will learn more) They believe lucifer is a creator and be be called lucifer because satan is his fallen virtue. They go through allot of rituals, chants, and fill their homes with symbols. I remember my Grandfather’s masonic bible, mayan sun dial, and 302 skull & bones metal box he had in his collectibles. He died wealthy, alone, and many curses have been spread to my Father, brother, and I from our families ignorances. It is an enlightened path to hell where you get business opportunity in exchange. One thing I know about members in high occultic organizations or secret socities that really have some smarts and sophistication is “they really do hate people”. They will smile and shake somebodies hand then the next moment destroy that same person. They have the idea they are born to be above men through their knowledge and heritage. My experiences and not in free-masonry with illuminati and not saying they aren’t. Oil and Gas exec.’s on the NAFTA Assoc, new-tech soc., Club of Rome(many who’s who texas oilmen are members), kabbalah, Bohemian Grove, The 4th degree on(pike principle why I didn’t join), politicians(their affiliation binds them to secrecy=corruption networking that exists/new orleans-louisiana mob-gov), and on. That is what I HAVE SEEN IN PERSON. Illuminati= trade your soul and take oath for corruption and secrecy for $$$. its business-they laugh at other’s misfortune. I probably shouldn’t elaborate any further, they have threatened me and the life of my partners.
June 27, 2009 at 2:24 pm the truth is that there is no proof but a dollar bill and are the intentions really evil. or is the destruction of religion better for the world because of the hate and war. God does exist but do we need to be extremist
June 28, 2009 at 9:44 am you are just trying to make yourself big and impress in front of everyone with this crap you just made up. yes there maybe something out there. however if it was as big as you brag then you’d be dead and this would be wiped clean with us dead. seriously chinese wispers occurred during the time for god knows how long.
June 28, 2009 at 10:58 am I can’t help but notice that some people seem to have some pretty warped views that aren’t backed up with factual evidence. If readers cannot understand what you are writing because your grammar is incomprehensible, how do you expect to get your point across? If you really want to try to root out truth from fiction, logic suggest you regard everything you read and hear as being fiction or having some fictional properties, whether intentionally created or based on a general lack of information to begin with until you can prove otherwise through reliable sources.
If you are watching mainstream media such as CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNBC or anything related to Rupert Murdick…I mean Murdock, you are most likely brainwashed into believing everything you are told and incapable of making truly informed decisions about events occurring around the world. We should all try to stop using the term “they”. “They” are not one group of people working collectively; there is an entire web of fascist, morally deficient, very wealthy people with affiliations yes, but not working together in some mass conspiracy. Many of the individuals form groups that work together somewhat, mainly for their own individual benefit under the guise of benefiting society as a whole. Or at least that is how I see it.
June 28, 2009 at 8:43 pm Tupac Shakur…dead martin luther king…dead bob marley…dead jfk…dead abraham…dead and many more are dead or will be assassinated can anyone guess why?
June 29, 2009 at 5:30 am yeah cos their time had come. everyone is born n everyone dies, what they do inbetween is their own choice.
i know that you’re going to say its the illuminati that assassinated them or arranged their ‘suspicious’ deaths, however i’d like you to say why they would kill all them people and why there is no proof what so ever. was biggy a member of the illuminati? maybe James Earl Ray was, or they could have infected bob marley with melanoma. of course they did arrange the death of JFK; Oswald was paid by a member of the illuminati to be a suspect in the depository bookstore whilst another member of the illuminati waited on the grassy knoll. and of course they killed abraham. they even assassinated the russian royal family, led the round heads in the english civil war, and they killed hitler; or was hitler a member?
i know everyone is open to their own opinions, however it doesn’t mean you have to ‘brain wash’ others in to believing just what you believe.
June 29, 2009 at 1:28 pm keet i have no intentions to brain wash you or anyone else i respect ur opinions like the other ones as well all im saying is that all of these guys fought against oppression in their own way and were killed for it i want to become an activist myself to fight for my freedom and yours too because soon the freedom we have left will be taken away completely when martial law takes place then you will believe but it will to late
June 29, 2009 at 10:23 pm i have freedom, i can go where i want, i can buy what i want, i can say what i want and i can do what i want. each of these people fought for different reasons with different oppositions. i almost guarantee u that all these assassinations/deaths were not connected in any particular way. why can people never believe factual events nowadays however they’ll always believe in something with no proof what so ever, just because it is against a government or their country. this New World Order is not Bush, Hiltler, Bin laden n all these others that people keep saying; its the people that believe there is one, they will end up forming a group big enough to try take over the governments, countries and then the world.
July 1, 2009 at 5:44 pm Just saw angles & demons, I got to say, ur ideas should put into movies! Hollywood will love ya, and your movies definatly will corrupt some audiances’ minds
July 1, 2009 at 8:23 pm Well I have read many of the items above and can’t believe how easily people can be led by a few films and a couple of books. The people who make these media do it for a reason. Not for posterity or for entertainment as they don’t pay, they do it for large sums of money which hey guys, comes out of your pockets. They think as salesmen think, that is; Every potential prospect has in their pocket part of their pay packet and they want it more than you want to keep it.
We as a populous are always looking for the next something to entertain and grip us whether it’s a new fairground ride or scary film. It’s like an addiction – we always look for the next hit and it’s got to be better than the last. I presume there have always been secret societies the world over since time began, some good and some bad. Humans, being as flawed as we are, will always think we can do better than those who we elect to power. We get disgruntled and either because of some influence (big pockets or big brains) can amass similar likeminded people together. Everything has a life span, the true Illuminati had theirs and are now gone. The Mason’s are still going strong now but will inevitably die out in time, only to be replaced by some new or revived sect from the past.
You know the last time a mass populous were led by such similar ideas happened around the early thirties and that group were called the Nazis.
July 2, 2009 at 10:33 am hold on, how is this being racist? are you one of those that translates what anyone says into being racist? it isn’t quoted as being obama himself, its quoted as it being the government. and it seems like you have a chip on your shoulder, its people like you that cause a lot of problems
July 2, 2009 at 6:59 pm Ha..ha..ilmuniati is all of us, people who educate in reguler scholl is graduate of iluminati society…we are iluminati…people who educated…accept people is far from city….
July 4, 2009 at 7:51 am keet try to focus on the last couple of sentences….the illuminati IS THE GROUP TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD, GOVERNMENTS, AND THE PEOPLE
July 4, 2009 at 9:40 am theres been several comments deleted on this, one of them was the comment that i was referring to. i’ve still got it in my deleted e-mails:
“Author: red dog
u people are just racists. u hate obama becos he is black. obama struggles to make it to the top and what do you bloody crackers do? u paint him with one ye and expect us to beleive that he is part of the illuminati jumbo crap. f**k you alll. u bloody arabs and racists. f**k u allllllllllllllllllllllll. i hate you.”
do u see what i was stating now, it was aimed at this persons comment?
July 4, 2009 at 11:36 pm Either way, illuminati or not. There is evidence that there has, and will probably always will be hidden societies. Safety, It is in our human nature to make sure others are safe, If it be controling them or just watching out as some would say. Take CCTV, A vast percentage of the UK is covered. For safety reasons, Police, Crime etc.
Sometimes it takes a step back to see what is really happening. I personally feel, when they figure this out. Vast groups will form inside of the societies. Which may cause the the break up of many of the larger sized societies. Our human race will always become clouded with thoughts of perfection. But you cannot obtain it by manipulating things. Rebellions will form, Just watch.
Free will. Sure, They controle things that are built over man made purposes. But hey, look at us. We are all unique, individual they cannot controle some features like this, As long as we remember and continue to remember who we are.
July 4, 2009 at 11:42 pm As for the racist remarks, grow up. We are together. We are a family, a community, One world. We are the human race, From black, to white, to asian, to whatever you want. We will always be the same inside. Sure, Some act different. Talk different, Think different. But you cannot pick at little things like this. We were brought up in diferent places of the world, Different people, Which shape those communities and lifestyles.
July 5, 2009 at 4:02 am i meant from the last comment directed to me keet
July 6, 2009 at 1:07 am yeah, so what i was saying was that you, the people that believe about all this illuminati, are in fact this ‘new world order’ group. because someone has come along and said that we are not safe until we overturn our governments. it is NOT the government that are the ‘NWO’ it IS the public against something that may not even be there
July 7, 2009 at 2:01 am It rely sounds to me like this Keet dude has something close to the ‘illuminati’. You’re obviously one of them “christian’s” hu likes to manipulate everything to the benefits of th illuminatus…. because why else are you standing so strong in trying to make us believe there is no such thing as NWO and illuminati
..so it dont matter how much crap we say on this site.. u will always have a reply and u will read absolutely EVERYTHING we say to protect your kind
…either that or u are seriously deluded and ignorant
It just makes no sense why its so important to u what our beliefs are
YOUU are an illuminati brother and please nobody listen to him using ur own terms such as ‘brainwash’ against YOU while he himself is trying to achieve that
and its so funny ho wu know everything about everything!!!
July 7, 2009 at 2:09 am yeah and ppl I would suggest you looked at the teachings and findings of the Samarians, hence Iraqis
They were the first civilization
July 7, 2009 at 4:57 am for a start what the hell does this illuminati have in common with christianity? oh wait a minute, yeah someone made up a load of crap that you then decided to believe, being what seems to be a weak minded victim that can be manipulated quite easily.
of course i am a part of the illuminati, how did you find out so quickly, you must be very knowledgeable. oh wait a minute, its just a guess, a prediction, something that has no solid proof what so ever just like this web page. im not religious at all. i dont worship any god or emperor or whatever else it is that you can worship. i’m just someone who actually looks at factual things and takes a look at what IS possible and what COULD BE possible and then puts things together to come to a final outcome. however the majority of this is just ridiculous. give me solid proof that there is such thing as the illuminati anymore.
it seems that you just disagree with me giving my opinion on things, or anyone trying to give a different belief into this, which is in fact the first signs of terrorism, against all that dont believe what they believe…
July 7, 2009 at 12:58 pm the TRUTH WILL be REVEALED…
July 7, 2009 at 5:40 pm weather and frequencies? it is very possible.
weather can be controlled using H.A.R.P, if you search you can find some interviews with afew scientists who spent years making H.A.R.P.
And 440 hz is a frequency that causes radiation, thats why many instruments have their keys changed to 440.
The Illuminati have been testing frequencies for well over 30 years now, they have found out the vibrations can make objects weightless.
There is someone named Ingo swann he has been researching this for many years, he says using different frequencies correctly can create matter.
You can watch interviews of Ingo swann on youtube.
Learning about frequencies can change the world, it proves that our thoughts create our reality, why is that? It’s called the Law of Attraction, learn that and we can control the world. That’s what the news is made for> negative energy = karma.
If we believe the end is near, then the end will come.
and if you believe you will ascend, then you will.
Wait for 2012 and choose which one you believe in.
July 7, 2009 at 11:47 pm again, where did you get this from, you tube videos? mobile phones control us, ever time i answer my phone i have the feeling that i am being controlled… by my girlfriend telling me to come home. yes of course the world will end in 2012 like it did in 2000. i dont believe the end is near therefore does that mean it will not come? are these scientists really people that worked on this HAARP or just con artists? what someone says doesn’t mean is true, why do you believe these people that say they designed the HAARP with no proof yet you wont believe what others say with solid proof? i’m still waiting for a true and proven fact that the illuminati still exist…
July 8, 2009 at 1:44 pm All of things here are true…. its vary surprising too see that other people do understand…… that educational institutions true purpose is just that, too manipulate and bend the human mind and body too work (slave) Many people have replied here, on this web page prove many truths stated are indeed true, buy ignoring the truth and saying people are crazy for believing this ……what they are too believe as bullshit…. these people my friends are the ones best controlled buy the secrete illuminati. One other thing im surprised the writer here didn t mention anything about the illuminati human sacrifice at bohemian groove in California once every year!
July 8, 2009 at 3:22 pm hey keet,no one has to prove shit to you.if you want the truth go find it yourself since you already know everything.its ok to be sceptical but you are just an ass.
July 8, 2009 at 9:41 pm you dont even know me yomoma. you tell me to go find the truth myself cos you cant show me jack shit, because there is no solid proof at all, only speculations. i dont know everything, i never said i did thats just you being judge mental. it also proves my point about how you, the people believing that this take over of the world is going to start happening, and you will start it; you are the ones that are going to try and do it. the believers of this illuminati are themselves the NWO they just dont know it yet; they are the group that will turn out to be the ones trying to take over the governments and the world just like i stated.
July 8, 2009 at 11:19 pm most conformed governments around the world are already controlled by the Illuminati and its been going on for quit some time now. the facts are all around us, look at the structures around us, someone had too trick people into building them, look at the food we eat, someone had too trick people into harvesting it, what about the roads we drive on etc i can go on forever. the point is the Illuminati use the common people as slaves and they are tricked by a thing called money, the general public simply just make life easier and comfortable for the elite.
this next thing is for HARP ……440hz will increase the growth of white blood cells leading too cancer. sounds made in C3 and up one octave are generally mastered at 440hz … also 90hz cause the human brain too release serotonin, 90hz is the typical frequency baselines in music are mastered at……. u ever wounder why theirs that baseline in your favorite song that you just can t get enough of???
July 8, 2009 at 11:38 pm why does an increase in white blood cells lead to an increase in cancer? cancer cells are infected cells from any part of the body, white blood cells are what fight against diseases. there are monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes all which fight viruses and diseases. how can an increase in white blood cells cause cancer? i’ve heard of this illuminati controlling people by the use of mobile phones before which again is just a conspiracy theory and not scientifically proven, (although the illuminati do control the science world so they wouldn’t release any findings of this would they?) whats this about the roads we drive on? where the romans part of the illuminati as well? like i keep saying, all of these are just conspiracies and have just been guessed by other people, then changed as it gets passed on like chinese wispers.
July 8, 2009 at 11:44 pm the roads was just another example of material things the people produce, and the cancer thing read up on it. tomato s increase chances of cancer too yikes! lol
July 9, 2009 at 12:00 am curry’s slow down the production of dementures as well but it doesn’t mean its anything to do with the illuminati. a decrease in white blood cells increase the production of disease as well, however the decrease of red blood cells causes disease, the misshape of blood cells causes disease but also makes the person immune to other disease like malaria. it’s just what can happen to the human body; its not caused by the illuminati. what you eat, what you drink, what you do, where you go can increase or decrease the production of diseases and viruses. i suppose they infected the pig’s with H1N1 as well. like i keep saying, people keep adding more and more to this illuminati thing making it so unbelievable. there was a time when this illuminati existed in the 1700′s, however people now add so many speculations to them it is just unbelievable anymore.
July 9, 2009 at 12:38 am “what you eat, what you drink, what you do, where you go can increase or decrease the production of diseases and viruses”
the elite control everything stated here, what u eat is advertised on tv right? and who controls the media…….the enlightened ones. i bet there sending you subliminal messages too eat more tomatoes hehe! jokes
July 9, 2009 at 12:45 am come on, you choose if you like or dislike something. you choose if you want to or dont want to eat something. i think all you people have been thinking that the matrix is a real life film. the illuminati could be machines that took over the world hundreds of years ago and they make us feel like it is only 2009, 2012 has already happened. i could start my own cult or NWO with this crap that i just made up.
July 9, 2009 at 12:52 am no would have too be a mason too do that brother!
July 9, 2009 at 1:06 am why would it need to be the free masons to do that? they’ve been accused of being jack the ripper before which was a load of rubbish.
July 9, 2009 at 1:31 am you don t seek the truth, you don t know the laws of attraction and clearly you haven t struggled with your own self…. you seem too be so happy with how you have been programed
July 9, 2009 at 4:48 am i am happy with how i have been programmed because i have programmed myself with the help of my parents (and i doubt they are the illuminati). like i say, i do what i want to do, i eat what i want to eat, i drink what i want to drink, i say what i want to say and i am who i want to be. i dont seek the extra rubbish that people keep adding on to this claim about a NWO.
you dont see what you are doing; you are forming a rebellion against something that might not even exist anymore never mind be a threat. you are the ones that are the threat to yourselves and the world, YOU ARE THE NWO! when you see this it will be too late, you will look back and think, why did we do this to ourselves…?
July 9, 2009 at 5:03 am Keet.. y do u try so hard to make us disbelieve the truth?
…what was u doing on this site in the forst place if u claim there is no illuminati.. y wud u search this shit up?
ur just a manipulator.. plz nobody be fooled by this imposter
July 9, 2009 at 5:24 am i disbelieve some of the things that people keep adding over the time about this illuminati. i have not been given any solid proof as of yet, all i get is ‘why dont you believe us?’ simple, you dont give me any solid proof that i keep asking for. i had heard about this before and had seen a program about it on TV which made me become interested in this NWO thing. the more i look into it, the more unbelievable it becomes. people keep adding more random things to this conspiracy making it even less believe. i think people just want to believe in something against the government and want to believe in something different. do you have any proven solid proof that all this is going on? (dont give me links to random videos on you tube)
July 9, 2009 at 5:26 am also, how am i the manipulator? you are the ones trying to get people to believe something with no proof at all. you are scared that i have got a very strong point that NOONE has given any SOLID proof.
July 9, 2009 at 8:09 am keet, there’s plenty of proof on the net, tv, books, etc….you must to your research and cross reference all the information you gather…..Read the NEW TESTAMENT (not only in revelations)
July 9, 2009 at 8:40 am keet if you disagree with what you call “shit”… and the rest, then, what the hell are you doing on the site? Who gives a shit about what you don,t wish to believe or how you live your life, people have a right to freedom of speech. No one is forcing anyone to beleive what is written here its there choice and those who are intereseted will go find proof for themselves. Why should anyone need to prove information to YOU!! Most people can think and feel for themselves, SHAME on you that you can,t find somethin more benificial from within apart from your physical needs!! And as for saying what you want well could it be something you could give rather than take away!! get a life!
July 9, 2009 at 10:03 am the new testament? that fictional book that keeps changing everytime somethings proved wrong? i have read in detail the revelations chapter about the end of the world and how the 4 horse men of the apocalypse came to bring an end to the world. how st john had to save the day. i studied work by Durer that was based on this chapter. are you linking the illuminati to christianity? are you saying that this worshipping that the illuminati apparently do, where they sacrifice someone is based on christianity? or is christianity based on them? the illuminati wasn’t created until the 1700′s so it must be based on christianity. what would the pope have to say about this? oh no he is a member of the illuminati along with bin laden, eminem and all the other famous people. i cant find 1 bit of solid proof anywhere, if you have some then show me, if not then stop telling me to search for it when you are the ones trying to convince me.
i am an open minded person, solid proof (really says it all in the name), and thats why i began searching about this NWO, however the more people tell me about it the more unbelievable it gets. you aren’t very good at debating are you? all you say is why are you on here, why dont you get a life. i can think for myself that is why i am disagreeing with some of the things being thrown at me. i think you are the one that is easily convinced. what i stated about i can do what i want etc was not meaning i am selfish, it meant that i was free and not controlled by anyone. what am i taking away?
July 10, 2009 at 5:12 am So what if people are easily convinced? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS Keet. If you don’t believe these things that don’t waste your time here.
July 10, 2009 at 5:18 am i was open minded about it until i came on here and found out that all believers were like a cross between a cult and terrorists. dont like it when proven wrong, wont give any proof and threaten people that dont believe them. i think the world must watch out for you lot rather than this NWO. like i say YOU are the NWO. all i keep getting is told to shut up and that i shouldn’t be on here. well that sounds like communist leaders to me; you complain about not being free yet you dont allow freedom of speech yourselves.
July 11, 2009 at 1:55 am I not arguing the existence of an secret organization. there might even be more than one. The mayor flaw in your website is proof. You say all this and you don’t have any proof. Do you have any idea what type of energy input it would require to start an hurricane or tornado or storm to the likes of Katrina. A nuclear plant can’t even create nearly enough. It is only god that can control the weather. Humans don’t even completely understands how the sea affects the weather. Get some kind of proof before claiming something. You are doing more damage to your theory than convincing anybody, at least someone with some common sense.
July 11, 2009 at 10:42 pm Peoples comments over the past week, have consisted of someone saying something then you all jump to another conclusion. All it takes is someone to say one thing about illuminati, elitism etc and you all jump on that one idea and work on it. I personally feel this is how these “groups” have formed. By constant crap and rumours. For instance, take that childs game “chinese whispers -as some call it in the UK” – it starts with one sentence, it does not end with the same.
Therefor I think I can agree with keet. I can tell some of you here are in for a joke, the way you all type does not really seem relevant to keets comments. I think its better if you, keet.,gnore some of the comments said. As they are mainly said to anoy or irritate.
July 12, 2009 at 2:20 am These comments here are NOT too annoy of irritate, they are simply too educate and promote the truth. I understand it is hard for some people too over come these ideas, theories and beliefs due too the foot prints set in our memory.
July 12, 2009 at 2:37 am its not hard to believe because of the footprints set in our memory, its because there is absolutely no proof at all that this is happening, just speculations and conspiracies from other people. like i have said i was open minded about some of this, however now from what i have been getting told, it seems to resemble a cult. im quite still interested in this conspiracy though.
July 13, 2009 at 12:27 am n by Mormons are a front to ring in new world order
July 13, 2009 at 12:34 am Tex marrs
July 13, 2009 at 1:38 am what do you mean with the mormons being involved? thats quite interesting, i haven’t heard that before
July 13, 2009 at 11:08 pm True or not,the illuminati has got every body reeling n believing,if not why are we talking about it.
July 14, 2009 at 4:20 pm Faith n. – Belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof.
Faith in religion, Faith in anti-religion, Faith in fictitious writings….
…Most of the posts here rely on faith, heavily.
Proof n. – Evidence or an argument that serves to establish a fact or the truth of something.
…I see none of this anywhere on this site. The thought of the illuminati is impossible to prove.
People will argue that the faith requires no proof (which the definition clearly states).
Keets, you cannot fight faith with proof. It never works, that is why the Bible is still the best selling book on the market.
I find all of this rather laughable. I believe that the page was originally written to be humorous and people took it and made a new religion. It does prove that the human race will never take responsibility for their own actions. The majority will spend valuable time finding someone to blame for the state of the world. Then when there is a lack of a person to blame there is the ‘invisible’ person, or groups of people. My kids call that person I Didn’t Do It.
July 19, 2009 at 7:45 am Talk about africans being crazy, shit hope none of you are from africa cause you’ll scare me to the south pole! I like the one about living life like there’s no tomorrow; that could apply to everything we do or ought to do. To me, life is just one helluva long day (the longer you live the longer the day) and death…sleep that you’ve always yearned for; no kids waking you up, in fact never waking up! You’re all good people, but fuckin confused (like me)!!!
July 20, 2009 at 7:23 pm let me tell you something people from africa are just like you so dont be fuckin studid!ok back to the point,just like one of you said,believe on what you believe,live your life like there is no tomorrow!But stop beliving on some stupid illuminati crap,because ts not true!believe in your faith and let nothing detroy that!
July 20, 2009 at 9:54 pm agy i dont think grey stone was making fun of african’s, i think he himself is one and saying he’d get away from there if these conspiracies were being spread there.
faith? i have no problem with religion in any gods and know that most of the time, that is what keeps people living. however there is them people that want to spread the believe standing in streets praising to people about how god helped them and tries to get others to join them. i dont like that, leave people alone. the same situation is here, people believe in something that keeps them living, but they try and spread word about it and getting people to join them. theres not much difference in the two situations. i have no problem with people believing in this, just stop trying to get others to believe it. both of these situations have no proof of being true, for all we know worshipping the god you believe in may be do good when you die. basically dont try and convince others to believe in what you believe unless you have proper solid proof that any of it is true.
July 21, 2009 at 8:34 am Holy fuck!!! Who is this Keet wanker!?!?
Every single time i hear a post getting back to the topic of the Illuminati or interesting stuff, this keet guy whines, and whines and whines… “i don’t believe in this because no one came knocking on my front door and handed me a booklet detailing the Illuminati’s plans to establishing a New World Order.” Or “i wasn’t taught these things in school, or it wasn’t force-fed to me on the mainstream media, so there’s simply NO PROOF.” He is the physical manifestation of the typical heard mentality of the average sheeple, who spends all their time watching Fox news and NFL football all day.
Then in later posts in ignorantly proclaims he’s “free” to do/say/go whenever or where ever he wants etc. What kind of fucked up world do you live in Keet? You’re free??? “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” is a famous quote (i forget the german author, sorry), and yet you keep embarrassing yourself repeatedly by your ignorance. Keet, you are restricted to go to many places on this earth, heck, you can’t even park your car in certain places at certain hours of the day for that matter.
Please, stand in front of the CIA HQ and talk shit about Obama and you’ll find yourself rotting in the nearest prison thanks to the new Patriot Act. You’re NOT free to refuse paying your taxes, or bills because you’re enslaved by the system. If you don’t WORK for an Illluminati-controlled corporation, which is pretty much all of them, you’ll STARVE. But i’m very glad you think you’re free, moron.
PS – Educate yourself before posting on these forums…the New World Order is a one-world government with centralized control of the government, banks, military and finance, which hasn’t even happened yet. So stop repeatedly counter-posting your dumbass comments like you some how think if you don’t believe it’ll happen, it magically won’t because it’s just all in our minds. The original author of this subject is metaphorically trying to tell everyone, “HEY GUYS! A GIANT STORM IS COMMING!!! CLOSE ALL YOUR WINDOWS AND HEAD TO THE BASEMENT.” But you’re the clueless moron standing in the middle of the field saying “i don’t believe in storms, STOP FEAR MONGERING.” So just STFU, turn on Fox News, grab an cold, aspartame-filled beverage and continue living in ignorance. Trust me, the excitoxins in the drink will make you fell much better…but you probably won’t have a clue why.
July 21, 2009 at 8:55 am firstly i dont watch the shite NFL, secondly i dont watch the fox news and thirdly i’m not american thank fuck. i aint whining, i came on here because i was interested in this NWO and illuminati conspiracies. more and more of what people keep telling me are just making it more and more unbelievable. like i say all you try and do is abuse me for not believing what you believe, just like CULTS and TERRORISTS. i’m stating obvious FACTS and not conspiracy theories. i dont own a car, i dont even want to go to the US never mind CIA HQ, bills and taxes are what funds your country, famous saying by JFK; “dont ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” i enjoy my work, thats what i wanted to do and thats why i do it.
you fear yourself, you are the up and coming NWO, you are the ones that want to take over the governments and control the world, you are the ones that cannot see it yet but when you do it’ll be too late! now stop trying to shut me up and take a look at your life. sounds like you are not happy with your life and you want someone else to blame instead of blaming yourself, so you blame it on this NWO thing.
July 23, 2009 at 8:34 am What is important for the sakes of one’s sanity is to keep an open mind on the subject. Listen to both sides of the argument and respect opinion. Secret societies and conspiracies are indeed secret, so showing any proof on them is not so easy.
I think there are secret societies, and I also think there is so much corruptness within the world we live in. History repeats itself in many ways and good and bad will always walk this earth as long as there is mankind, but even more so when there is a lure for money which breeds power, greed and hatred.
I also believe freedom is non existent. We no longer live in caves and hunt for our own food. We are slaves to a society which is being controlled by those in administration who control the governments, banks and society in general.
We all have the chance to get ahead of the game in society in our younger years. We have the choice to do well at school and learn a good education. I’m a strong believer in social outcasting. If you are a drop out in your youth you will get no favours from society. Some are fortunate to be born into aristocracy, and spoon fed into a better life. Most of us must fend for ourselves and must make the necessary sacrifices in our younger years to put ourselves in a better position later in life. If you learn the right education you will have the opportunity to go for that job you want to do. Unfortunately, if you screw up and live the life of Riley instead of getting your head into your studies you’ll become that slave of society. It’s your choice, nobody is forcing you to go off the rails are they?
Now I believe society is split into different classes. We have the aristocracy, wealthy, middle class and the slaves of society. Most of us fall into the final bracket. It is the slaves of society who gets the rough end of the stick but unknowingly is the drive force behind the economy.
Whenever there is a strike action, corporations suffer, and union of workers becomes a more powerful force. This is why the unions are slowly getting disbanded and employers are creating split workforces in their field of work. Different rates of pay, favouritism, promotion etc all contributes to an unsettled workforce which stops union of workforce. It basically creates the mentality of self, instead of a show of hands. Each to their own state of mind is created. When we saw the lorry drivers go on strike which almost brought the whole economy to a standstill the government panicked and had to settle things quickly. They dropped the price of fuel tax. already, the show of hands in this action overpowered the administration. The mass of lower class have more power than they realise, they are split purposely because they threaten the money men at the top.
The world evolves around money. It’s a fact of life. Without the money we cannot buy food, clothes or pay our taxes and bills. Taxes and bills that are put into place to help with the administration which controls us.
We are not exactly free are we? Unless we all go and live in that cave and hunt our own food. Even so, poaching and hunting are crimes these days are they not? So are we entirely free to live as we want to?
As for weather control and mind control? I’ll keep an open mind on that, but for New World Order and secret societies who are hell bent on world domination? I do believe in this stuff.
It’s all about money and power.
July 23, 2009 at 8:59 am People don’t be stupid everything this person has mentioned is the truth. In my english class in university i have been exposed to novels involved with pornography. think breakfast of champions and coming through slaughter.
July 23, 2009 at 9:14 am all seeing eye has made a good point about the working class, with the petrol strike, the country came to a stand still. are these the people that can become the NWO because they rebel against the government? that is what extremist believers of the illuminati could end up becoming. it will be a rebellion against governments and countries that will cause and create a NWO then realise that it was themselves that they feared.
dazzle what do them novels have to do with this?
July 23, 2009 at 10:22 am Keet
The NWO is a movement to form a one world government. Already it is in place throughout the most of the world. This is very much conclusive.
In Europe we have a union of nations. UK has joined the European union and recently Mr Blair has announced his application for European presidency. This is very coincidental don’t you think?
In USA there is a plan in place to unite Canada, USA and Mexico into one union called the North America Union. There are plans in place to unite South America.
In Africa now we have the African Union.
Eventually we will see a union of the middle East.
It’s a matter of time.
Iraq and Afghanistan are already under control although the media have us all believe otherwise and that both these countries are still in utter chaos.
This is portrayed in such a way to warrant the occupation of coalition forces in the middle east over the last ten years where secretly unknown to us gullible folk who listen to the mainstream media, during this period of time the coalition army have built military bases throughout the realm to tackle Iran and N.Korea, who are considered a bigger threat – Hence the recent news surrounding impending trouble from these latest two countries.
Was going to war against Iraq and Afghanistan a way to occupy the middle east with military might. Why have our forces stayed so long when both Saddam have been dealt with and the Taliban been virtually wiped out? I must say, I smell a rat here.
I really do think there is a plan in place to control the world under one government. Already we are seeing signs all around us in our everyday life. The influx of European citizens to and fro from the UK has gotten us nationals used to the idea of living with our overseas neighbours. The sense of nationalism is rapidly being eradicated. We are fast becoming a one world order.
I believe the money men who control administration, the Illuminati, the free masons, the wealthy Jewish bankers etc want world domination because global distribution of money and power is their ultimate buzz.
I believe in this stuff, but as for mind controlling drugs, weather control, electronic chipping, martial law etc… I’ll keep an open mind. If it eventually starts happening, then I’ll believe.
The all seeing eye…seeing is believing.
I also think the latest outbreak of swine flu is suspicious. Next they are telling us all that we all have to take a vaccine jab. I’ve rarely taken medication pills, I’m one of those who hate going to the doctors or pumping narcotics into my system. I am very wary about pills and jabs. How do we know that this forthcoming vaccine will be good for us? Because the government and media tells us so? The government and media who often tells lies. How can we trust a government who rob off our tax paying funds?
Now if we make false claims and take benefits that we are not entitled to we are subsequently punished with fines or prison. If the ministers of parliament make false claims and take from the tax paying fundings they are pardoned by a simple apology.
Who should we believe and trust?
July 23, 2009 at 10:56 am with almost all the countries in the world there is the UN. are the UN this illuminati? like i say, some of the stuff can be taken as another secret group, however i do not believe that there is a group that can take over the world. theres the thing about too many chiefs, and thats what would happen. the same again, IF this world ever does become ‘one world’ then the same would happen as did with the USSR, it would fall. from this web page, all i can see is other people adding more to this conspiracy that makes it unbelievable. i dont mean to say that the illuminati or any other group exist, however the chinese whispers has come into play with people adding more in to the original story.
the swine flu outbreak is just like any other virus outbreak like smallpox, chickenpox, AIDS, plague, etc. bacteria is something that can transform and adapt, thats how evolution works. Earth is meant to be able to hold 1 billion people, we now have 6 billion. people live in crowded areas, that makes it easier for viruses to spread. it is a way in which the world keeps a balance of the population.
the threat of prison for false claims is more to try and scare people of them actually doing it. they would fine you and probably ask for you to pay it back, although prison is more or less if you do it again.
we should believe and trust the people that we believe and trust. believe who you want to believe, trust who you want to trust, it is your choice and no one elses.
July 24, 2009 at 1:51 am Keet,
Do you trust the government? Do you trust the UN? Do you trust your boss or local council?
Do you think society over the last decade has become more unstable and do you feel a sense of paranoia and concern these days? Do you feel a sense of uneasiness and unhappiness all around you? Is this evolution or an act of nature or is this planned by those who control us?
Are we really being brainwashed by the media for example?
A decade ago we didn’t hear of half of what we hear today in the media. The levels of murder, rape, burglary, anti social behaviour, rioting and vandalism has almost trebled in this last decade. Why?
A sense of hatred, anger and discontent has festered in our society. Mostly triggered by uncertainty, insecurity, intimidation and the lure of money and power.
You have to be honest with yourself. Things aren’t right at the moment and every passing year things aren’t getting any better are they? Why?
Don’t kid yourself, there is something brewing, something nasty that you can almost taste in the air itself.
Something which we all aren’t sure about, something we aren’t told about and certainly kept secret about.
Either the media is purposely trying to unsettle our lives or things are already escalating all around us quicker than we would imagine.
Ignorance is a blessing in disguise they say.
Perhaps that’s what they want us…
Perhaps they don’t want us to ask the questions they don’t want to answer.
July 24, 2009 at 2:29 am basically i have never trusted the shite that the media say, especially ones like news of the world, the sun, daily mirror. things are not any worse now as what they were before. violence happened in the 80′s and 90′s with football just as bad as this ‘knife crime’ business. 60′s and 70′s there was anarchy happening, protesting. there were knife crimes just as bad but were not as well covered or reported back then. it is not known if its tripled, just that the reports of it has tripled. its the same as paedofillia, theres been more reports about it occurring, however a lot of it happen 30 or 40 years ago! as an adult you are more safer now walking down the road then you were 10 or 20 years ago.
some people are too weak minded nowadays and cannot think for themselves; when an issue arises and they carry on about it, you argue against them and go into detail and they dont have a clue what you are on about because they are people who cannot think for themselves. these are also the people that can be easily convinced that the illuminati are taking over the world, (i do not mean all believers of the illuminati are like this, just that other people can be easily convinced and not question if this is true, false or a bit of both), hitler tried to take dominate europe however he failed, the romans tried it, the vikings tried it, the persians tried it, this can go on but the statement i am saying is that this is nothing new; there has always been someone or something trying to take over the world.
we are only brain washed if we dont think for ourselves. some people now just trust what they hear from someone else, who heard it from someone else before that, who heard it from someone else before that etc. the papers are useless, i do not read the papers anymore, except maybe the local papers, i dont always believe what happens in the news.
to be honest, i myself does listen to what the news says, what the government says, what the public says, however i then think about it and decide whether to believe it or not. thats what people should be doing.
July 24, 2009 at 5:19 am I never buy the newspapers myself. Especially News of the world. Most of the newspapers columns are purely speculation, second handed information or plain lies. I hate reading about people like Katie Price and Paris Hilton. hanger on’s who live off the small minded. Gossip and celebrity updating is sickening. Most of these people have no talent whatsoever yet earn millions out of the less fortunate who droll over their pictures and lifestyle.
Some of us work 70 hour weeks to survive, pay our taxes and pay for everything we need to put food on the table and supply shelter for our families while these celebrity spoon feeders have no sense of value , have no necessary commitments, have no sense of purpose. They have things given to them for free although having millions in the bank already. They have other people (the slaves of society) cleaning up after them and doing the less desirable chores which these good for nothing people are too lazy and stuck up to do themselves.
I am getting fed up with hearing the lies spouting out of politician’s mouths. The scandals surrounding the rich and famous and the corrupt policies of my own nation who couldn’t give a toss about their own compatriots. Nationalism is quickly fading and the passion for my country I was born in and raised in is fast becoming a dying love.
I am being told I must work to raise my children, that I must provide my own living standards for my own family, that I must pay my taxes and be that law abiding citizen.
Then I see my overseas neighbours given free housing, given more benefits than I could ever have claimed for, treated with more respect, given more civil rights than I ever have had.
I then look around me in my society and see it brimming with discontent, unhappiness, anger and violence.
I accept crime has always plagued civilisation throughout history. It has always been around, but looking at society in today’s perspective and to how it was 20 years ago, I can honestly say it has deteriorated so dramatically.
Crime has soared, unemployment has upped, prisons are overflowing, heinous crimes are not severely punished.
The police force is weak, the judicial system is failing, the economy is at a low.
The outlook is very bleak.
Wherever we look and listen, the papers, the news, the local chit chatter, there more often than not is sadness all around us and the bringing of bad news. The world is seems very unstable in many ways and so is our own neighbourhood and towns.
Wake up and look around you.
I was just like most people today, the masses has it happens, the majority who are fed up with instability who would just simply ignore it and don’t take any of it in. I just got on with my life, minded my own business and worked hard for my family.
Then I was assaulted in a chip shop for no reason, then I had my car nicked, then I had to sort out some unsavoury bullying towards my boy in school. Then I lost my job and had to settle for a lower wage elsewhere which forced my wife to work longer hours which interrupted with the children’s care. Luckily for us they have good grandparents who love and care for their grandchildren when we cannot be there. They have a sense of well being and fulfillment of life because in their day that was how things were. They could leave their front door open, their car doors unlocked without any fear of some crook entering and stealing anything. They also had enough help back then to cater for their families. They were treated with more respect it seems and most importantly had equal civil rights unlike most of us nationals today. The troubles seem to come thicker and faster now then they ever did before.
It’s alright to sit tight thinking things don’t effect me, but it is all a matter of time before we all become a victim of today’s society. The society that nobody in administration seems to give two hoots about……
You can’t seriously tell me that nothing is wrong! That we aren’t being treated on a level playing field and that we have total freedom. We simply haven’t have we in this big brother day and age?
July 25, 2009 at 2:25 am i”ve been in a very similar situation. my dad was injured and unable to work for 9 months, got barely anything for sick pay so the debts piled up. had to end up selling the house to pay off the debts before the companies took away the house. went on to rent a house and managed to get some compensation from the work company because he was injured at work therefore should have still been getting full pay. over 3 years later and they are only just in the process of getting back on the housing market and buying a house, at the age of 58.
i did move out just after this had happened as i went away to study and now live elsewhere, so i had to save all my money up for a year before i went away, take out a student loan and pay for everything myself. i am not bothered about that, i wanted to pay for myself however, the government are now saying that they will leave the student interest at 0%. it is meant to follow the RPI so should be in negative. this is not fare at all, they have bent the rules, last two years it has been 4.8% so it should only begin to even out for me. i do invest wisely and always have a saving account with a higher percent than my student loan but that is not the point. they have bent the rules when they would start to loose out. i am very careful with money, both spending and saving, and am trying to get a decent amount for a deposit on a house. i know i will soon be in a similar situation and that is why i always follow whats happening with politics, government and financial issues all over the world. its that simple butterfly effect…
July 25, 2009 at 3:40 am They should change the term Politics to absolute control over the less fortunate.
There are things in society which needs addressing such like health care, policing, inflation and schooling.
Our hospitals are overcrowded now with the influx of immigrants, our streets are unsafe with high levels of crime, our children are suffering with lack of education and potential career options, the price of food, fuel and clothing is exceeding inflation, the economy is weak and the housing market is callapsing…yet…what’s more important to this government? Expenses, joining the European union (soon to be world union), waging war in the middle east, giving out handouts to other countries, using our hard earned taxes to bail out everybody but us…selling our arses up the river to benefit themselves.
The term terrorists is not so easy to determine. Who are the real terrorists?
a) Is it the media who are hellbent on scaremongering us?
b) Is it the government who is quick to send us out to war?
c) Is it the banking systems that are hellbent on bankrupting us?
d) Or is it the poor, uneducated middle eastern countries with no weapons of mass destruction?
When you have an open mind, and you look at both sides of the story, which out of A) B) C) and D) above looks the more likely to be the real bringers of hardship and terror?
Are we sleeping with the enemy? Are we really living in hell? Are we actually fulfilling our lives with love, peace and joy like Jesus would have it to be, depending on your faith?
All we want is a free loving world, to be able to live in peace and befriend our neighbours, yet society today restricts us from doing this doesn’t it?
We are encouraged to compete and challenge each other for everything. We have been programmed to accept everything around us. We eat the foods they provides us, watch the programmes they show us, read the books they write for us.
We also don’t do the things they say we cannot do or they will punish us and we accept the laws and rules that are drilled into us.
Yet when we see someone breaking these laws and see the lenient punishments being dished out are we getting the impression that we are really being encouraged not to do break these laws anyway?
Things are confusing? Are they really trying to confuse us? Do they want us to feel paranoid and discontented?
Remember these money men at the top are scared of unity. They are scared of the overwhelming populous rising up against them. History often repeats itself, where revolution and the coming together of hands completely destroys a bully’s world.
It’s just like the school bully thing. The big kid who walks around tormenting the pupils until their victims eventually get together and fight back. The bullying often ceases thereon.
Perhaps the happening in 2012 which people are so unsure about is the coming together of the victims of society, the less fortunate who are fed up with being controlled and stepped on. Perhaps this is going to be the big change or the final fight between good and evil which the bible predicts.
July 25, 2009 at 5:43 pm Keet…… i bet you will be the first too run too the fema camps once the ufos, jinn and annunaki arrive! An amazing illusion is about too unfold!!!
July 25, 2009 at 9:41 pm you lot never read the comments do you, i no stupid american, im british. fema camps is what you have not us. you now saying that the aliens and the demons are coming? are they the force behind the illuminati or is this another load of bullshit that people keep adding to the conspiracies? the illusion is on you for when this doesn’t happen, then who’ll be laughing? you stocked up on your supplies, nucleur protective suit, food stock etc?
July 26, 2009 at 10:38 pm Keet,
The truth is out there, but you must research it yourself. That’s the game.
The proof is all around us, but we only see what they want us to see or what we are programmed to see. If we need to see further we must open our eyes and our minds more. This is something they don’t want us to do. This is why they control the media and own the entertainment business so that they can programme us and distract us all from reality.
Throughout history there has been many attempts of world domination by secret societies and all have failed by one common factor. That being the masses standing up against them.
In the past brute force and conquer were their tactics but we are in a new age and the war is now fought physiologically. They will try to make us consent to the idea rather than be forced. This is why we are lied to since birth. We are only taught the things they want us to learn and when we become wise in our later years we are already programmed to not look for the truth. Unfortunately some people wake up and look for it and what they find is something corrupt all around them. We are nothing but slaves of a society which is being driven by money and control.
We are purposely mislead, confused and frightened to accept everything around us.
Why do you think there is so much crime and that over the years it has gotten worse?
In every western nation there is enough resources in policing, justice and prison services to detain most criminals. It is as little as 1% of the population that is breaking the law. Yet instead of locking them away and throwing away the key they let most loose back into society with lenient sentences and fines. Why? So that there will still be a need for a police force and still be a need for security. They want us to feel threatened and want us to feel unsafe so that we bow down to them. It’s no different from the protection rackets within the criminal world itself.
We must all wake up and open our eyes.
I was a sheep, a follower of the way, ignorant and distracted from reality until I fell victim to the society we live in. I kept my head down and worked hard, payed my taxes (still do as it happens) but now I am not so ignorant. I’ve opened my eyes to the wider picture and looked behind some closed doors with the help of the Internet which is something they cannot control YET!!!!
You won’t find any of the answers within your society. Remember they are secret and they hide things from you. You will not find them in books at the library, why? Because they control the councils and media. There is little information on the bookshelves in your local shops that will educate you on the truth. They control virtually every institution in the world. They control governments, religions, military, media, local councils, education system, judicial system and most of all the banking system.
What gives them the ultimate power and control – MONEY!!! The money which we all work hard for and give them in one way or another.
We live in a material world, a world where the lure of money has overtaken our own lives. We want to buy the latest products, buy the foods they produce for us, buy the drugs they supply us which kills off our minds. We just accept these things because they are all around us and we see no different unless we look further into the illusion.
We pay our taxes, pay for our food, entertainment etc..
Have you often asked yourself the question, why isn’t anything for free? Everything is about money and if you don’t have any nobody wants to know you…is this how mother nature wanted us to be?
For Christ sakes, the need for change is coming. Perhaps in 2012 this latest attempt of a secret society trying to control the world will come to an end. Perhaps this is the change!
July 26, 2009 at 10:46 pm Psychologically was the word I meant!
July 26, 2009 at 11:25 pm Ever heard of pyramid selling? It starts at the top and filters down through to the bottom. The person at the top eventually creams in the money when their sales persons beneath them expands their sales persons and vice versa…isn’t this the same to how society works today?
We have those at the top creaming in the money and power while the slaves of society at the bottom of the pyramid are making them money.
This is the whole idea of the all seeing eye and the pyramid which is separated from those at the top. Wake up! It is us who are enslaved within the brickwork of their pyramid society.
Look at their symbol. There is a break off from the pyramid to the enlightened one’s at the tip. They are there and we are here within the brickwork of the pyramid, imprisoned and we don’t even know it!
July 28, 2009 at 11:56 am no keet i said jinn and annunaki NOT ALIENS! these entities are all around us, and yes they are the driving force behind us!
July 28, 2009 at 12:49 pm read your past post; you clearly say ufos, jinn and annunaki.
July 28, 2009 at 1:21 pm to be honest, (no offence meant), however you are beginning to sound like a cult leader. you say they are trying to control our minds and control what we believe and think; isn’t that what you are trying to do just now? there are books, TV programmes and internet sites about the illuminati beliefs. it all started with a book written by a ‘secret group of jews’ and called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.
they control the papers, media and police force? so who says all this crime stuff is true? i live in glasgow and feel safer now then when i go back to where i originally lived.
the pyramid system has been around for centuries with royal families, faro’s, leaders, etc hitler, napolean, gengis kahn, tutankhamun, oliver cromwell, henry VIII, the list could go on. some of them were right, some were wrong however they all had a reason for what they did and how they did it. i know i’m going to be told that some of thes if not all of these were a part of the illuminati, although it is believed that the illuminati were not formed until the late 1700′s.
the “pyramid system” is what keeps control of the world yes, however if there was nothing like this then the world would be a disaster, like the book “lord of the flies”. to try and make it fair and equal, it would end up being unfair and become a disaster. it would be the saying “too many chiefs and not enough indians”. parts of the world are kept under control and safe, however with the rebelling it has caused chaos and that is why the world is what it is. like i say, the NWO is the people that are trying to fight against it, they just dont know it yet; when they do it’ll be too late…
July 28, 2009 at 2:14 pm what do ufos have too do with aliens?
July 28, 2009 at 9:31 pm ufo’s have more to do with aliens then they do with demons, oh wait a minute thats right its the illuminati that want us to believe that and they are the actual ones controlling these ufo’s. it all makes sense now; are you religious?
July 29, 2009 at 2:14 am Where do you come up with this stuff/ Are you high?!
July 29, 2009 at 11:18 am im high all the time! lol jokes but no serious they will want you too beleive that ufos are alien space ships attacking the world forcing us too surrender too a new world government, and this shit is not comming from some stupid video on youtube or nothing, i have seen some fuked up shit, you don t have too beleive me and i don t care if you do because i really don t give a shit about people!
July 29, 2009 at 11:08 pm no. ufo’s are unidentified flying objects, most of the time they’re noticed around airports, other times they are just a blimp. the rest of the time its just new aircrafts being tried out. what strong clear proof have you seen then?
July 30, 2009 at 9:10 pm Keet,
You are so naive, I am no Occult leader, do you know what occult means? Occult means HIDDEN and this is exactly what I’m against. The Illuminati are the occult, hidden from our society and orchestrating their methods upon us all since the eighteenth century. We don’t even know it.
Do you know why they call themselves the Illuminati? Because they are the enlightened ones. Why are they called the enlightened ones? Because they have been given the light and acquired the knowledge that us ordinary folk wouldn’t understand. What is this knowledge? It’s black magik which is acquired through Satan worshipping and because it sounds so ridiculous and insane, ordinary people wouldn’t believe it yet this stuff exists and only the chosen ones get given the light.
Yet the chosen ones are hand picked into their society and must be of extreme wealth and hold some form of importance. Unless you are born into their own family of bloodlines, you will never be selected to be at the tip of their society.
It all sounds a bit extreme, but it is after all a bit extreme.
Hitler for example was a high member of this society which was founded within his own bloodlines. The problem with Hitler was that he wanted to achieve all the plans of the Illuminati tomorrow and tried to achieve their goals overnight. It doesn’t work that way, it is something that can be achieved over centuries rather than years and it involves control and consent rather than forced and conquest which is the last result.
Look all around you, look at the Bush administration and you will find no difference between Hitler’s push for world power to that of the Bush administration. People don’t realise this, but the Bush family and Hitler were very close before the war, they had good relations. The skull and bones society in America worship Nazism, and the American dollar depicts the Nazi symbol which was founded as way back as the Roman Empire. They are all in it together yet internal fighting within their own society is always messing up their plans.
If the ignorant masses or sheep fail to stop this world domination, we can all pray and hope that their own members stop it themselves with internal power struggling although praying will be a waste of time. Ever asked yourself why GOD never steps in to stop the violence and corruptness of this world? Because Religion is a face, it’s man made just like governments and politics, a man made illusion and smokescreen which these societies hide behind. We are so uneducated and misled it’s frightening. They own us and control us.
Now at present is you’re in employment and are paying your taxes you are accepted in society and by these enlightened ones. At present we have an estimated 6 billion people on this planet. There are more people on this planet than there are jobs and resources.
If you research these societies and occults you will find some startling information. Now I will use the word alleged because nothings proven within this controlled society we live in. But, researchers have found out some scary stuff. Apparently, these secret societies are hellbent on reducing population of the planet. It is as extreme as this. Is this why wars are generated and that violence is rife within our world? Is this why drugs are purposely distributed around the world which increases crime? Is this why we are seeing more and more disasters happening all around us? Is this why there are plans for martial law?
I am not nuts, I work and pay my taxes, I am no occult leader but far the opposite. I want to live in peace and harmony and provide the best kind of love in life for my children. Yet what I’ve discovered threatens not just the middle east and uncivilised parts of the world. It threatens all of us when you discover the agendas of the Illuminati.
They want to rule the world and they want chosen people to slave for them. Everyone else are surplus!!
July 31, 2009 at 7:01 am These posts are funny. We ARE being controlled through everything we see. TRUST NOONE.
July 31, 2009 at 4:34 pm WE NEED A REVOLUTION AND STOP THE SECERT CULTS!!!!!!!!!!
August 1, 2009 at 8:58 pm well…am aphilosophy graduate from africa..based overseas…all this stuffs are said to be true..why?..cos frm the beginning..therre has always been a vice..a conflict of opposites..good..bad/fire ..water..etc…there must be a bigger secret..holding christianity together..esp when u consider the real genesis of the papacy..vatican ..catholiscm…then u know that they not only inherited christianity factioned out rfm judaism,..but thier problems as well…those secrets to which they are now custodians of…well…there is bound to be apocalpse..one way orr the other with thwe way..we arre being run ….thanks…
August 3, 2009 at 7:42 am If most of people who are commenting on this subject could spell or construct a coherent sentence their arguments might carry some weight. Also, the use of foul language is further evidence of a weak mind that might indicate these people are probably easily influenced in what they believe. Try to sound more educated and one might be moved by your arguments.
August 4, 2009 at 2:17 pm ouy/\nac/\ton/\pots/\eht/\tluc/\eht/\tluc/\etile/\itan/\sdlihcshtoR/\si/\eht/\ laredef/\evreser/\woh/\nac/\uoy/\pots/\a/\ecrof/\os/\lufrewop/\uoy/\ tnac/\ew/\evah/\lacisyhpatem/\shtgnerts/\laicnanif/\shtgnerts
August 4, 2009 at 11:19 pm i did not say occult, i said cult. both have two different meanings, cult is what people believe to be a religion however, it does not qualify to be a “real” religion, like scientology for example. basically leading people to believe something that is not able to be called a religion. Satanism is another type of cult. all you are really telling me is the same stuff that i’ve read up on and seen on documentaries, no proof just speculation.
Hitler was a leader trying to take power of europe, possibly more. Gengis Kahn, was he a part of the illuminati? Greeks? Romans? British Empire? Vikings? theres numerous people that have tried to take power however none have actually succeeded. and dont tell me that the illuminati are in power of the world now we just dont see it.
i am not naive, i just think a bit more open minded and realistic. it’s just like the people that follow their zodic signs or follow the Notrodamus theories, that are only noticed after they have happened and read absolute non-scence that can be converted into meaning anything.
i am not a religious man, i am not saying there isn’t a god, i’m not saying there is a god, i just say give me better proof then books people have wrote and things people have said. all religion was not created by the illuminati, they did not exist until 1700′s, a long time before christianity, and even longer before jewis, islam, hindu; and dont say that they did exist back then but we just dont know it.
Bacteria is the most powerful living substance and can quickly evolve to survive certain things like a change in atmosphere and immunity to new vaccines. don’t tell me that it was the illuminati that have learnt how to control bacteria in this world. they did not start the plague that killed about 25 million people in europe, or the spainish, russian or swine flu. dont tell me they created HIV, smallpox, cowpox, chickenpox or any other virus. this is just conspiracies again.
you are only a slave if you want to be. i am dont saying occult i am saying cult, research it in a dictionary and you will see they both mean different things.
killuminati if you trust no one you will get no where; you need to sometimes rely on other people to survive in life.
Makavel91 a revolution is always formed, look at the 60′s, 70′s, 80′s. all against what a government believes is right whether its war, democracy, job cuts or anything else.
Wolfgang1 good point
and post nubila phobus just because you type words backwards it doesn’t confuse sensible people and doesn’t make you seem intelligent, i had to do stuff like that when i was 7 years old.
August 5, 2009 at 6:21 am Keet,
I am no cult leader either, I am not a religious person but I do believe in divine powers of the universe and the spiritual world. Religion is a man made as far as I’m aware of. Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc… when you look into each form of these religions they base everything all around planets and stars, especially the sun. They all say gods represents the universe and sun and they all say the son of god was born and resurrected around the same time, they just use different names and locations etc…
If you research the lost world of Atlantis you will begin to understand some of the encoded messages within the holy writings of any religion. I do not want to go into the tale of Atlantis, but anyone who isn’t sure what Atlantis was and about civilisations that walked this planet after the dinosaur age will be enlightened to the knowledge. There are things that are simply hidden and not spoken of within our modern era, things that are incomprehensible and hard to swallow in our programmed minds concerning the past.
If you think scientists cannot create and distribute bacteria or at least control it then you are naive. Also if you think knowledge and medicine wasn’t great in the middle ages then again you are naive. If the plague for example was incurable and highly contagious then how on earth did royalty escape death back then?
The bloodlines of the Illuminati have been tracked all the way back to ancient Egypt, and everything the illuminati portrays refers all the way back to ancient Egypt from symbols, methods and the worship of certain deities.
August 5, 2009 at 8:23 am for a start i am not saying anyone is a cult leader, i am saying that this is beginning to sound like what a cult would be doing.
the royal family did not die from the plague for one simple reason; they lived in a clean environment. rats carried the plague, the rats lived in dirty areas, the poor lived in dirty areas, they then suffered due to the plague. also, the great fire of london was what helped eliminate the plague, after that there were healthier living conditions, sewage systems, etc.
scientists can create and distripute bacteria’s however bacteria itself is always one step ahead, or maybe three. we cannot control bacteria from transforming everywhere, just in a laboratory that can be controlled.
not all religions have a son of god.
atlantis is the lost continent of the world, some believe that it is at the bottom of the atlantic ocean, others believe that it is in fact antarctica, and has moved with the earths plates like all the other continents have.
speculation of the bloodline trails with the illuminati are tracked back to ancient egypt, not solid proof. who says that the illuminati didn’t just use egyptian symbols as their own, like hitler used the hindu symbol and turned it backwards.
and finally, why do people keep saying that i am naive? just because i am asking for some real proof about all these conspiracies, that i still have not been given, it doesn’t mean i am naive. have you ever thought that you might be the ones that are naive because you want to believe that theres something controlling the world. maybe you dont feel safe, therefore need something to believe in, or dont trust the government. religion does one thing, it keeps people living for a reason, different to each other but still for a reason. people that dont believe in religion believe in evolution, some believe in both, either way they believe in something. maybe the people that believe in this illuminati and NWO believe in it because they have nothing else to believe in, either way people need to believe in something.
August 5, 2009 at 11:34 am WHOAA!!! Got me thinking more deeply…think I’m gonna conduct a reasearch myself and find out if all this is really true, I guess we will never truly know what is from what isn’t but that’s life, people need something to believe in, people need something to look forward to, people need to know that they are working towards something that is worth it even though it may not be worth it!! YOU PEOPLE NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYSE AND EARS AND SHUT UP…LISTEN! Some so-called facts are actually facts and I personally believe most of these illuminati facts are just that, FACTS!! My mind has been opened up to many more things now including the truth behind this ‘cult’ if I may called the Illuminati. I’m gonna get my own facts and I never believe anything unless I get it from the source. Peace!
August 5, 2009 at 11:53 am omg keet you are a fuckin knob! i am from a family where i don t want them too know what i am saying you fuck! is it right what they do no? are u a dumb fuck-yes!
August 5, 2009 at 12:01 pm what? it’s not hard to work out, especially if i’m a “dumb fuck”. if you dont want people to know something then dont post it on a world wide open web page. why are none of your other comments in this very intelligent secret typing style? you have nothing to give me as proof so instead you try and cause insult. seriously this type of thing is for perspicacious people.
August 5, 2009 at 1:19 pm haha, keet people like you are the reason why i have a not one but 2 huge televisions, play xbox all day with over 200 games, eat all day and don t care too waste food, swim in my huge pool all day, own exotic pets, have more than enough vehicles, live in a home way larger than necessary, drink expensive drinks, have tons of music equipment when i don t even play music, the list goes on dude! the point is open your eyes and look around you, the human race is enslaved by an illusion which is called money, money was created so that a cool thing called capital gain can be made by the people that play by the rules of jinn and annunaki, meaning if all my apples are represented by paper than my apples will never rot, you live in Brittan bro, don t you ever wounder who lives in the Westminster house?
August 5, 2009 at 8:38 pm you just dont make any sense, one minute you give abuse and cant take being proven wrong, the next you are so happy with yourself and judging people for having a different opinion from you. seriously you know nothing about Britain, you dont even know how to spell it. you’re lucking that Britain helped you over the past 8 years. you really need to take a look at this web page again and actually read what its about, instead of just trying to abuse people, because you aren’t even able to succeed in that.
August 5, 2009 at 9:40 pm Keet
I too live in a clean environment, I disinfect and spring clean my house regularly and I work within the food industry where cleanliness is essential to the workplace. Therefore I should be exempt from contact with bacteria yet I still catch the common cold and occasional seasonal flu. Does this destroy your theory that Royalty escaped bacterial illness because they live in a clean environment? If something is airborne and contagious there is nothing that can be done to stop catching illness. I suspect the royalty in the middle ages had vaccines and adequate medication to prevent and cure the plague which was not on offer for the mass population. This was all down to depopulation of a world that was overflowing with people. Don’t you see this?
The great fire of London was no different to the great fire of Rome in AD43. The Christians were accused of starting the fire and were marched to their deaths by the tyrant Nero who most probably started the fires himself. After All he had a reasons to do so, he began reconstructing a new city to how he wanted it and had a new palace built. When the city burned he happily played a lyre on the balcony overlooking the flaming city of Rome. Not the image of a man who was angry and shocked and it was no secret that he hated the christian religion.
As for the Nazi symbols used by Hitler, you will find the pope using the same signs on his own clothing, the Vatican square when seen from a bird’s eye perspective is the national Great British flag. There are so many signs and symbols that bring many things into connection. The Queen’s ceremonies are the same as the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt and the illuminati’s symbol is the pyramid and the all Seeing Eye of the Egyptian god Horus which represented the sun.
Did you know that British royalty were mummified and buried under the Great Westminster of Abbey when they died? Is this any different to the burial proceedings of Ancient Egypt and their leaders? There is so much similarities to our own royal families to that of Ancient Egypt it’s either very coincidental or perhaps decedent. There is so much ordinary people who cannot think no further than they think they can actually know about history, world affairs and religion/science – a major conflict between both cults because religious believers are upset with scientists exposing their beliefs with feasible evidence they uncover. As technology advances and scientists uncover more about the planet’s history and universe the more religion is destroyed and exposed. This is a struggle between both institutes that is raging throughout the modern era and when you read into the history/legends of Atlantis you will find the same problems that happened to that civilisation leading up to their demise to the problems we are facing in the world today.
People need to wake up and so some homework, get themselves spiritually prepared for we are heading into another dark age which is coming quicker than expected.
I am not here to tell anyone what to do or to scare anyone into oblivion. I am here to simply say “somethings not right, some thing’s happening all around us, we are being deceived and mislead and we must prepare ourselves mentally to how to deal with the inevitable”
We were not brought into this world to be slaves, to be controlled by others. We should be helping our brothers and sisters and provide a safe environment for our children. Ask yourself the question, are we actually doing this throughout the world?
All we see on a daily basis is hate filled crime, wars, deceivement, harm, destruction of our own planet and greed. Isn’t this enough proof for you?
August 5, 2009 at 9:45 pm descendant I meant, quick typing!!!
August 6, 2009 at 1:00 am how have i been proven wrong? lmao i can t be i live in what you guys call conspiracy, keet your a fagot, go get some pussy and stop arguing with everyone here who is right!
August 6, 2009 at 1:08 am you know what too seems keet you are defending our Illuminati life style, are you one of us? anywho keet go fuck yourself!
August 6, 2009 at 1:09 am oh yea and all seeing eye, you are on the right path, you will find your answers!
August 6, 2009 at 1:11 am lmao, oh yea and keet i live in germany so wtf are u talking about helping me?
August 6, 2009 at 1:24 am it doesn’t stand as proof at all, how does it link to this NWO and illuminati?
a common cold is very different to the plague. also the cold is a bacteria that keeps evolving so there is no actual way of stopping it, and it is an airborne virus so you could catch it in a supermarket, your local pub, the news agents or simply out in the streets or your own back garden. the plague killed millions of people in europe alone, due to rats being the main course of spreading the disease. people lived in an over populated area so it was impossible to keep it under control. there was no sewage system, people threw there rubbish and excrements out onto the streets. it was only the great fire of london back in 1666 that helped kill off the plague. the city improved after that, having sewage systems etc. technology has advance dramatically since then with medicines to help deal with the flu and other viruses. how many people die of the cold or the flu in the uk?
the vatican city also likes like a key hole, does that link it to a locked away secret? of course there are links from ancient egypt all the way to the 21st century. the reason? because it shows evolution evolving. it doesn’t show any proof whatsoever of the conspiracies on this page. everyone is inspired by someone else, musicians, artists, photographers, leaders, business people, the list keeps going. everyone can be linked to something in the past because that is how evolution works. man created the wheel, that can be linked to the car, the train, hydroelectric systems. the creation of electricity can be linked to the TV, radios, computers, heating systems, telephone. do you see how easy it can be to linked one thing to another over the years?
Atlantis is a fiction theory, there is nothing to say it existed as the way the stories say it did. some people believe that the bermuda triangle is the pathway to Atlantis; again just a theory.
I do think people should be prepared for what happens in the future, however it should be about their financial status, the economy, their jobs, their plans, what they want to do. we are not slaves unless you call getting paid for what you do a slave. if we were slaves we would not get paid for working.
all the press report is bad things that happen, not the good things. is a hospital remembered or in the news for saving millions of lives? NO! is it remembered or reported when a mishap occurs? YES! what does that tell you about the press? people aren’t interested in the good things that happen in the world, only the bad things. you prove this yourself by what you just said. just because these things are happening it shows no proof whatsoever in the existence or creation of a NWO or illuminati.
Again i am still waiting for some proof from the people that are trying to convince me this is all true. please do not keep informing me that they are so secret that we cannot see it. and also, NOT aimed at you The All Seeing Eye, dont just put some stupid abuse on here because you have nothing else to show me, it just shows that you are the naive one.
August 6, 2009 at 1:28 am ok then, we helped your country come out of communism and rebuilt your country after WWI and WWII. be thankful for that.
August 6, 2009 at 1:35 am you are proven wrong by giving no solid proof after i have asked the questions about the links to all this. you haven’t given any, all you said is that it is to do with UFO’s, jinn and annunaki.
August 6, 2009 at 3:08 am Keet,
Can you explain to me why the judicial system tends to side with the criminal rather than the victim? Why is it called the criminal justice system and not the victims justice system or the British justice system etc for example…?
Why are the banks allowed to do as they please? How can banks and corporation’s announce bonuses and profits when there is recession and poverty?
How can we justify going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan when the things we were told as reasons why for going to war ended up being lies and cover ups? Did Iraq have WMD’s?
Why did the US government refuse to carry out an independent enquiry on 9/11 world trade terrorist attack? Why did they insist to carry out their own?
Why wasn’t the America public told about the closing of the Mexican and Canadian borders which established the American North Union?
Why wasn’t the British public able to vote for the joining of the European Union?
Now these questions are just a few important questions that has never been answered or properly addressed. Is there any connection?
Why are we subjected to so much negative press and bringing of bad news in the media and why is pornography, violence and bloodshed easily accessed by our own children not just from the Internet but by everyday entertainment industry such as magazines and violent movies?
I get the impression we are encouraged to accept crime, violence and disasters upon civilisation. Why? So that we can relate to it as normal. Is it normal?
You can’t seriously tell me that nothing is wrong or that the modern world isn’t purposely being misled or deceived? Isn’t this naivety?
August 6, 2009 at 3:48 am first of all you are going way of the subject here; this is about the existence of a NWO.
First the criminal justice system. yes it is messed up in the rules of law, and does need sorting out, however this has come about by lawyers bending the real laws so they win for their “so called victim”.
second, the banks control the main foundations of what keeps tis country going. it is like a card pyramid, take one at the bottom and it will collapse. the banks have messed up and the government are now warning them that they need to start lending again or consider big fines. the people getting the bonuses are the way their contracts are written. barclays and HSBC made a huge profit, however we know that lloyds TSB and HBOS made a minus. remember banks dont just get given money they earn money, whether its lending to other banks and business’s or investing in the stock market.
Afgan was due to what happen in 2001, Iraq happened due to speculation of a possible threat. Saddam was not letting people come to inspect iraq and actually kicked inspectors out of the country a few years before any of this came about. When inspectors were coming back in, he caused diversions to delay them getting to places they wanted to inspect. what would you think if someone did this to you? would you think they had something to hide? unfortunately he did have something to hide, although it wasn’t possession of WMD it was him trying to hide the fact he didn’t have WMD. he admitted he didn’t want iran to find out because they were a threat to him. you say about all the bad things happening around the world, being slaves, weren’t the people in iraq like this much more than us?
the US government has things they dont want to reveal just like saddam did. all governments have things they dont want to reveal, main reason because it can show weakness to their opposition, whether in be another party or another country.
i dont know anything about the borders issue thats not really something i’ve known about.
the british public vote for their leader who is the one that speaks for the country, that is what being a democratic country is all about. i say to the people against decisions made by the UK government, “did you vote?” and when they say no then they shouldn’t complain.
there is one connection about these questions, you asked them, that is it.
we are subject to negative press because thats what the public are interested in, who’s going to print something that no one wants to know about? they want to make as much profit as possible. a lot of the time, the press twist things to make it worse than what it actually is or even make up speculations. the magazines and movies are the same, they produce something that people want to read or watch because they want to make money.
there are things that are wrong with the world, however because people have different beliefs, different lives and different minds, it all comes down to the fact, does everyone want the same?
this is not done by one particular “secret society”, it is done by different people. re-read this web page again and you’ll see that you are going completely off track about what this is all about. it is about the elledged secrets of the illuminati.
August 6, 2009 at 4:26 am Keet,
I am not going off track at all. Everything I’ve discussed in my last post concerning Government, media and entertainment are controlled by the Illuminati? Allegedly? So how is this going off track?
Why didn’t the coalition forces finish off Saddam after the Gulf War? did they need a later excuse to invade Iraq years later?
Now looking at the government issue, why are we always having to accept two major parties? It’s either Labour or Conservative yet nearly every person I meet either say they haven’t voted or have voted for another party yet we are always told it’s either out of Labour or Conservative. Is there really any other party ALLOWED to be in contention? Yet when we see either party in power the same old same old comes out at us. Are they actually working with each other or for someone else? doesn’t matter who is in charge of office we are still subjected to the same old policies and control we are always under. Pay your taxes and go to war when we say so ETC…
The same happens in USA government…it’s either democrats or republicans in office and to hell with every other independent party that properly represents the people. You can bet your bottom dollar that the democrats, republicans, labour and conservatives all represents the banks and puppet masters and not the people. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see this. It’s a rule for them and a rule for us, always have been and always will be.
You’ve admitted that money is the problem. Money is what drives the entertainment and media business you claim and it is precisely money which separates corporations, governments and banks from the mass population on the planet. we are not of the elite and could never be so why do people defend them so much? You can bet your bottom dollar they couldn’t care much for the likes of us. Our banks bankrupt us and try as hard as they can to repossess our homes and belongings, our governments are hellbent on taxing us for every penny and send are sorry arses out to war, our corporations want slave labour and force us to work for as little as we can. Here is a prime example, the government say they will help the people out of slave labour by introducing the minimal wage which is now under five pounds an hour. Who are they kidding, sitting on their hundred thousand pound a year salaries? How the hell can someone live on five pounds an hour? How can a family live on this wage? Are they taking the pi$$?
Okay, I earn a lot more than this and can live comfortably and provide a home for my family. I refuse to own credit cards and have no poor credit history. I am a strong believer in spending within your means, but five pounds a hour is a joke. Corporations are now allowed to pay just over this amount so who are they helping really? The people or the corporations? The fat cats reap the bonuses while the workforce is payed peanuts to barely survive. How is this different from slavery? Okay you are getting paid to work but you get paid not to work also which only came in to play through agreement with governments and central banks, one must do his research to find some of this information. The elite or Illuminati have the world bowing down to them because they control the central banks and world money.
Everything is about money,
What is created from money?
greed, power and control which turns nations against nations and brothers against brothers.
This is why there is little love in this world and why there is so much hate. We are being ruled and controlled by money freaks who care more about their bank balances than the care for the human race.
we are heading for a period of darkness and people can be ignorant, naive and stupid all they want but I feel people most of all should be spiritually prepared for the inevitable.
Money is currently a way of life for many people but little do they realise it will also be a way of death.
August 6, 2009 at 4:40 am all seeing eye-there is no point trying too get through too keet, he wants too defend the world order plans, let him, hes not like most people, he probably lives the same care free lifestyle as myself, the difference is i don t beleive what my family does is right, i want the slaves of the world too know what the truth is.
August 6, 2009 at 4:52 am Post nublia phobus,
I admire your honesty. Do you think Madonna was trying to tell us something back in the 80s with her song LIVE TO TELL? I mention Madonna because she is clearly wearing the Illuminati sign on her coat in the above picture and researching her songs for signs I find the song LIVE TO TELL very revealing, especially throughout the mid 80s when there was no Internet. Was she trying to warn people about the secret societies? It’s no secret she is participating with the elite and delved into the cult. She was very moved emotionally when she visited Africa and saw how AIDS was destroying humanity in these parts of the world back then.
Did you think Princess Diana too was trying to speak out or JFK at that matter? Both represented the people more and both were outspoken of the atrocities of the world.
August 6, 2009 at 5:06 am lol, no maddonas songs were written too add insult too injury get it? and princess diana was killed because she was not elite family by blood, and jfk was not a mason and he wanted too change the way the federal reserve sytem worked, so they killed him too!
August 6, 2009 at 5:16 am oh yea by the way my mom loves Madonna! lmao
August 6, 2009 at 5:23 am Post nublia phobus,
Okay, I understand your point about Diana although why did they allow her to marry into the family if they knew that her bloodlines weren’t pure? This didn’t make sense.
As for Madonna, people try to imply her songs have hidden messages such like 4 minutes to save the world ETC..
Live to Tell is a mockery of religion is it not? She is basically telling people that religion is a hoax which is why she strapped herself to a crucifix when she performed live.
What did she mean when she said she has seen beauty and where it is and that we couldn’t see it and that we couldn’t live the life she gives? Can you enlighten me?
August 6, 2009 at 6:12 am its not about allowing it was something that was accepted at first, than became a problem when diana felt powerful, the beauty would be the light which is entities such as jinn, slaves can not see them nor use there powers.
August 6, 2009 at 6:33 am Jinn, anunnaki…
anunnaki is a race from the planet Nibiru is it not? This planet is allegedly where we originated from and is due to orbit the earth in 2012 which will cause catastrophic polar shifts. We are nothing but a slave race for them on planet earth. We have been colonised here because Nibiru’s resources were destroyed when it collided with another planet. Some say earth was created because of planet collision millions of years ago. They made us into our human form and stripped us of powers and That they watch over us in their true form. Are the Illuminati basically the Anunnaki?
Or are they?
The alien brotherhood of Saturn, planet of darkness, destruction and war. Were we visited by aliens from another planet and are they watching over us and taking control of our planet. Some conspiracy theorists believe we are slaves for an alien reptilian race. Are we?
Jinns are shape shifting humanoids that can be summoned by black magic. although I believe in this stuff they are usually at some one’s command. If they are running the show then who summoned them?
August 6, 2009 at 8:40 am because the only thing you now go on about is what the government have and are doing. you are repelling against the government.
first thing. the coalition did not finish saddam off in 92 because the UN mission was to defend kuwait from the iraqi invasion. the second gulf war was to over run saddam and stop funding and suppling terrorist groups that also lead to the independence of iraq.
the government issue. when voting you can only vote for the party members in your local area, because there are more tories and labour leaders, they have more local areas that can vote for them. when i was living in a small town, the national election came up and i could vote for either a tory or a labour. reason being that there was no one in my area running for government. this gives both labour and tories better odds of getting in. the idea of voting for your government is so that they can run the country on your behalf. it is just like owning shares in a company; you can vote if you want the chairman to stay or leave each year at the general meeting.
the same situation happens in the US, the democrats and republicans are the two bigger higher funded parties.
money is not the problem, its how money can be used that is the problem. banks aren’t the ones making us bankrupt, we are the ones that decide to take a loan, a mortgage or a credit card. we are the ones that decide were to put our money and what to do with our money. the problem is that people have not been taught how to work the system, and should be taught especially now. i am a self taught saver. i learnt how the banking system works by doing research, reading books and watching what has been happening. i am careful with my money and spending, i am not a carefree person, i rent a flat shared with other random people, i have finished uni and am working a job that i didn’t plan on doing, i survive well because of what i have been doing with my money over the past three years.
i know there are situations when people are made redundant and then struggle to pay, however the government have brought in an extended rule so that it makes the home owners “safer” and give them more time to try and find a job to keep them afloat, they also offer free advice.
the national minimum wage rate is £5.80 an hour for 22 and over from october this year, 18 to 21 it is £4.83 and younger is £3.57. when i was working part time at the age of 15 i was getting paid £15 for a saturday job 9 till 5. there was no minimum wage for people under 18 back then. it was only labour that brought in a minimum wage for youngsters.
if people learn how to deal with their money then they can deal with their life. it’s hard getting a job at the moment, i know as i finished uni last year, still because i invested my money wisely i have survived, and i dont mean in shares, just ISA’s, regular savings, fixed bonds, etc. i kept track of what i was spending and what i was earning, making sure i was in the black rather than the red. if i was in red i was able to short out my spending.
why are you blaming the government for private business owners giving big bonuses when it is not under the governments control? when the take over of RBS happened, the government have tried to stop sir fred goodwin of getting so much for his retirement.
also all seeing eye, i believe that post nubila phobus is just trying to con you into believe that they know all about what is going on even though they have said absolutely nothing that fits in with any of this and just keep throwing abuse. i know i am going to get criticized and abused for saying this but i dont care. think about what post nubila phobus is saying and read the past comments and you’ll see that post nubila phobus makes no sense and just has spur of the moment comments. you will see what i mean when the sun does come out and shine after the clouds, hint hint!
August 6, 2009 at 10:01 am you will see what i mean when the sun does come out and shine after the clouds, hint hint!
That is the meaning of Post nublia phobus, I am aware!
I just find it very odd that only two parties in both the British and American governments dominate throughout time. Yet when I ask many people here in Britain who they vote for the majority of them vote for neither party. Yet they always get in on majority vote!!! It gives me the impression that no other party that represents the people can compete, they just show up for example!
Are we really given a free vote? Do we really have any say in the matter?
Both parties basically use the same politics and use the usual spin doctor stuff on the ignorant and uneducated public. The only difference is they promise tax cuts etc yet never keep any promises. They still send us to wars that don’t really concern us and still make us pay high taxes in one way or another. They cut fuel tax but raise council tax for instance. We always get hit in one way or another.
The minimal wage fiasco is a joke. The government will always help corporations over the public and always bow down to the banks. People can live in denial all they want but the reality is the banking elite rule the world. Unless everybody stop using the banks and withdraw their moneys and stop living off loans and credit we will always be controlled by the money men. Sadly it has perhaps gone too far.
I can live within the controlled environment as long as there is no harm done towards my family. I can accept the NWO as long as I can live in peace and protection for my family. However, what I’ve learned about depopulation and about secret underground bases developed for the elite family worries me. There is something out of place and the unstable world we are living in is proof of this. Lets just hope for mankind and all the good innocent people out there that dec 21st 2012 passes without catastrophic harm. If there is some secret malevolent society hell bent on depopulation and carrying out ancient prophecies and are secretly planning the destruction of our planet I just hope they get retribution and burn in hell. I will prepare myself and my family spiritually to go to the right place for we are good people and we don’t want to inflict pain and misery on mankind!!
August 6, 2009 at 11:21 am all seeing eye- ill explain too you how this works ok, the Illuminati are not annuanaki, but they do warship them, and yes they come from another planet but not one in our universe, they reside on the planet which our universe resides ON! whats does this mean………..that they live on the next atomic level after us, this makes it appear too humans that have or can see them possible for these entities too be everywhere at once, its like you holding a physical object and in respects too an atom in the sub atomic level you could appear everywhere at once, these things can posses people, its happened too me, and ive seen them a few times, oh yea and jinn and annunaki are the same thing, jinn look like aliens and when they transform they are called annunaki, they look like what Ancient Egyptians called goddesses, like Ra, Horus, Anubis…………. etc. The only one i have seen was Horus.
Have you ever heard that all religions are not real and designed buy the Illuminati too create wars and separation? Ancient Egyptians had the real true religon……….. the same religon the Illuminati practice today!
August 6, 2009 at 4:58 pm is illuminate the dajjal (christ evil)?
August 7, 2009 at 12:01 am no they are not, but they are waitting for him
August 7, 2009 at 10:31 am Damn it Keet you two need to stop arguing like little girl scout cookie sellers and get back to the real world! This is unbelievable…kids!! No disrespect but guys, c’mon arguing is pointless, everyone is entitled to their own opinion so let each other believe what they want to ok that’s why it’s called “their own opinion”. it’s theirs, don’t try and change someone else’s mind you’ll just make things worst! Peace!
August 7, 2009 at 11:33 am excuse me tazz but you’re making false accusations there. i am not the one trying to convince, i am the one they are trying to convince. if you read the comments you’ll find them asking me questions and trying to give me so called “proof” to convince me that this illuminati controls the world. i am not trying to change anyones mind, i’m just answering questions to say why i dont believe some of this stuff.
so tazz go tell the rest of them to stop trying to convince me into believe all this. it seems people are just taking sides now, one against the everyone else.
August 7, 2009 at 8:06 pm This is a quite interesting forum, although, as usual, it has been taken over by those wishing to obsfuscate, cloud the issues, anger, or simply insult others.
Firstly, nobody is under any obligation to prove anything to anybody on this forum. You post what you wish to impart and others may take it for whatever they think it is worth.
One particular user consistently asks for “proof” of a conspiracy. The only thing that constitutes “proof” of a conspiracy usually involves evidence consisting of the recorded words of the conspirators themselves, and usually recorded by hidden cameras/microphones, etc. This “proof” certainly exists. But more than this, the drive towards World Government (or the New World Order), is hardly a “conspiracy” in the traditional sense of the term. It is a plainly-stated agenda of a number of international power brokers, with full doctrinal ideology contained in their published writings. H.G. Wells called all of this the “Open Conspiracy”, in that it was a hardly any big secret. The world is absolutely awash with documented and published writings of powerful persons stating their wish and endeavours to construct a new world order led by an all-powerful World Government under their control.
There is also plenty of “evidence” from the lips of these very same conspirators. For example, at a 1991 meeting of the Bilderbergers, leading globalist, Chairman Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, Founder of the Trilateral Commission, leading international banker, and one of the world’s most powerful capitalists, David Rockefeller, gave a speech to the 1991 Bilderberg conference that was never intended to be made public, but which was secretly recorded and disseminated by an inside mole.
Consider carefully Rockefeller’s stated gratitude to the media outlets who had known for years about the plans for their New World Order, but who had ensured to keep it quiet:
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Here’s a quote from Henry Kissinger, former U.S National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, from that same Bilderberg conference:
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 Los Angeles riots). Tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told that there was an outside threat from beyond (i.e., an “extraterrestrial” invasion), whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.” – Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991.
Note that Kissinger’s obviously nefarious scheme contemplates the foisting of a fake alien attack on the world to terrify populations into surrendering their freedoms to a World Government. This statement clearly indicates two things:
1. These people will stop at NOTHING to wrest “individual freedoms” from people worldwide to enhance their power.
2. They are determined to establish World Government, using both lies and all forms of elaborate deceptions.
Kissinger is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and also a member of Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. These organizations exist to facilitate the international banker’s interests in subjecting the world to their dominion, and the establishment of their new world order, a World Government they will run with no possible challenge to its power.
Here’s another quote, from a senior Federal government official in the Clinton administration:
“In the next century, nation states as we know them will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.
For a person who lives in Britain, the laws which currently govern their country are primarily enacted not by traditional legislation passed by the Westminster Parliament, but by the regulatory edicts of the unelected European Commission. In fact, the plain statistics hold that 75% of British laws are now enacted purely to ratify European Commission dictats. There is ample proof of a conspiracy in relation to the manner in which the European Union was established. Firstly, the British people were asked to decide, in a 1975 referendum, whether or not they wished to remain in the European Economic Community (as it then was), and were assured by all advocates that this entity was to remain a solely trade, industrial, and economic structure. This was all a lie. The European Union which has now been foisted upon the people of Europe, has been developed by stealth, cunning, and deception by people conspiring to restrict or outright negate democracy.
For example, the European Commissioners brought forward a referendum on the new European Constitution they wished to enact. The people of Ireland, France, and Denmark voted to reject the new Constitution because it transferred yet more powers to the unelected beaurocrats of the European machine. Then, far from accepting defeat on this issue the liars of Europe re-introduced the new Constitution, but now in the form of a treaty (specifically the Lisbon Treaty), which contains precisely the same provisions as had been contained in the defeated Constitution. Judges in German courts recently ruled that the Lisbon Treaty represents an unlawful power-grab by the EU elite in that it removes from the separate nations of Europe their right to construct and implement individual policies on defence, foreign affairs, health, education, and a host of other areas of government encroaching on the constitutional prerogatives of the member states. But this ruling will not deter them. They will establish a fully functioning European superstate by any means required, whether fair or foul.
Americans are quite right to fear the development of a North American Union. I have been writing on this subject for seven years. Secret plans for the North American Union have been underfoot for decades, and are now being carried out in a similarly deceitful manner to the methods by which the EU has been established. First the people are assured that the new body is purely a TRADE entity (in Europe the European Economic Community, in America the North American Free Trade Agreement), then they are told now that this trade agreement has been reached, of course we have to have some executive infrastructure to administer it, then bit by bit, this executive infrastructure is handed the functions of government. In Britain, it didn’t matter whether the Conservative or Labour Party was in power, the European Union was strengthened all the same. In America, it doesn’t matter whether the Republicans or Democrats are in power, the North American Free Trade Agreement was put in place, and is now being strengthened under the auspices of the Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America, with plans for a single currency for the United States, Canada, and Mexico. By default of this agreement, the U.S Constitution will eventually be obsolete, and the citizens of North America will one day find themselves living under a new system of government that was designed to serve the interests of the people who created it, not the interests of the people as a whole.
Even the biggest sceptic can surely see that our so-called political “leaders” are bought and paid for by the owners of big business.
For a British person (like myself), one small point to consider is Tony Blair’s decision to take Britain into the Iraq War, and a lesser-known aspect of personal aggrandizement on his part. The British and American conquerors of Iraq authorized a number of leading American banks to mortgage the oil assets of Iraq for thirty years. Since leaving office, Tony Blair has now taken up a highly-paid consultancy directorship within one of those banks. This is more than simple corruption. It is part and parcel of a broad conspiracy to deceive and profit for both monetary assets and power. Now, what came first for Tony Blair, the offer of the lucrative position with that bank, or the decision to take Britain into that war?
Now let’s take a brief look at “freedom”. One particular user of this forum asserts an ability to “eat what he wants.” I will start by examining this particular belief he holds, since a very important development on the world stage gives the lie to this claim. Firstly, unless one entirely produces their own foodstuffs, every part of it, anyone in this modern world claiming they can eat what they like is under serious delusion. There are an enormous and endless array of rules and regulations governing what goes into our food at the production level. As the very first example, water supplies in western nations are fluoridated, and eminent scientists deplore this as a naked iniquity, citing data proving that fluoride in no way enhances dental health, as asserted by officials, and is in fact useful only as a sedative similar to velum, or Prozac. Fluoride is in fact the main ingredient in Prozac. Fluoride simply lessens aggression, and adds nothing whatsoever to human health, dental or otherwise.
There is also the aspect of genetically-modified foodstuffs now permeating almost every product on the shelves of our grocery stores. Our “leaders” are now working tirelessly to ensure that producers will be under no requirement whatsoever to indicate whether any product contains GM ingredients, or is even wholly GM produce. They are instituting a system under which all GM product will one day soon simply be accepted as the order of the day.
But most frightening of all is the coming of the Codex Alimentarius, to be implemented worldwide under UN dictate this December. Anyone who has not studied the stipulates of the Codex Alimentarius has neglected one of the New World Order’s most terrifying instruments of destruction, soon to be released upon countless billions of unsuspecting people, and those of you who mock “YouTube videos” on this forum are advised to watch a particular YouTube video called: David Rockefeller talks about overpopulation.
In brief the Codex Alimentarius mandates, worldwide, the treatment of all dairy animals with recombinant hormones produced exclusively by one company, Monsanto. These hormones facilitate the UN’s Food & Agriculture Organization’s policy of removing all effective nutrients and vitamins from foodstuffs worldwide. How’s that for an active conspiracy? The Codex also reintroduces the use of a number of highly dangerous pesticides previously proscribed as absolutely lethal.
You want proof of a conspiracy? Let’s talk about swine flu. The UN’s World Health Organization has mandated that the so-called swine-flu epidemic be treated by governments worldwide as now a level six pandemic. This is despite the fact that so far only 400 people worldwide have died from it. Raising it a level six pandemic means governments can authorize MANDATORY vaccinations of their populations, bringing huge profits for the drug companies, which, in the United States, have been given absolute immunity from prosecution, or liability in the event that anyone is in any way harmed, or even killed by their concoctions. 400 deaths in the timespan of this so-called outbreak is no pandemic by any stretch of the imagination. Younger readers will have no knowledge of the last swine-flu scare in America in 1976. Let me warn you, the American government, media, and drug companies conducted a massive campaign of convincing people to take the swine-flu vaccine in 1976, which enriched the companies selected to produce it. Only four people actually died of the swine flu. The rest all died from the vaccine. Don’t take my word for it. Look into it yourself. I have done my part. You have been warned.
Everything you really need to know about the World Health Organization (WHO) is very clear just by looking at their official logo. Take a good look at the WHO’s logo and understand that what you see is what you get. Venomous poison.
As for anyone seeking proof of the existence of the Illuminati, this is completely irrelevant. It makes no difference what these people call themselves. Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Freemasons, the elite, Skull & Bones, Jesuits, Opus De, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission. What matters is the effect of their actions, and the clear and certain construction of a system of government in which the people have no say. The European Parliament is a sideshow with no power to review or rescind any decision of the European Commission. Lech Walesa, the former President of Poland, describes this system as communist, and he should know. With the creation of these various “Unions” around the world (European Union, African Union, Asia-Pacific Union, North American Union), democracy is being quietly removed, replaced with an arbitrary system of government identical in structure to Soviet Communism, with its Politburo and self-selected leadership. These Unions are to be formed and ultimately merged into an unelected World Government. Notice that in all futuristic science fiction films the government is NEVER a democracy, but always a ruling council, or Politburo, or a single all-powerful dictator whose rule is enforced by military power, not consent.
When the Lisbon Treaty is finally in force, despite the German court ruling and the rejection of its provisions by the Irish, French, and Danish voters, there will not be a single European nation from Great Britain to Romania that has any remaining national sovereignty whatsoever. The individual national governments of the European nations will be reduced to the role of local administrators for the EU Commission dictators, with no more authority to effect anything than your local council (or City Hall for you Americans). This is the true face of the New World Order, the gradual and systematic removal of democratic rights, and their replacement by the rule of unelected elites backed and controlled by the overlords of finance capitalism exercising the power they have accrued through control of the central banks.
Control of the central banks is how the bankers have gained full control of the politicians. Let’s examine the American Federal Reserve.
I will not go into all the details of all the policies and procedures the rich have had instituted in order to make their overall operation seem so complicated that the average man has difficulty understanding it. With the smoke screen of these policies and procedures removed, their operation is quite simple. Our setting is the United States; but the same situation is found in many other nations throughout the world, for the same conspiracy operates in nearly all countries today.
It is necessary to understand that the Federal Reserve Bank, which figures prominently in this scenario, is not owned by the United States government as many believe. The central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, is a private bank, owned by some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. This bank has nothing to do with the government other than the connection which allows the operation described below. The Federal Reserve Bank has a total, government-enforced monopoly in the supply of money. Before they had the central bank, each individual bank competed with other banks; the customers, the consumers, got the best deal. Not any more.
We all know that today the United States government borrows money and operates under astronomical debt. Why is this? Common sense dictates that a policy of such enormous debt will sooner or later destroy the organization which practices it, for the interest on its debt must increase beyond its income, making payoff impossible.
Now to our scenario. Here, roughly, is how the operation proceeds. Suppose the United States government wants to borrow a billion dollars. The government issues a bond for this amount, much as a water company does when it wants to raise money for a new pipeline or a new dam. The government delivers this bond for the billion dollars to the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Bank takes the bond and writes an order to the Department of Printing and Engraving to print the billion dollars’ worth of bills. After about two weeks or so, when the bills are printed, the Department of Printing and Engraving ships the bills to the Federal Reserve Bank, which then writes a check for about two thousand dollars to pay for printing the billion dollars’ worth of bills. The Federal Reserve Bank then takes the billion dollars and lends the billion dollars to the United States government, and the people of the country pay interest at an exorbitant rate each year on this money which came out of nothing. The owners of the Federal Reserve Bank put up nothing for this money.
We see, therefore, that when the United States government goes into debt one dollar, a dollar plus the interest goes into the pockets of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. This is the largest, the most colossal theft ever perpetrated in the history of mankind, and it is so slick, so subtle, and so obfuscated by propaganda from the news media that the victims are not even aware of what is happening! And how is the principal and interest paid on this “debt“? Wages are withheld, “kept back by fraud,” from the paychecks of the workers in taxes which go to pay these gigantic sums of interest to the international bankers, not the administration of the country.
When you consider that they are indeed international bankers, not simply American bankers, or American citizens, then you begin to understand why they lust after World Government, and why they use their enormous, limitless wealth to fund and control the politicians and media empires that will follow their agenda, and do nothing, nor publish anything, that goes against it. You think you’re going to see stories on this conspiracy in the News of the World, or the Washington Post, or on CBS News, when the people who own these publications and media outlets are either in hoc to these financial powers, or so terrified of their power that they dare not stand in their path?
The Constitution of the United States gives only to Congress the power to coin money. If the U. S. Congress coined its own money as the Constitution directs, it would not have to pay the thousands of millions of dollars of interest that it now pays each year to the bankers for the national debt, for money that came out of nothing. Incidentally, according to the Communist Manifesto the personal graduated income tax and the central bank are two of the ten steps required in order for a country to be subverted by the communists.
Since the people who own the Federal Reserve Bank are the same people who totally control the United States government from behind the scenes, you can perhaps understand one of the reasons they want the country to go so astronomically into debt. You can perhaps understand one of the reasons for the wars they get the United States into. You can perhaps understand one of the reasons for all the foreign aid programs, welfare programs, and all the other unconstitutional programs designed to spend the United States into bankruptcy. These people have amassed fortunes of hundreds of billions of dollars using the Federal Reserve operation and other schemes equally underhanded. They have enough money to buy and sell virtually anybody they want. They have enough money to buy and sell virtually any government they want. These people are without a doubt the most powerful in the world.
In June 1963, President Kennedy began the process of shutting down the privately-owned Federal Reserve, and ordered the printing and circulation of new United States banknotes, in place of Federal Reserve notes. Five months later his brains were blown out. By an amazing coincidence, Abraham Lincoln had a similar battle with an earlier American central bank in 1864, the second Bank of America. In 1865, he was shot dead.
Look up this video on YouTube: The President Who Told The Truth.
For the biblically-minded among you, the construction of this “new world order”, is described in Revelation 17 as a woman riding a scarlet-coloured beast. It goes on to say that this beast has ten horns, and that it will eventually turn on the “woman” riding it, and attack and completely devour her and destroy her.
For those of you who will inevitably attack my injection of religious aspects of all this, consider the words of the leading lights of the Catholic Church:
“We are determined to take possession of the United States, and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with utmost wisdom. If our plans become known, they will surely be defeated.” – Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3, 1885, p. 373.
“How sad will their awakening be, when, with our out-numbering votes, we will turn them, forever, from every position of honor, power and profit! What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a single teacher, not a single policeman will be elected if he be not a devoted Roman Catholic? What will those so-called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of Congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father the Pope? What a sad figure those Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies, and hold the keys of the public treasury?
“Then, yes! then, we will rule the United States, and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ [the pope], that he may put an end to their godless system of education, and sweep away those impious laws of liberty of conscience which are an insult to God and man!
“The American people must be very blind indeed, if they do not see that if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very near when the Jesuits will rule their country, from the magnificent White House at Washington, to the humblest civil and military department of this vast Republic.” – ibid, p. 374.
The Papacy (Order of the Jesuits) is one the world’s organizations that has been most forcefully working for a new world order, and fully intends to rule it, and is, indeed, the ultimate dual master of these secret societies, in concordance with the British House of Windsor (Order of the Garter). For those who will now require proof of the existence of the Catholic Church, I say go look for it yourself.
However, it is this “Church” that is represented by the woman riding the scarlet-coloured beast, and it is this entity that the beast (secular World Government) will destroy and devour.
For those who seek “proof” of the existence of the “Illuminati”, and its ultimate, current subjection to the Church of Rome, I say I offer no such proof, because such proof is subjective. You see it if you want to, or not.
But for those who doubt the existence of the Illuminati, however, you MUST explain why there is a symbol of an Egyptian pyramid on the American dollar bill. You must explain what on earth an Egyptian pyramid has to do with the American people, because the Egyptians certainly do not have the Statue of Liberty, or pictures of Congress, on their currency. You MUST explain the significance of the raised capstone above the pyramid. You MUST explain the significance of the ALL-SEEING eye above the pyramid. You MUST explain the meaning of the Latin words on the dollar bill: “Annuit Coeptis – Novus Order Seclorum.” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
Why are they using Latin language, and Egyptian symbols, on American currency? What do these symbols and Latin phrases signify?
Don’t forget those YouTube videos:
David Rockefeller talks about overpopulation
The President Who Told The Truth
August 7, 2009 at 11:15 pm for a start when i said “i chose what i eat” you have turned it into something else. i said it meaning that i am not force fed down my throat, i chose to eat it. you are taking things i said and transforming them into something it doesn’t mean. also, fluoride is not added to all water supplies in britain, it is the choice of the local councils; wakefield’s water supply does not contain any added fluoride.
most of your speech is about governments, again it is governments trying to be more powerful than each other, feeling threatened by others. they want to be what the USSR were back when they were formed; more powerful and more of an opposition to others. like i’ve quoted, many “groups” whether politicians, armies, warriors or explorers have tried to conquer.
the reason for adding interest charges on to a loan from the Federal Reserve Bank is so that countries dont just get a loan for nothing, all the countries would be wanting money from them, money for nothing. what would you do if offered money with no interest added? the Federal Reserve Bank don’t gain all the money back and hand it out to each other, the money thats been paid back is also used to loan out to other countries.
the swine-flu issue was over rated, it started by killing over 100 mexicans in a short period of time. the virus seemed very threatening due to this, however it has been over judged. it is not as lethal as originally thought, however if countries start cutting back now on handing out vaccines then many people will panic and cause havoc with protesting. it was not designed to make money for medical organisations.
the bible stories of revelation are so obscure that they can be translated into meaning many different things. some of it means dont trust women; adam did, samson did and look what happened to them. a lot of the bible was written not on facts just stories. its similar to the nostradamus prophecies, the text has been taken and transfered into what someone thinks it means. why are none of these translated before the incidences occur?
are you sure that JFK was assassinated due to his “process of shutting down the privately-owned Federal Reserve, and ordered the printing and circulation of new United States banknotes” and not anything to do with the mafia perhaps? i believe that you know about the alleged links with joe kennedy and the mafia, which does put a plausible link to the killings of both bobby and john kennedy. the mafia saw betrayal by bobby as he started a relentless pursuit on the members of the mafia. the teamsters didn’t like this and thought they would get back at bobby by first assassinating his brother, then getting him. This is just another conspiracy, however this would mean that kennedy was assassinated not for his speech on freedom of information, but for the back stabbing of what his father had said and his brother had done. another little conspiracy about JFK is the affair he allegedly had; could you trust someone that would cheat and lie to his own wife and said that there should be no such things as secrets?
JFK also formed the American Irish Foundation that actually funded the IRA for their guerilla warfare against britain. His party backed a coup against the government of Iraq, killing leftist and communists; it may sound like a good thing, however Saddam himself is alleged to be a part of this killings. Blair tries to stop the communism and threats to civilians and the world but gets criticized for it. I do believe he was a good man, however his decisions were not always as peaceful and anti-secret society as people have thought.
August 7, 2009 at 11:20 pm also i did watch the videos mentioned. would google, a member of this CFR allow such a video on a website they own? after all they did buy youtube quite a while ago.
August 8, 2009 at 12:05 am about the David Rockefeller video, he has a good point. this world is big enough for a population of 1 billion people, now with 6 billion there is less living space, meaning more crowded areas, easier for viruses to spread, not enough jobs available leading to more poverty, less food per person causing malnutrition and starvation, more motor transport being used meaning more pollution, less living space, more crops needed meaning less water per person, this list can keep going. he has a very strong point. china tried to bring in the ruling of 1 child per family and you get better funding; it didn’t work it lead to more back street abortions, abandonments all because the people wanted males to pass on their family.
the video has a lot of cuts as well and only shows what he video editor wants you to see; what else did he say? it would be better if you hear the whole of the speech so you are able to see what he really means and not just the negative clips from it.
August 8, 2009 at 1:22 am Keet I never said I was taking sides neither was I making accusations I was simply saying end the argument cuz everyone is entitled to their own opinion…I was actually backing you up cuz you had your opinion and people just did not seem to agree with it they tried to change your mind. I read the comments already and I do agree with you…give us proof of all this talk about the illuminati controlling the world and our lives. Keet stick to your word no one can change your mind and quit arguing with them it’s kinda pointless ya feel me!
August 8, 2009 at 1:36 am ok then sorry about that, i misunderstood what you had written.
August 8, 2009 at 1:38 am It’s cool!
August 8, 2009 at 6:35 am Keet,
Slightly off track now, but does have some relevance towards the Illuminati because they worship deities from these times.
The ancient Egyptians, the ancient Mayans and all ancient civilisations recorded by man point to serpent gods that fell to earth and breeded with natives on the planet. This is allegedly was the forming of the human race written down in holy writings.
Drawings on cave walls depicted serpent looking gods coming to earth. The Egyptians had knowledge and technology which was unbelievable to acknowledge 10,000 years ago. Are these serpent gods and a term written down in the holy bible of giants that walked the earth and of falling angels really alien life?
Do you know about the story of Atlantis and the planet Nibiru which astronomers say is the twelve planet residing on the edge of our universe which every so many thousand years rotates around the galaxy and passes by earth and the sun causing catastrophic polar shifts to our planet which destroys entire civilisations. Could this have happened to Atlantis ( the sunken continent lost under the Atlantic sea) thousands of years ago? If this is true then it brings so many things into perspective to who we are, where we have come from and who god really is which is not some holy being watching over us but alien life from some far away planet that is returning to earth.
I believe the ancients worshiped the sun as the main god and the planets as lesser gods. The Mayans had the most accurate calender and the Egyptians had the most sophisticated civilisation on earth. Did these civilisations receive certain knowledge and wisdom from other entities unknown to man today? If they did then it will explain many things and I’m sure, if there is an alien presence on this planet Nibiru that passes by Earth and returns every so many thousand years we will certainly witness something ourselves in our lifetime sooner than we realise.
Are we purposely not told about these things. It will explain how we are put into the dark over the beginning of our existence on this planet. Indeed we may have evolved from apes but at what expense? Interbreeding with aliens? Something that we are not informed about because that will mean they will have to tell us everything and it will scare us all to death.
If this planet Nibiru is returning to earth as some astronomers will tell us then that means another wiping out of civilisation on this planet is coming in the future and another new age begins thereafter, with chosen few who will in return receive more knowledge and wisdom from our passing ancestors every so many thousand years. Is this why the governments are secretly constructing under water bunkers off the coast of Australia for example? For the chosen few.
The planet Nibiru is allegedly the home planet for the Anunnaki who the Illuminati worship and receive unknown knowledge and wisdom from. We were originally placed on this planet as workers for the Anunnaki to collect the planet’s resources and minerals for them which are few on their own planet. Every many thousand years their planet returns and they come back to the planet to collect the resources and trade knowledge and wisdom.
Consequently the passing of planet Nibiru causes worldwide disasters that wipe out most of civilisation apart from the chosen few who are saved and given the knowledge and wisdom and in return the chosen few will be the one’s chosen to control the new batch of slaves on the planet to work the lands and collect the resources.
Is this a bit extreme or could this tie in everything?
Here is some information on this by David Morrison who is the Senior Scientist at the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
He says,
“People may not be aware that a rogue planet on a 3,600-year orbit is about to enter the inner solar system and visit a catastrophe upon Earth. This threatening planet was discovered by the ancient Mesopotamians, who named it Nibiru. It was known also to the Mayans, who associated it with the end—December 2012—of their “long count” calendar. Although astronomers and space scientists are tracking Nibiru, this information is being kept from the public as part of a worldwide conspiracy. This official silence cannot be maintained for much longer, however, since by 2009 Nibiru will be visible to the naked eye from the southern hemisphere, and already Earth’s axis is tilting, changing the length of the day under its influence. As one aficionado recently wrote to me: “Why are you lying? It’s coming, and everyone knows it.”
Anunnaki & Nibiru – The Return
By John Jaeger
An ongoing interest and debate has been Planet X. This allusive planet has been linked to the myths of the Sumerian Tablets, which speak of the returning of Nibiru (a mythical planet said to visit our solar system once very 3600 years due to its elliptical orbit). Nibiru is said to be the home of our forefathers; the original creators of the Human race; the gods of the Old Testament. Is Nibiru real? The writings of the Sumerian Tablets as translated by Zachariah Sitchin and pre-date any known written history, seem to suggest that it is.
Many current day “seers” and “self-proclaimed emissaries of Alien Beings” preach about the coming events, which will include major Earth changes. I’m sure that even without a degree in Rocket Science, any of us can understand just how the arrival of a planetary sized object would impact the forces being applied against this planet, would have a major impact. Of late, we’re seeing our weather patterns change; major earthquakes reaching 9.0; storm of the century – every other week (or so it would seem) and let’s not forget the sudden increase in activity of volcano’s.
The question of Alien existence is still merely a question. Through out the ages, proof has existed to support Alien interaction in our development and progress. Cave drawings; Ancient Hieroglyphics; mid-evil paintings – all show what we’ve come to identify as the stereotypical saucer or cigar shaped UFO’s. We can’t deny that these exist and seem to represent something extraordinary.
A study of the myths in the Bible also reveal many interesting discoveries. The issue can certainly be debated until we’re all long gone but it would appear that the stories of the Bible, written around 200 BCE, are actually a re-telling of stories from much earlier on – thousands of years earlier! The Sumerian’s documented the stories of the Bible in the third millennium BCE! Their stories offer some of the best accounts of our creation and the events of early Mesopotamia. Yet, our Religion-based society continues to propagate the rewriting of our history for its own means.
There is no secret that the canonized version of the Bible from Constantine’s’ day has left out many relative books. The Gnostics; Book of Thomas; etc., were not represented because they were either not available at the time OR they contradicted the message Constantine wished to deliver to solidify his rule as Emperor. If you compare the various Christian religions you’ll find that different versions of the Bible are used. Some have incorporated the “found books” while others continue to ignore their existence and suggest that they are not legitimate.
Now, consider this. What “if” the events of the Bible are more-or-less true. What “if” the events in the Old and New Testaments really did happen pretty much along the lines we’re told they did but… much earlier!
There is significant proof to date the Pyramids to around 11,000 BCE for their construction. Certainly, with our technology of today we could build such monuments to the precision of these great structures – but… what about back in 11,000 BCE? The Humans of the Bible were farmers and Shepard’s. The technology didn’t exist to create such structures. Now, look at the Maya and their Calendar. Their understanding of astronomy and astrology far exceeded their ability to understand the stars yet they provided us with a calendar, which has been exacting. The examples of technology exist through out our history yet scholars often refuse to consider this when putting together their thesis or journals. It isn’t mainstream science, thus it would bring way too much attention and critique and essentially ruin their career. But why?
Anyone with a computer can research these facts on their own and come to their own conclusions. Anyone with common sense can objectively examine the facts and determine that “we’re not in Kansas anymore”. By exploring these facts, we change everything we’ve ever believed in. We start to question our faith. We have to because what we’ve been taught isn’t what really happened. Most lies are based in truth at some point. Often, good intentions turn sour. Now, add thousands of years into the mix and you’ll find an alarming trend of using Religion to control. Fearing God (yet God is good, right? He cares about us and our well-being, right?) and tossing around the Devil has kept Religious leaders in power and often carved the way for Kings to reach a status of divinity among his subjects.
The fact is, if you research you’ll find that the events of the Bible just don’t add up with the time these events are said to have occurred.
Next, one must consider that the stories of Jesus are a retelling of Pagan myth. Osiris was also a man-god who was born of a virgin and carried out miracles (which by the way closely parallel those of Jesus nearly word-for-word). If you consider that the Pagan’s worshipped many gods and that this belief system dates back long before the Biblical times, the stories of the Sumerian Tablets start to take on a whole new meaning.
In the Sumerian Tablets, the story of Creation and the Garden of Eden are shared. The Great Flood is also a favorite written in the tablets. These stories aren’t changed all that much when represented in the Bible – however, they are manipulated. The Sumerian Tablets tell of the Anunnaki; a race of beings from Nibiru who created Humans by taking the indigenous beings on Earth and splicing their own DNA with that of the Aliens. The Anunnaki were greatly advanced beings and created the great monuments found on the Earth; Moon; Mars and other solid planets/moons within our corner of the Universe.
The purpose for creating Humans is also written in the Tablets. Humans were created to be servants of the gods. Many would have called the early humans, slaves. We were used to mine precious minerals such as gold. Still to this day, gold is considered a highly sought after mineral. Researching the Sumerian tablets will also tell you reasons for this unique status of gold.
So, what about the Bible and the stories in the Bible? Are they fake? The answer to that will unfold over time, however it is most likely that these events were real at their core. Even the stories of Jesus, were real. They just didn’t occur when we think they did. If you consider the speculative orbit of Nibiru and the suggested 3600 year cycle, we can begin to establish a time-line for these events. First we must be careful not to deviate from what has already been written in our earliest documents (the Sumerian Tablets). We can extrapolate based on this information but we must stay relatively true to the core or else our own references will be just as flawed as the Bible.
We know that the Pyramids were built around 11,000 BCE. That means the Anunnaki must have been already here around that time. Considering that the cycle of Nibiru is this 3600 year cycle, we must conclude that anyone left here was stuck here until the next cycle. We are told that the gods had long lives but it doesn’t seem imaginable that their lives would last the full cycle of Nibiru. So, we must then factor in the length of time that Nibiru would be accessible from Earth during its orbit. It has been suggested that the planet would only be visible for a few months but the length of time that it would be accessible might be years if not hundreds of years. Any advanced culture capable of creating hybrids would be seen as gods to their creations. We have that technology today. We mix-breed animals to create animals with special traits; colors or behaviors. We mix-breed plants. We’re on the edge of cloning. So, the idea isn’t so crazy when you consider these things today vs. even 100 years or less, ago.
We must also then consider that there are other beings than just the Anunnaki roaming the Universe. But that is a discussion for another PUFOIN Perspective.
Now, taking in the orbit of Nibiru and the fact that there were and still may be, alien outposts on Mars and the Moon, we can begin to paint a picture of the events as described in the Bible. Many have questioned the “virgin birth”. Why is this so difficult a concept to accept? We have the technology to impregnate a female who has never experienced intercourse. So, right away, the idea of a virgin birth has to be considered plausible based on our own level of technology, today.
If this birth were between an advanced being and a Human, the offspring might have some advanced abilities. Even if the offspring didn’t, the ability of the “father” who IS an advanced being could give that impression should he intervene on behalf of the son. Actually, all of the events spoken of about Osiris/Jesus persona could actually be factual. To the people of the time, simple things we take for granted today would seem like miracles.
The true problem rests with our version of the Bible. We singularize the gods. One must consider though that the “god” of the Old Testament isn’t the same god of the New Testament. A simple review of the Bible will help to identify this. One god ruled with an iron fist. The other, with mercy and compassion. There is no doubt that a power struggle would occur between the gods. If we are indeed offspring of these beings, then we are the best evidence of this. Thus, it would make sense that there would be “groups” of gods who would have told their servants to honor no other god but himself. It makes sense that this would be the cause for suddenly making the Pagan plurality of gods into the Jewish and Christian singularity of God.
The study of the Pagan beliefs is truly fascinating. It must be studied with an open-mind because the idea of these deities is so foreign to the common belief system it becomes difficult to absorb.
Next we must consider the myths, which speak of the return of Jesus. Now, if you take into context the alien equation, the idea of a returning god is not so far-fetched. If the gods are truly on this 3600 year cycle, it would make sense that they’ve left and will return. It is also plausible that during this time we’ve had interaction with other alien beings who do not support the Anunnaki. The question of whether the Anunnaki are friend or foe can be debated. If we were created to be subjects of the gods, it would make sense that we wouldn’t wish to be their slaves when they return. The idea of other aliens interacting within our society may be to provide us with advancements so that our awareness level would be high enough to understand the threat and our technology would be advanced enough to provide us with a means of defense.
The question of time-travel must also be called into the equation because of the suggestion of future events. Interestingly, the Bible is an excellent source of what is to come. Unfortunately, we don’t often understand this until the events have come to pass. Could the Anunnaki have the ability to travel through time? Well, while they “could” it seems unlikely because if that were the case, they’d be able to know about our advancements. It seems much more likely that other alien beings are more advanced than the Anunnaki and shared these future events. These aliens were the “angels” who came to Daniel and John. They planted the seed of warning in an effort to help guide us along a path, which would allow us to advance in our understanding; our awareness of our place in the Universe and in our technology. We advance quickly when we use cooperation. The Bible prophecies speak of this oneness within our nature and the need for us to get along and work together. Obviously, these prophets knew that the only way for us to advance in the time allotted was to get us to “play nicely” with one another. How better to do this than to write a code of ethics (of sorts) for us to live by.
So, what if all of this speculation is true? What if we were created to be slaves? What if we are waiting for the return of the gods? What next? When?
Well, many of the Native American prophecies tend to point to the year 2012. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. The Hopi Prophecy Rock points to a certain path we must travel, etc. The Inca prophecies also point to around 2012. They speak of the coming of the next density of existence. We’ve been able to extrapolate that this will be a time of ascension. This ascension isn’t too dissimilar to the “catching up” or the “rapture” as spoken of in the Bible. Those who’ve become spiritually awakened (aware of their place in the Universe) will ascend into the next plain of existence. Those who are still bound by the ways of the creators and the materialistic world will be left to see the return of the Anunnaki (the end of their 3600 year cycle). These people will see great changes in the Earth because of the influence of Nibiru. They will also see great battles between the Anunnaki and the Humans of Earth. The prediction of 1000 years of peace may only come about at the hands of the benevolent alien beings currently helping us to advance our level of technology.
It would make sense that we will see huge advancements over the next few years as we approach this 2012 deadline. It would also make sense to consider that anytime from now through 2012 that the Anunnaki may be close enough to actually travel in ships to Earth in limited numbers. It would make sense for them to assume that not much has changed since their previous visit. To those who come in advance of their planet, their discoveries may be quite unique. It may even be an Anunnaki who is the “anti-Christ”. It would make sense that the Anunnaki would choose the region of former Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) for their return. The predictions speak of the anti-Christ coming from this region and gaining power in the European Union. It speaks of nations coming against Israel.
On a side note, it adds a new light to why the United States and its allies chose to attack Iraq at this time in our history. Are they perhaps preparing for the return of the Anunnaki?
Our nations are working on space based initiatives for planetary defense. Ronald Reagan spoke of threats from outside of this world in one of his speeches. He was the first to suggest a space based missile system (Star Wars). It would seem that our Government’s are already interacting with Aliens. Look at the advancement in our technology over the past 100 years. Are we being prepped for Armageddon?
There will be many view points on similar topics. There will be many who agree and many who disagree. In the end, only the reader can choose to explore for his/herself or continue to stand true to his/her faith and trust in the authority of their Church. It would be sad for people to not explore the role of Religion in controlling the population. It would be sad for people to not explore the way the various Churches have changed their doctrine to stay modern with the times. The RC Church said that the Earth was the center of the Universe and threatened early scientists who offered proof of the contrary. The RC Church now admits that Evolution is more than just a theory and accepts it as a more plausible means than Intelligent Design – yet, in the scenario explained above, the Intelligent Design is actually a fact!! How can anyone stand true to Religion when it continues to change its doctrine? If Religion were unyielding and thus supported by the science, that fortitude to stay true to Religion would be understandable. Unfortunately, science and Religion do not stand together and the only thing bending is Religion.
As spiritual people, we need to have a faith system. We rely upon our faith to help us through tough times. We pray to God to help us. What if the being that is helping us isn’t the God we’re praying to but rather, a galactic consciousness intervening on our behalf? What if it is simply coincidence? Again, the theories can abound but the facts can not so easily be dismissed by those who are enlightened and want to know more.
Are we in the end-times? That is merely a matter of personal perception. The Earth isn’t going to end in 2012 and neither is life. If the Anunnaki are an advanced race and if they return in 2012 en masse, civilization as we know it may change forever. Look at the events of the past and the cycle of these events. It is pretty likely that the fall of the advanced civilizations will in most cases correlate with the cycle of the Anunnaki. Look at Egypt; Atlantis and other great early cultures. What happened to them? Where did they go? Were they becoming too advanced and a threat to the Annunaki? Did those with an understanding of their place in the universe ascend leaving only the materialistic individuals to service the gods? Have we advanced far enough in this phase of existence to be enough of a challenge to the Anunnaki?
What’s yout take on this keet?
August 8, 2009 at 7:26 am I don t know what everyone keeps arguing for, if you all want the answers I have them, like i said i know about these things, i am a born mason with a masons name taught the secretes of geometry and illusions. my sur name guards the Vatican church and controls billions of gov spending. whats all the arguing about?
August 8, 2009 at 7:57 am Okay post nubila phobus,
You claim to be a mason. How high are you in their society?
Also, as someone with knowledge and wisdom, can you give us any assurances that the masses of civilisation will still be here after Dec 21 2012?
You claim to be a mason but you are not of the elite, only royal bloodlines can be of the elite. It is known that masons under the 33 degree initiation will be no safer than the rest of us if any purposed plan to save a few from depopulation or catastrophe is in the pipeline.
You’ve been honest to announce you are not happy with your family’s interests and the things they are planning for most of us. I admire that and all I ask for now is one thing from you.
If I play along with this NWO will I be safe and will my family be safe from harm both physically and financially?
August 8, 2009 at 8:13 am first of all post nubila phobus, if you are a part of the masons then why are you posting all this stuff on a web blog?
secondly, i dont mean to be offensive all seeing eye but reading that story was boring. you put a lot of repetition in there. to be honest i am not convinced.
why do you always mention about the egyptians? why not the romans, the greeks? they too had their own gods their own structures their own believes.
this ssounds like a similar thing to that cult committing suicide to get on board that alien space ship behing Halley’s comet. maybe its not december 21 2012, maybe its july 28 2061 when Halley’s comet returns, or maybe they are two different kinds like you mentioned.
what do you think about JFK’s conspiracies then with the mafia? how it was them that assassinated him for what his brother was doing? how about his funding for the IRA? and his secrets he wouldn’t tell, yet stood against secret societies for their secrets?
August 8, 2009 at 8:39 am Keet
You only find it boring because you disbelieve. That’s fine, your time will come hopefully, you’re not ready yet! Remember, I wasn’t too!
Now you are doing the same as you accuse of others, is that hypocritical? You ask for proof about conspiracies surrounding the US shadow government and JFK’s assassination then go and inform us it’s all down to the Mafia and secrets of the criminal world. Will you be shocked if I told you the Mafia and the government work together? So my answer is you’re damn right for you can bet your bottom dollar that their are connections between the Mafia, secret societies and the shadow governments. Remember the Mafia have close connections with the Vatican Church and they drive around in with their own licence plates and guess what? The Police cant touch em!!!! How’s that for starters???
August 8, 2009 at 9:14 am Keet read this,
The Great Money Lie
By James Donahue
There has been a story making the rounds on the net about a research study at some unnamed and obscure university. The study finds that people can’t enjoy money that they don’t earn with their own hard labor.
That old saw has been sounding for years and the masses . . . those that work as slaves for the rich . . . seem to have bought it hook, line and sinker.
Back in my younger years I befriended a fellow named Mike Lucas, then involved in heavy litigation against his employer. Mike had been fired for his involvement in bringing a union into the shop where he worked. Mike, who still keeps in touch from his digs in California, has a wonderful brain. He understands more than most people how the system works. He won his lawsuit and retired at a relatively young age.
Lucas believed that the myth about the poor not enjoying “easy” money was a deception, passed down by the few wealthy people who run the system. He saw it as a way of helping to keep everybody in a deceived form of slavery. I believe he was quite right.
There is an ironic twist to this story that most people don’t think about. When the poor acquire sudden wealth everything changes for them in extreme ways. If they don’t take time to plan how they are going to deal with this change, and perhaps seek special counseling, they often run into big trouble.
Over the years I saw this happen when I met multi-million dollar lottery winners and then went back to visit them ten years later. It was not uncommon to find that their marriages failed, they were involved in litigation with former friends and relatives, and sometimes they were plunged into bankruptcy.
People with unexpected wealth become instant targets for con artists and quick witted fellows who are skilled at taking money away from those who are unschool in the art of hanging onto it. Primary targets are lottery winners, family inheritance recipients and the retired elderly.
The problem with our society is that we have allowed money to be our god. Money is literally the controlling power over the people. It is worshipped. When people lose it they sometimes become so despondent they commit suicide.
We train children through our public education system to prepare for jobs to earn money. We teach them the value of money. Parents give their children an allowance that “teaches” them the value of money. Everything is geared to implant a slave mentality in our children as they pass through their formative years. Public schools don’t teach children to think of being industrial, social or political leaders, or to develop right brain abilities.
I knew I was destined to be a writer early in life. Yet my father, a chemical engineer who worked for a company that produced monosodium glutamate to poison the brains of millions, encouraged me to go to college and prepare for a career in science. He saw money as success. He warned me that a career in journalism would leave me a pauper.
I didn’t buy the call of money then and I have never regretted my decision. I followed my calling and spent a lifetime enjoying (almost) every minute of my vocation. I am still writing and probably will continue doing so until my brain quits working and/or my fingers can no longer tickle the keyboard.
My point to all of this is that the lure of money is a lie. Those that have money are usually skilled at acquiring it from others, and also keeping it from the thieves that nibble at their doorframes. The rest of society is frantically groveling in the dust for some way to gain access to a wealth that, for them, is unobtainable. The rich will make sure of that.
Also, I believe my father was wrong. While wealth can make a man comfortable, it does not bring happiness or success. Even wealth that is hard-earned can’t do this.
The thing that matters for everyone is love. Without love of one another, family, children, neighbors and the Mother Earth, we miss the true purpose of our existence. I don’t see much of that being passed around these days.
August 8, 2009 at 9:24 am Keet read this
Suppose All Truths Were Lies
By James Donahue
Some years back I had my first chance to question reality after reading a book by Vance Packard titled “The Hidden Persuaders.” The author told of the ability of skilled advertisers to use subliminal messages to influence people to buy certain products.
Admittedly, Packard’s exploration of mass mind control in his time was narrow in its scope, but the book helped me understand how easy it is to dupe large numbers of people, even entire nations, into believing anything you wanted them to. Adolf Hitler was a master at this kind of stuff. Numerous other world leaders have successfully tricked their followers into accepting lies as truth. Even George W. Bush succeeded at it for a while, and some people still believe we have valid reasons for being at war in Afghanistan and Iraq, even today.
When we are at war, think of how our government’s propaganda machine goes to work on the way we perceive the enemy. Notice how effectively we have painted the bearded Muslim as an evil terrorist. The brainwashing has been so well done since 9-11 that all Muslim people, even valid U. S. citizens, are under constant suspicion. Some report having difficulty boarding aircraft for routine travel.
Before that the Serbs were characterized as mass killers who murdered thousands of innocent Kosovo men, women and children. Our media compared them to Hitler and the Nazi regime. During World War II the Germans were characterized as evil, goose-stepping soldiers who were mechanically following a madman with a little square bush moustache and a slash of hair drawn over the right side of his forehead named Hitler. To this day, that type of moustache is rarely seen.
The Japanese soldiers were depicted by editorial cartoonists of that day as cross-eyed, buck-toothed little people who looked too silly to have been any danger to anybody.
Today, however, our perspective of the Japanese, and the Germans, is much different than it was in 1942.
Our point is that people can be easily controlled through skilled conditioning, and made to believe almost anything the leaders want them to believe. Our understanding of the tendency to manipulate the mindset of people makes us natural skeptics when it comes to believing even the most dramatic of events. Thus we tend to question everything, even the facts behind the 9-11 attacks because there appears to be intended motive designed to strip Americans of Constitutional freedoms.
During my years as a journalist, I practiced a basic rule when gathering information for a news report. When there was a disagreement, we always heard both sides of the argument, then looked somewhere in the middle to find balance.
Contemporary author, the late Robert Anton Wilson described what he called “tunnel reality” in his Cosmic Trigger trilogy. Tunnel reality is the way Wilson claimed most people perceive the world around them. He said we tend to look with one eye through a long dark tube (think of a cardboard toilet paper roll) and accept what is visible to us at the other end as our world. We reject expanding the vision by opening the other eye.
Why do we do this? Wilson believes that there are two primary reasons: (1.) we are molded from childhood by parents, the church and our schools to accept a cultural belief system approved by the tribe, and (2.) we are conditioned to be fearful of looking beyond the comfortable little world we are taught to accept as our reality.
Unfortunately, we live in a fear-based culture. We are afraid of death. We are afraid that if we violate the rules established by the church, we will be condemned to spend an eternity in hell. We are afraid of not having money and will do anything, even lie, cheat and steal to get it. We are fearful of pain and suffering so we cling to a terrible job that provides health insurance rather than break from the pack. We are afraid to take a chance, to quit that boring routine that provides a regular pay check and security. Consequently, few of us ever get a chance to follow our bliss.
Most people are conditioned from the moment they enter this world to be slaves to the few who run it. All people who work those dull jobs for meager wages, and are satisfied with going home at night and consuming a six-pack while letting their minds be further dulled by television athletic events, are no more than servants of the taskmasters. They have no original thought. They are so conditioned they would never consider changing their situation.
The few who dare to break from this mold, to open the other eye and look beyond the dark tunnel, enter a brave new world that leads to fantastic freedom. These are the people who sometimes become the kings; the ones who are masters of the sea of blinded slaves. They also risk becoming the persecuted ones, targeted by the pack for daring to be different.
Some examples of such contemporary persecutions come to mind. I think of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Dr. Timothy Leary, Jessie Ventura and even Charles Manson to name a few. Ventura is the only one of the four who did not go to prison, but he once made himself a target when he dared to publicly proclaim the church “a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers.” It took guts to say something like that.
I also believe that the troubled human condition goes beyond what I have said so far. We are not simply three-dimensional beings. There is a fourth dimension to our existence. It is a spiritual realm from which we came and to which we still are closely linked. But our ties there are pushed down into the subconscious. Most people never think about it at all. But it is real, and it has a profound effect on everything that happens to us. It even affects the way we think.
As I have written before, there appears to exist a spiritual conspiracy, supported by entities in sub-space who play with our minds and keep us restrained.
Why would they do this? Could it be because sub-space beings are afraid of what we might become if the human race ever wakes up to discover its full potential. As allegedly stated by the Elohim after Adam and Eve tasted of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, “Behold, the man is become as one of us . . .” Indeed, with both eyes open and both sides of our bicameral brain functioning at full throttle, we find the god within us. We become the creators of our own universe.
We have been fooled for thousands of years by various religions that would have us looking outside of ourselves for a grandfatherly god in the sky who looks down over his creation, and manipulates our lives. This is a lie. The truth is that that God has always been in us. Anyone who has a soul possesses a spark; a piece of the light that collectively is God.
Scientists know that we humans only use a small fraction of our bicameral brain when we go about our daily routines. Few humans like Einstein, Plato, Aristotle and other great thinkers have gone much higher. Most of us live our full lives using only the left side of our brain. So why were we given such large brains if we don’t use them? Indeed, that question has baffled us for a long time. Is it possible that we have been blocked from evolving to a state of godhood that is supposed to be our destiny?
Suppose, just for the sake of argument, that everything we think is true about good and evil is a lie. What if there is no heaven or hell, no good or bad, no light or dark. What if, as I have suggested in past writings and based upon personal out-of-body visits with sub-space, death is actually a passing from this physical earthly body to a spiritual realm and that there is no end to our existence?
If this were true, then everything we believe today is a lie. By accepting the fear-based theology of the religion we believe we must follow, we have managed to enslave ourselves in a way no human despot could ever have imagined.
August 8, 2009 at 11:02 am all seeing eye……………..
lmao, what makes you assume im not from a royal bloodline? lol, well you right im not, and yea i don t have a rank in a social group like i said im a born mason, it does not mean im in an association with a club, but too be born one you are stuck with being in the know, too know what too know yet how too know where too know, that is the geometry too it.
how can it be possible all traffic lights are the same colour in every country?
what do advertisements have in common with your local traffic lights?
August 8, 2009 at 12:29 pm what do advertisements have in common with your local traffic lights?
Dunno, Enlighten me?
However, can you answer my other questions. I make good assumptions or am I just using parts of my brain I couldn’t use before?
August 9, 2009 at 7:46 am the colours used for traffic lights are red for stop, yellow for yeild or slow down for a red, and green is for go of course, so now think about commercials or flyers you get in the mail as an example, the same colours are used as a manipulative way too make people STOP and think, yeild and be CAUTIOUS or go and BUY. they use this as a strategy when it seems fit too what product or service is being sold.
now your other question i think you are building ideas on what information you have learned, you may be a Scorpio also and able too use more brain power, Scorpios from a masons bloodline or not from a masons bloodline are still a born mason. i myself am a born mason, a Scorpio as well, and a practicing stone mason making myself a mason by 3 different dimensions. now tell me are you a Scorpio?
August 9, 2009 at 9:01 am Yes I am,
Notice how I like to stay up late in the evenings to explore the secrets of life. Scorpios like the darkness more than the daylight and are more mysterious and deeper thinkers. So I am a mason, it must have something to do with the universal power residing in me…
August 9, 2009 at 9:10 am I will go into the reasons why the traffic lights are used in the red, amber and green colours. Different colours evoke different emotions in humans. Red generally symbolizes danger or warning, making it a good choice for “stop.” Green is calming to us, probably because it is prolific in nature and a sign of health and abundance, so it might have lent itself to mean “go.”
Curiously, amber, is associated with warmth, happiness, and the sun. Despite these connotations, it was chosen to symbolize “caution.” Perhaps because it contrasts well with green and red, and is highly visible without being too harsh on the eyes of motorists.
On supermarket shelves our foodstuffs also come in traffic light coloured information about the product.
So, if you see a red light on the front of the pack, you know the food is high in something we should be trying to cut down on. It’s fine to have the food occasionally, or as a treat, but try to keep an eye on how often you choose these foods, or try eating them in smaller amounts.
If you see amber, you know the food isn’t high or low in the nutrient, so this is an OK choice most of the time, but you might want to go for green for that nutrient some of the time.
Green means the food is low in that nutrient. The more green lights, the healthier the choice.
August 9, 2009 at 9:40 am Ok so what about blue lights?
August 9, 2009 at 9:46 am yea those colours create 3 kinds of emotions. not many people think about it, yet it is the same colours in every country?
August 9, 2009 at 9:48 am Yes but I was just wondering cuz blue is one of my faves along with green, white, black, yellow, grey.
August 9, 2009 at 9:49 am oh yea and only men are masons.
August 9, 2009 at 9:50 am So tell us again what exactly makes a man a mason?
August 9, 2009 at 9:54 am you have too be born one, the rest you have too figure out.
August 9, 2009 at 10:16 am Ok cool. Thanks.
August 10, 2009 at 2:52 am asfar as the weather goes only nature is controling it. The world is way to random even for a illuminati. we know their are ellite societies that exist but everyone is to selfish and greedy to work as one network. love is a major key element missing from the diabolical
August 10, 2009 at 7:16 am Despite anything that has been said on here people still need a faith and a belief in a system. Without rules and laws, people will do whatever is necessary for survival. The weak minded and physically poor will become the victims of the strong.
Without any rules, man is more likely to turn to the bad side than the good side. There must be a law for everyone otherwise there will be anarchy on earth. Man will turn to his animal instincts and become a primitive predator. In this scenario, there would be more bloodshed, crime and wars without any form of control.
Whether people believe in religion, governments or accept laws, these things have been put into place to restore some order in the world. The only downside to this is the people who take to the reigns at the top, and what is their true intention and agenda.
If we have people in authority who respects life and wants the best for us then we have a strong faith and belief in our constitution. If we are ruled over by evil conspirators who thrive on money and control and suffer a life in a regime environment, then it will be a matter of time when that is exposed and the right people (people with good intentions) will move in the right directions to restore humanity again. History normally repeats itself in this aspect, but the planet survives and people move on, those that are fortunate to survive any wars. My own parents lived through the bombings of world war 2, they have seen the ups and downs of civilisation in their time. We could very well see out our own.
20 years ago the faith and belief in the system was much stronger. Why has it weakened and why are people now looking for answers? Why are people becoming more suspicious, paranoid and angry with their constitutions and faith systems today?
Now that religion is fast becoming a dying belief because scientific evidence is basically destroying the church and people are now asking for the truth and questioning their own faith. Now with the Internet exposing our governments and picking holes in the media and of people stepping out from the occult societies spilling some beans on the secrets that have been deliberately hidden from the mass population, people are also losing faith with their constitutions and laws.
What we must all be careful of is destroying all the faith systems in operation from religion, governments and law and order because without these faith systems in operation the world will be a much darker place and open to any kind of evil on our own doorstep.
Although corruptness and lies are now becoming very evident within the institutions that govern us and control us today, what is even more worrying is if these were suddenly overthrown and destroyed the corruptness and evil would spill the earth even greater.
Regimes fall and tyrants come and go, and all are replaced eventually. Good times will always follow bad times, but a faith system and belief will always remain because without it, we will all suffer at the hands of our own. Man is a predatory animal, that is fact! Without laws and order or a faith man will kill to survive and man will lose any sense of value, moral and love completely. Sometimes it is better the devil we know they say and don’t always expect what is right from wrong for what is sometimes right is very often the wrong!!
The most likely destruction of this planet will be man made. It seems the most logical explanation or theory. Lets just hope there are enough underground bunkers to save us if world war 3 does happen!!!
August 10, 2009 at 7:56 am all seeing eye- well put there brother! you are truly in the know.
“why do you always mention about the egyptians? why not the romans, the greeks? they too had their own gods their own structures their own believes”
Keet the reason why we mention the Egyptians is because that religion is the only true religion, the entities that govern us physically and mentally are the jinn and annunaki, wither you like it or not.
All other religions were created too add confusion, create wars and separate languages. If everyone knew the truth of what entities truly govern the world than it would be impossible too create slaves.
August 11, 2009 at 3:28 am …
I believe this N.W.O. conspiracy is true.
There is something going on and we are all about to find out.
To you all, do not sit here and argue about what is true or a lie, ready yourself for what is to come.
But remember what it means to be human, remember all the pain we caused this planet of ours, remember this…
We can not help to know we will never understand each other, each fighting for ones self to live is life and nothing else.
For there to be joy there must be pain.
There for one is put in pain for another to find joy and happiness.
The government is not the only one we should look down at, we are as they looking for justice as us looking for peace joy and happiness.
Aren’t we all just human.
August 11, 2009 at 3:45 am And the questions we are all bound to ask is who is working for Satan?, but the real question is are you.
God said to worry about nothing and love unconditionally but we are all doing the opposite.
Always have faith, because God left us with hope for a reason.
August 11, 2009 at 5:37 am god is the sun bro, the nucleus of our solar system also known as Ra, it does not think about what we do right or wrong nor does it care, its simply an element which gives us life, refreshes our water and keeps our planet and spiritual realm in an orbiting balance.
August 11, 2009 at 9:07 am Why is it that children are taught mostly to use their left side of their brain? Why are we brainwashed to use only the left side of our brains?
Humans are the only animal on this planet that only uses one side of their brain, why is this?
The right side of the brain functions the opposites to the left side of the brain. There are few that can access both sides of their brain, why? Because we will taste the fruit of knowledge and great wisdom and become like GOD himself!
Perhaps this is the path we must take to become spiritually enlightened and bring out the god that hides inside of us all.
August 11, 2009 at 9:51 am taking the drug mdma allows people too use more brain power, releasing serotonin and the speed compound in it causes this as well as euphoria and epiphanies but it can be really dangerous. I don t suggest using this drug there can be severe consequences from what i have herd.
August 11, 2009 at 9:59 am oh yea and the left side of the brain thing you mentioned. Your right side of your brain knows well about geometry, we can t have everyone understand geometry than the slaves would figure out how the energy flow and frequencies works. this is why they teach children too use there left side of the brain, the left side of the brain is what follows orderly instructions.
August 11, 2009 at 11:06 am The right side of the brain is more creative. It also gives the insight of the bigger picture and is more subjective.
Our left side of the brain is more objective, it also is quick to accept the basic functions and is influenced by the subliminal. Most of us are taught from childhood to function our left brain over our right brain. The obvious explanation for this is so that we are programmed to be controlled, influenced and manipulated.
The right balances out the left and vice versa and anyone who can use and control both sides of their brain acquire wisdom and knowledge to unimaginable levels. Great scientists like Einstein could access both parts of his brain and there are far greater avenues to explore if we could unlock the mental restraints that block our freedom of thought.
To be able to do this one becomes GOD and able to use the powers of the universe.
August 11, 2009 at 11:08 am To tell you the truth there is something bothering me about our moon.
In ancient mythology there where three gods that came from one, the moon god was born from the left eye the sun god from the right and the storm god from the nose.
I think that was just a way of saying that the moon has something to do with the left side of our brain, why, because the moons gravity does effect every one of us daily.
But the thing is i don’t know why or how.
August 11, 2009 at 11:10 am The only thing i think that block our thoughts are emotions.
To be apathetic is a gift and will be hard to achieve.
But even i have been working on apathy since i first figured out what it was to be human.
August 11, 2009 at 11:19 am Emotions are very mystical. The brain is constantly at war with both sides. This explains how we are feeling so up and down on a consistent basis. One day we feel low, depressed, sad, unhappy and are tempers are tested, another day we wake happy, cheerful, carefree and nothing seems likely to bother us. Notice how the sun seems to bring the light out of us more than a gloomy, cloudy and rainy day. The light and sun affects are mental state and we tend to differ towards the right side of the brain when the sun is shining but quickly revert to the left way of thinking when the day is dull and miserable.
August 11, 2009 at 1:13 pm all seeing eye- since you are a Scorpio this has probably happened too you. have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and felt something sitting on your legs or pushing on your chest?
August 11, 2009 at 8:31 pm I’m not really aware of it, but I have woken suddenly on the rare occasion without any real explanation. What is very strange which I will add, when I was a child I had great interest and fascination with UFOs and I used to sit and watch the sky at night looking for them out of my bedroom window. Never ever saw anything apart from the occasional bright light that seemed to move forwards and backwards but it could have been a shimmering star. I am now trying to look on life with an open mind and tell myself anything is possible. In this mode I can accept the inevitable and be spiritually prepared for any journey which I am destined to take.
Last night, well past midnight I sat outside my porch and watched the skies but unfortunately the sky was blanketed and there were no stars unlike the night before when the moon was bright and the stars were lit up brightly. As I sat staring into a blank night sky I heard a weird shriek coming from inside some bushland beyond the field in front of me. It was a very strange noise. It could have been a badger or fox, do badgers or foxes make strange sounds?
I’ve read somewhere that underworld creatures come out at night that are not visible to the naked eye during the day, especially in dense environments like forests, woodland and caves. I am aware of this and hearing that noise got me thinking. Is there really creatures living out there among us which are indeed unseen like we are told in folklore and mythology?
August 12, 2009 at 1:21 am Tell me…
What will be done by everyone of you if there was something chaotic about to happen?
Enlighten me…
August 12, 2009 at 1:49 am NOTHING…
Why because we all are not going to be ready for the end,
but if any of you are to survive than remember this…
what will a human do if there was no food left to eat, what will you do if there was nothing to survive with or for.
We will all try to kill each other to survive and many lives will be lost in humanity’s struggle to survive.
August 13, 2009 at 2:37 am keet is in the illuminati!
August 13, 2009 at 3:12 am Keet could be in the Illuminati and so can others but to accuse someone is to direct attention away…
All i have to say is that i will kill every member of the Illuminati when the time is right.
I will destroy every single thing they worked on for the past millennium or so!
August 13, 2009 at 8:50 am so you want too kill me? not all Illuminati are bad, just the ones in practice are there bro!
August 15, 2009 at 6:32 am please dont put down what you dont even have any solid proof of, lucidity of the mind will show you manny things.
i would start here.Image or sight is geometry of the eye as sound or noise is geometry to the ears. ETC… (EXECPT)
as to the equation of the mind which is a simple one, follow the equation set before you.
Also atlantis NEVER! exisisted…. it goes by another name….
private social societys and private spiritual societys or organizations are private and to be sought out and found by their seekers, thats why they last so long.
(NOT THE BOOK) but morals and dogma seem to colide and ruin everthing good,man has done.
I am a freemason their really are no secrets to it, well their are but you would feel really dumb if you knew what they were, think shriners hospital..
i am seeking further insight into myself,and yes i belive in god!,
i find most of the answers i am looking for in the rose cross, i am not a member but a reasearcher who might join if and when the chance arrises..
if you wish to have any further contact with me please contact the person in charge of the sight and have them contact me with your commets and questions.
J. Doe
August 15, 2009 at 7:43 am you may be a mason as well there bud, but you sure don t know who or what you are serving. let me ask you are you an accepted mason? or are you a born mason with true masons blood like myself? and are you a Scorpio? there is a huge difference im interested too know? the thing is citizens 99.9 percent of free masons are slaves too the elite families, and do not warship, act upon nor know the geometry of the light, only myself, other elites and family members know or work with the true secretes.
August 16, 2009 at 12:39 am You might not even be alive by then and only the ones who stand in my way will get what wait for them in my family’s generations.
But why ask you don’t even know me or neither me you.
You need not to be afraid.
I exist only in peoples minds, I’m just a way of life, a personality that will be alive when necessary.
August 16, 2009 at 12:43 am stuff about religion s really grt!!!!!!!
August 16, 2009 at 12:44 am So then what is the difference?
August 16, 2009 at 12:13 pm whats the difference between what exactly?
August 16, 2009 at 12:19 pm oh and payne you seem too be nutz, your mentioning that you want too kill people on the net? and yea i think your personality sucks! lol get a life you can t stop the order, killing people won t stop it, the light comes from entities which are eternal $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
August 16, 2009 at 12:21 pm >G<
August 17, 2009 at 1:53 am Ok so then ill kill you let me know who you are and where you live and if its close ill show up no doubt no matter what!
Fear me because I’m no ordinary person i have purpose in these arguments and conversations.
This site is monitored by many important people and what i say can give me answers to many of my questions with out even asking one.
So back off!!!!!
August 17, 2009 at 2:30 am why would you want too kill me? im a good person. i think you need some help buddy!
August 17, 2009 at 8:27 am Why do people result to violence and emit negativity? Why threaten someone or intimidate someone?
Why can’t people accept that we are all the same. The only difference being is that we are locked into physical bodies which we all see through third dimensional sight. Beyond the physical form and mental state we are actually made up of the same energy. Instead of stealing energy from each other with negativity in the form of anger, hate, intimidation and threats why can’t we willingly share our energies instead openly. We can only do this by becoming One and basically radiate goodness which comes in the form of unconditional love and simply being nice to each other.
The laws of the universe are simple. What goes around comes around. If you are a helpful person, warm at heart and willingly nice to people you will find that happiness and help will come back to you. On the other hand if you are horrible, nasty and vindictive you will receive negative energy which attracts negative energy which means that all the bad you dish out will come back to you.
This is how it works. The Universe goes around and comes back on itself. Our planet goes around and comes back on itself. The weather goes around and comes back on itself. What goes around comes around. The tide comes in and then it goes out. The grass grows in the summer and it dies in the winter, but it grows again in the summer. What goes around comes around.
If you are a bully and you go out of your way to upset and intimidate someone you can bet your bottom dollar that someone, not necessarily the person you bully will come along and do it to you. How? Because what you give out always comes back to you. It’s the law of the universe and life itself. I call it divine retribution.
Those who want to hurt will always feel hurt themselves. Those who are not willing to love will never receive love. It’s the letter of the law.
SO if anyone thinks they are BIG and CLEVER by bullying or intimidating they can be assured of one thing. They are far from BIG and CLEVER, because if they need to act in this manner then they are already suffering pain themselves. There is no hiding from divine retribution.
If a sufferer wakes up to their mistakes, release the negative energy, they can seek positive energy and love but they HAVE to earn it. Remember, what goes around comes around but you must put out first in order to receive. If you want to be a arsehole all your life you will attract aresholes. It’s life!!!
August 17, 2009 at 8:18 pm we are different in many ways
violence solves nothing right you are
but our beliefs make us who we each are
i am lookin for some one in particular and he is just hiding like a coward funny aint it
but i have no problem with any of you
sometimes i say things to get other things out of someone
the coward im looking for will be found in good notice and my clan will find him so hear me out coward
and he is here in one of these comments
come out come out
where ever you are
August 17, 2009 at 11:44 pm haha, payne i bet u think im the anit christ! you sound like a middle eastern person bro!
August 18, 2009 at 3:42 am we are different in many ways
How? We are all developed through atoms and energy. We are all made up into the same bodily form. The only difference is in our minds. We think different yet if we search deep in ourselves we all share the same destiny. We all evolve the same way, but some of us are quicker at developing and some of us are wrapped in cotton wool and spoon fed into reality because of one’s bloodlines. Why are the masses of people being deceived and lied to? Why can’t we all experience our destiny as a human race together? Why do those at the very top enjoy to see the most of us suffer? Isn’t God’s intentions to be good natured? Why are people at the very top insistent on dishing out so much negativity? Remember, what goes around comes around, it’s the law of the universe and there is NOTHING bigger or cleverer than the UNIVERSE!
August 18, 2009 at 8:03 pm so then let destiny bring us together so that i can show you payne
but post nubila phobus you are not even listed amongst those who i am looking for
so be gone
August 18, 2009 at 9:01 pm for a start, are all people that are not convinced by this web page and comments in the illuminati? seriously mrbig, do you think everyone that questions this stuff is in the illuminati?
payne, say what you want and try to make people feel threatened however it doesn’t really work on the net.
all seeing eye, what is there to say all of what the egyptians believed was true? who says that the translation of their hieroglyphics is actually true? who says what we translated of their believes is true and that it wasn’t something else?
and at night you can hear many weird noises, i once heard a squeilling noise at night; ended up being a fox that had hurt its paw.
tazz, blue is a calm colour can make you feel relaxed.
artists, photographers, inventors, designers, all need to use their imagination on the right side of the brain to become good at their profession.
August 19, 2009 at 2:50 am so be gone? you sound like a fag dude! haha you want too show me payne? keep walking around in circles around your dumb gold balls, that is enough payne watching how stupid you people are! oh yea and by the way payne is spelt PAIN…. retarded slave!
August 19, 2009 at 2:53 am all seeing eye, what is there to say all of what the Egyptians believed was true? who says that the translation of their hieroglyphics is actually true?
The Egyptian religion is the purest out of all religions because every other religious belief written afterwards were fashioned from the earliest worshipings on the planet. All other religions known to most of us are reinvented faith systems.
The only other religions that are pure and as old as the Egyptian religion were the South American Mayan religion, the early Chinese religion and the Sumerian religion and all three civilisations beliefs were identical to very detail. All ancient calendars revert around the cosmos and all end in the same time predicting a new age on the planet. The most striking coincidence were their recitment of their gods. All were depicted as serpents coming down to earth from the skies. How could each different ancient civilisation thousands of miles apart without any real knowledge of each other’s presence in time all come to worshipping the same thing and basing their civilisations around the same principles of planets and stars? They most certainly had more awareness and information back then on the meaning of life than we could even imagine in our controlled and distracted civilisation today.
How could these ancient civilisations have more idea about the universe, the planets and the stars than we do today when technology was non existent?
Keet, don’t you find this both fascinating and worrying at the same time? Why have we been misinformed and lied to since the beginning of human civilisation? Why are we kept in the dark and made to be ignorant? What is the purpose? What are they hiding from us?
Believe me, someone, somewhere has all the answers, but they’re not willing to disclose the information to the masses. Perhaps we ALL have the answers ourselves all along if we could just stop thinking, relax and trust ourselves to want to truly know the truth!!!!
August 19, 2009 at 3:38 am they also thought the sun rotated around the world. ancient religions explored the world conquering different countries, learning from one another whilst wiping out each religion, they didn’t start out from scratch. thats why they seem similar.
we aren’t always kept in the dark, just because we have no answer doesn’t mean we aren’t being told something. the problem is people don’t like it when they don’t have an answer, so they have to come up with something to believe such as these speculations just to keep them stable.
August 19, 2009 at 3:56 am Yet when we analyze religions that have been written and re written since the early civilisations we see the same coincidences and meanings behind each tale.
Jesus was described as the son of GOD who was brought into this world in a virgin birth and had healing powers.
The Egyptian GOD Horus too was the son of the Sun GOD Osiris who was sent to earth and had great healing powers.
SO is Christianity just another glorified spin that resembled the Egyptian religion?
August 19, 2009 at 6:51 am i agree with the religions and beliefs being similar, thats how everything works, everything has taken inspiration from something else.
so answer me this question, if their beliefs were so good and accurate then how come their belief in the sun revolving around earth was wrong? surely if they were wrong about one thing they could be wrong about other things…
ancient greek is older then egyptian, what about their beliefs?
August 19, 2009 at 8:53 am Ancient Greek is less documented and adjudged mythical. Although they too related their gods to divine deities in the universe. Zeus sitting on his throne watching over everything! Although there is no such thing as a divine father looking down on us sat in a throne in heaven. There is more chance that gods are worshipped by the people that actually see them, such like serpent gods????
Also, I have reverted to Ancient Greek when I mentioned about Atlantis. If you read into this tale, you will find a civilisation far more advanced than ours today over 10,000 years ago. Chariots of the gods spring to mind. Divine beings coming from the skies in what were perceived as flying chariots??? Falling Angels and virgin births with the gods and of Giants that walked the earth resembling god’s offspring. All very fanciful yet coincidental with every other ancient civilisation which tells of divine beings falling or coming to Earth.
In caves throughout the world that have been time framed to the very first humanoid civilisation within the stone age depict etchings of cigar shaped aircraft in the skies and of serpent looking people. coincidence?
As for Egyptian theory of the sun moving around the planet, again they didn’t go into space themselves and had no possible grasp that their planet was moving and couldn’t understand that the sun was stationary. When they saw the sun rise in the morning and the sun set in the evening they assumed the sun god was moving in the heavens. They couldn’t feel the ground moving beneath their feet so had no idea that the planet was actually round and rotating.
However, this does not imply that their serpent gods revealed everything to them or that they were taken for a space ride either. What is more telling is that different civilisations throughout different timescales all tell of serpent gods coming from the skies. It is more feasible for any worshipping aimed directly for deities that were seen with eyes rather than on written knowledge handed down through holy writings. The eyes of truth have more awareness and knowledge than the words and sounds of others.
August 19, 2009 at 9:18 am atlantis is just a myth and has no proof of any existence at all. it is as real as the easter bunny.
etchings have been translated by what people think they mean; they may mean something else and may have been translated wrong. cigar shaped aircraft? could be a cloud, or a falling boulder, maybe something else.
what proof is there that the egyptians saw anything with their eyes? all we know is what has been written then translated. basically hieroglyphics are just the same as the bible.
what serpent gods? the serpent gods may not be real, they may never have seen them and have just believed in them as their gods. come on you are just contradicting everything about ancient egyptian belief and other beliefs.
eyes of what truth? who knows the truth?
August 19, 2009 at 10:33 am hey keet ive seen these things though, there not gods though like i said annunaki, someone once told me that my father must have been practicing some ritual shit and braught home the entities with him, i saw horus the hawk looking thing, and i said before i have seen jinn many times as a child they used too wake me up, pull me off my bed and shake me. keet what do you think about that? am i crazy? or is it just part of my masonic bloodline?
August 20, 2009 at 12:25 am atlantis is just a myth and has no proof of any existence at all. it is as real as the easter bunny.
Yet you asked me about the ancient Greek religion and their worship of gods. Isn’t this mythological?
How do you explain different civilisations, different timescales, all depicting serpent looking gods that came from the skies? All without any knowledge of each other or of their beliefs?
It is more realistic to think that people in these times worshipped something that they could see rather than religious institutions of today who worship things written down as gospel based on hearsay.
How could the Egyptians, the Mayans and the Sumerians all worship the same thing when they didn’t even know of their own existence and beliefs?
I suppose you accept what is told you rather than what you can see, am I right to think this?
You believe in faith systems that are put into practice by those who control us. I don’t blame you or hold you responsible for your beliefs because you are simply programmed to be controlled by others. There is so much going on in your life that you cannot explain yet for one minute you cannot deny that questions have filled your head at some stage in your life.
Who really am I? Why was I born into such a violent, insensitive and corrupted world? Why must I have to work most of my life and why must I have to be fearful of losing my job, my possessions and my life? Why do I feel so sad and incomplete and why am I so goddamn moody? Why do I attract such bad luck? Is there any sustained Love in this world or are we all intent on making life so difficult for ourselves? Why do I feel my life is just one repetitious ride? Why is most days always alike and so similar? Why do I have such tedious habits? Why am I so concerned about what others are doing or getting, especially when it is more and pleasurable than what I’m getting? Why must I feel so confused, anxious and weary? Why is there so much negativity all around me? All we want is a stress free life and feel loved yet why aren’t we getting it? Who or what is blocking our happiness and well being? When we are depressed, sad, angry and desperate do we even realise the damage we are doing to our own bodies? The damage we are doing to our own minds? The damage we are doing for our children? what hope is there? What is the real meaning of life and purpose of life? Is it to control others and have the biggest bank balance and best job? Or is it to enjoy life to our fullest and spread love to one another? Think about it…..
August 20, 2009 at 1:12 am well im not sure abt the rest of the stuff, but the thing mentioned about nasa has to be true, if u dont beleive it then please see the actual footage, u can see strings people
August 20, 2009 at 1:16 am or just watch the movies like resident evil or the novel from sydney sheldon i dont remember the name of that novel, but i think they all are trying to tell us the same
August 20, 2009 at 2:10 am post nubila phobus, say what you want i dont care anymore; if it did happen well done write a book about it, if not then you just want to brain wash others and are playing along with this thing.
all seeing eye, i give up. you continuously translate what i say into something else. i said that atlantis was a myth then you translate it into me saying that ancient greeks are a myth. i never said their religion was real, i just said they were. i’m saying the egyptian translations could be false, their beliefs may be false, who knows. all you are are one of those people that is against something so much that they believe in something else, just to try and make other things seem wrong. that is a cult. now stop transforming my text into random crap, and stop trying to judge me even though you dont know me. isn’t that what you are against, people judging others? i am not one that is brainwashed, i dont believe everything and i think for myself. do you not think that you have been lead into believing something? you have been lead into believe more on this web page alone.
ashutosh yawale, theres no strings its just marks that you can get on either the film or whilst printing, i know i dev and print film and slide myself. also there is nothing on here that mentions the moon landing.
August 21, 2009 at 12:02 am Keet,
I never said that ancient Greeks were myth, I said that their religion was based on mythology such like their gods. Zeus is not GOD, he is not some holy person sat on a throne looking down on us in heaven. That is as real as the Easter bunny.
I am not trying to convert you into anything so I am no cultist. I don’t believe in religion or any faith system created by man. I don’t follow any occult society or any control institution. I am against control, I am against those who are ignorant of themselves. The only GOD I worship is ME! That’s not being selfish either, far from it. When you discover your true self you understand your purpose, your meaning and your future. I am against those who want to satisfy their own needs in expense of others. I am against the ones who follow their ego more than their heart.
I am not judging you, I feel sorry for you. I feel you are trapped in your little box and can’t find any doorways that can lead you to liberation. If I was judging you I would call you ignorant and selfish, but because I am not judging you I am saying I don’t blame you. Because I can’t find you at blame for your lack of understanding, I will say you are misled and misinformed rather than ignorant and dumb for example. I am not judging you one bit in the slightest. I wouldn’t label you selfish because of your naivety. I wouldn’t label you selfish because of your subconscious state. You unfortunately are more reliant on others to explain half truths and lies instead of trusting yourself and your intuitions for the truth.
There is no harm done or no bad feeling on my part. I would easily say that you appear to me as somebody who isn’t in tune with himself, his own mind, his own physical body and his purpose of life. You just aren’t ready for the truth. One day I’m sure you will be, everybody will be…
August 21, 2009 at 12:41 am well u MAY b rite abt strings Keet, but have u seen the flag waving?????
August 21, 2009 at 1:23 am all seeing eye, saying that i am trapped in a box and that i follow what others say is calling me naive in a ‘polite’ way. just because i dont believe your stories it doesn’t mean i am wrong and don’t know what is happening. “the only god i worship is myself”? they are the words of a cult leader.
a cult is a system of “religious” veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
to be honest, i dont believe islam, jew, christian, hindu, budda or any other particular religion is true or false; i just say show me proof. what happens when 2012 comes along and all that happens is great britain do well in london 2012? what would you say then?
i do follow only one thing; myself. people can only show me the doorways, i am the one that walks through them. i choose my path, no one else.
ashutosh yawale, the reason the flag appears as it is is due to there being barely any gravitation pull, and a totally different atmosphere to earth. anything else you want to throw at me to answer?
August 21, 2009 at 2:18 am i do follow only one thing; myself. people can only show me the doorways, i am the one that walks through them.
This is the prime example to what I am saying about you. Following yourself isn’t the answer. It’s just a polite way of being selfish. People don’t show you the doors you find them yourself. This is the prime example of you relying on others to give you half truths and lies.
Just because I said GOD is inside me doesn’t make me a cult leader. How? Because GOD is inside everyone. You are right to say that YOU choose the pathways that present themselves in many crossroads in your life. YOU are right to make YOUR own choices, but already YOU are not CHOOSING your pathways. YOU are reliant on others to CHOOSE them for YOU. YOU’VE even admitted it!!!
As I said, YOU’RE not ready yet for the truth. And I will say it again, It’s not YOUR fault. Until you free up your restraints in life will you be able to even glimpse the REAL truth…
August 21, 2009 at 2:58 am seriously now stop this bullshit you keep doing; twisting what i mean. people show me the doors so i have more than one option, i can follow them, follow someone else, or go my own way whenever i come to it. dont tell me i follow them all the time because i know that is not true and you are only trying to guess and actually judge me. i am the one who chooses to go through different doors. following myself is not selfish; i do things for others as well as myself. all it means is that i follow what i believe to be the right path. you do not follow what you think, you proved it yourself by listening to post nubila phobus and following him straight away. i have been asking questions, i am not convinced easily, it takes much more than what this web page has to convince me in such things. it takes more than the bible, qur’an, tanakh or any other books, sites or word of mouth for me to believe something so big.
August 21, 2009 at 4:50 am Living in denial is the first concept that must be fathomed. Denial triggers the left side of the brain and absorbs negative energy. If you cannot be honest with yourself you cannot find the truth. Dishonesty attracts dishonesty. It is the LAW of the universe. What goes around comes around. The secret is freeing up one’s mind and following one’s intuitions instead of one’s guidance. If you ask for proof you are asking for others to lead you. All doors that lead to salvation are hidden yet all doors that lead to exploitation are opened and clearly marked.
August 21, 2009 at 5:01 am so let me get this right; if i believe in something else that has no proof such as christianity then i am following others and i am wrong; if i ask for proof and will only follow it then i am wrong, if i believe in myself i am in denial. so all you are saying is if i follow you then i am right, even though i am following someone else with no proof and entering the door of exploitation. if i follow you then i am entering an already opened door therefore i am being lead into exploitation. basically either way, no matter what i do or dont believe, who i do or do not follow, i will always be wrong. you really need to think this through because you are just contradicting yourself yet again.
August 21, 2009 at 5:20 am I am not asking you to follow me. I do not seek others to follow me. I am no cultist. I follow my intuitions, I study myself and absorb my own energies. I am reluctant to give people any advice because of your precise reaction to any given. Don’t listen to me, don’t accept anything I say, I really don’t care!!! However, you judge me as contradicting yet I have never asked you to follow me. The answer is to follow no-one but yourself. If you ask for proof or guidance you will never find any answers. Remember the law of the universe. Whatever you do, think and acknowledge is the world you will live in. If you want to trust others but yourself you will always be controlled. If you cannot believe in yourself you cannot believe in anything. When you ask for proof you are in denial of yourself and anything you want to know will be denied.
August 22, 2009 at 2:47 pm keet- you are right all seeing eye and myself should stop trying to explain to you how things work. we can t provide you any proof, but i do have away that perhaps you can seek deeper enlightenment. this is how……… grab an object that can reflect light it can be anything like metal, a star in the sky or even a sink filled with water, now try too focus your eyes on the 4 dominate points that come off the reflection this energy is what we know as eternal energy, the four points will never connect again making them eternal. doing this over and over for days, weeks or months will eventually lead you into an epiphany. hopefully this may give you some understanding.
all seeing eye- there are actually 3 laws, one is the laws of attraction which fits in with your laws of the universe, remember the universe is energy that makes up a physical object in the next atomic level making it true there is atomic law, and there is dimensional law. have you read up on your masonic birth date? there is tons of info out there that can explain why you are a born mason.
August 23, 2009 at 10:00 am ye all full of shite
August 23, 2009 at 10:27 pm No, some of us are all aware and more knowledgeable than others. No offence, although I’m not the one throwing childish and uneducated insults at another. I suppose you use language and a mentality that you are only aware of. I suppose you talk in a way which you receive yourself from others. I feel sorry for you, I genuinely do. Your life must feel so meaningless and empty…
August 24, 2009 at 12:47 am sounds like the words of a slave!
August 31, 2009 at 5:01 pm I Believe There is a secret society as a matter of fact there is many i have just started researching them tonight,i know this sounds crazy but i saw a comment on a tomb raider movie about the illuminati so i was curious and i am just blown away by how much they are IN EVERYTHING and what they symbolise CONTROL and POWER also these words like Luciferian and Satanic and The Pentagon and how ALL the presidents were involved in the illuminati what i dont understand now is Obama is supposedly Christian? is he involved as well? another question just how does this illuminati control christianity? I have so many Questions that i dont know how to word at this point i am still reading about this illuminati…personally this is mind blowing :s
August 31, 2009 at 8:23 pm Their ultimate goal is ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, One monetary currency and one military. Power is control, absolute power is absolute control. If they succeed in their quest of New World Order, the majority of us will be at risk. The most frightening revelation within the elite movement is to reduce the population as little as 500 million. Even the secret society members of lower initiation aren’t safe!!!
September 1, 2009 at 2:34 am Even as i write, am watched by the all seeing eye at the bottom of my task bar, as ‘privacy report’ but i know it is not.They might control almost everything, but the certainty of time of execution, is not theirs to decide. God, the creator of every mortal and the universe, supervisor of every hidden thought of the heart, controls event with his own time table. It is only when he permits, that they can execute their hideous plans on humanity at any given time. this is food for thought for them.
September 1, 2009 at 12:23 pm god does not think or feel, god is just a ball of fire in the sky we call the sun. Satan is the true power.
September 1, 2009 at 11:58 pm Satan or Set???
September 2, 2009 at 2:44 am i’m quite shocked at the reactions from some people, who quickly resort to calling people mad who think weather modification exists. Its a proven fact that governments manipulate the weather, if you spend 30 seconds googling ‘Haarp’ and ‘chemtrails’ – which have now been exposed by the German government and on the History channel you will see this is the case. Geez. Some people need to wake up tot he possibilities around them and use the internet to research things, rather than wanking and writing pithy comments on websites that they know nothing about. Cunts.
September 2, 2009 at 5:48 am “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German writer, 1749-1832)
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
—Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher, 1788-1860)
Revelation 13:16-18 (King James Version)
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
July 1774, A Summary View of the Rights of British America by Thomas Jefferson
“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrations), too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.”
The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is better than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will.” – Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati
“Princes and Nations shall disappear from the face of the Earth … and this Revolution shall be the work of Secret Societies.” ~ Adam Weishaupt
“It is necessary to establish a universal regime over the whole world.” ~ Adam Weishaupt
1844 Coningsby, the New Generation by Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
1848 The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels
“In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.”
“But, you will say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social…. The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.”
“1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”
“3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.”
“7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.”
“10. Free education for all children in public schools… Combination of education with industrial production,”
1876 British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli
“The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans.”
1880 John Swinton on the independence of the press
“The business of the New York journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon; to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. We are the tools and vessels for rich men behind the scenes. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
“We know the powers that are defying the people. Our Government is in the hands of pirates. All the power of politics, and of Congress, and of the administration is under the control of the moneyed interests. The adversary has the force of capital, thousands of millions of which are in his hand. He will grasp the knife of law, which he has so often wielded in his interest. He will lay hold of his forces in the legislature. He will make use of his forces in the press, which are always waiting for the wink, which is as good as a nod to a blind horse. Political rings are managed by skillful and unscrupulous political gamblers, who possess the ‘machine’ by which the populace are at once CONTROLLED AND CRUSHED.”
September 3, 2009 at 3:02 am Keet: The truth is out there. Which “proof” of the “truth” are you looking for. You’re an ignorant fool in denial about alot of things because you can’t find the truth out for yourself.
There are alot of famous quotes just posted above – do the research of some of the names that have titles relating to power figures that pull the strings – It’s not “one” person, nor one “group” it’s been stated by them themselves even, i can’t understand how you’re so blind about so much crap. If you want the truth about something go out there and find it.
September 3, 2009 at 7:58 am Okay, I’ll try and explain to people to how things work. What I will say should be taken as food for thought. I am reluctant to explain too much because uneducated and misinformed people will not believe in something that their left brain is programmed to ridicule and disbelieve. Since childhood we are all taught to accept anything mysterious and mystical as fantasy. We are all not in tune with our spirit and soul. We do not understand mind control and inner energy. We do not understand that everything around us materialises within many dimensions. It is all within the universal evolution of everything, from our universe, planet and soul.
At present we see everything with 3rd dimensional sight, and we only use our basic 5 sensory instincts. Sight, hear, smell, touch and taste! With using these insights we all take in our world within these sensory limits. What most of us are all not aware of is our hidden insights that are triggered through right brain hemisphere energy!
Look around you and notice everything 3rd dimensional. Everything is of 3rd dimensional shape and appearance. Machinery are mostly square shaped, houses, cars, bridges, trees, all appear in our eyes in three dimensional form. This is the lower vibrational level of energy that these particular things emit through our limited senses. We see everything through our eyes as matter and see these things as a physical object.
We people in physical form. We see people through our 3rd dimensional sight. Yet underneath this form everything is simply made up of energy and vibrations emitting through dimensional frequencies.
Now what people don’t realise is that they have an inner eye or third eye that is situated within their forehead region of the brain. Through freeing up one’s mind, releasing left negative brain hemisphere energy we can open up this eye and see our inner spirit and energies, thus taking us into our 4th dimensional awareness which resides on the next vibrational and frequency level. When we achieve this we see life differently and understand that the world we live in through 3rd dimensional awareness is actually an illusion created by those who control our left sided brain hemisphere.
Now onto the interesting part.
Would people be shocked if I told them we never die!!!
Well our physical 3rd dimensional form eventually dies but our energy, soul and consciousness never dies!!!
Our physical bodies are merely a vessel or vehicle that takes us through 3rd dimensional experience of living. When that bodily vehicle breaks down or is suddenly destroyed our energy soul ascends into the next vibrational frequency and we live life within the 4th dimension.
Now the problem is we will always have those who want to suppress our knowledge and energies so that they can live a stress free and energetic 3rd dimensional experience at the expense of others, that others being the slaves!!!! The masses that are lied to, controlled and forced to take in negative energy. When the majority of us are residing in the lowest form of vibration we emit negative energy and fail to access right brain hemisphere energy that unlocks the spirit and 4th dimensional existence.
Now what we must understand is that we are simply part of everything that exists. We are nothing but energy within energy which all vibrates within different frequencies. Our energy never dies but our consciousness changes depending on awareness.
Unfortunately for most of us we are purposely lied to, suppressed and not told the truth so that certain people or other energy entities can feed off of our energy and live a full existence while we suffer negative energy and a miserable existence that is filled with so many wrongs than rights and so much evil than goodness.
Money is their tool which breeds hatred and control.
Their biggest threat is energy coming together in a positive light. A coming together of the masses and the spread of love, oneness and togetherness is their biggest downfall.
We all have a choice.
We can live right side or left side brain hemisphere.
If we choose to live in a negative world, a world driven by lies, money and control we will live a life of cheap thrills and many lows.
If we choose to give up the negative energy and realise that money and control is merely an illusion and a way to split the positive energy from the negative energy, we can eventually see the light and live in happiness, absorbing positive energy without the use of material things and power that people crave for.
We are all the same physically, all made up of the same energies and atoms. We are all the same apart from our minds. We either live a life of positive energy or a life of negative energy. That’s the choice, but always remember the laws of the universe. What goes around comes around.
There are laws of attraction that is the same as the law of the universe. There are laws of dimension and matter. The latter is how our minds manifest the world we live in.
When the universe evolves in terms of finding higher vibrational levels and frequencies, our planet evolves too and so will we eventually.
My advice is, people should get prepared for the changes.
Ever heard the terms
mind over matter? When someone says this they mean that the mind is more powerful than the physical body and when people control their own minds they can heal any kind of pain.
That’s right (as in terms of opposite to wrong which implies right sided brain thinking)
He’s bright, (meaning clever or intelligent. Someone who sees the light and tastes the fruit of knowledge)
Take a look around you in the world you live in. Take in symbols, signs and take in meaningful phrases and cliches. Most have some reason for them. Try to look behind the message and see the message behind the message and understand the wider picture. If you can achieve this then you are bright and enlightened. You have access to right brain hemisphere.
September 3, 2009 at 12:23 pm well put all seeing eye!
September 5, 2009 at 3:14 am Love is Harmony and without it in the beginning of a form, that form could not come into existence at all. Love is the cohesive Power of the Universe and without it, a Universe could not be.
So in theory, if there is a malevolent agenda in process it will be the undoing of life as we know it.
As I said before, the most feasible reason for the destruction of our planet or for the extinction of the human race will be man made. Man holds the key to eternal life, but man can only live eternally if he learns to love all. Love is the essence of life, Pain is the essence of death!
People wake up and take notice…
The more we separate ourselves from humanity the more we are bringing about the end of days. If we live ungodly, live under the illusion of control systems which breeds hate, anger and frustration we will lose positive energy. Life can only go on when energy is positive. We are all ONE living organism under ONE universal consciousness. If we begin to pull in opposite directions and continue to avoid the FUNDEMENTAL elements for LIFE to exist in the world we live in, we begin to construct our own downfall.
At present there is enough love and goodness within our world to keep it existing, but for how much longer?
If we continue to ALL detach ourselves from the truth and keep believing in man made control systems, these man made control systems will be our undoing!
Man made control systems are not divine or godly. Man made control systems are just! They are devised to control and enslave. They are put into place to serve their creators and masters, not to serve the people they control.
September 5, 2009 at 3:29 am Just imagine this.
If all the people around the world came together as one, placed all their personal wealth into one basket. All the money available in the world is then destroyed. It is only pieces of paper! Wipe all currency on banking computers clean.
Then everyone becomes one!
Everyone is equal like they are in body and spirit!
We help each other and heal the sick…
We work together and build a paradise on earth. Homes for everybody, food for everybody, health care for everybody.
All hate and crime disappears. There is no need for security, no need for wars.
We explore space together and seek higher technology and wisdom together.
We evolve faster and experience eternal life in the highest vibrational frequency available, but everybody will be ready for higher ascension and nobody gets left behind.
We live in peace and harmony. There is no such thing as hate, anger and dishonesty.
We can only live in positive light. We can only live with truth, with true unconditional love. We will live fulfilling lives eternally because our energy never dies…We will all understand the world we live in and all understand we all have our part to play to keep the universe cleansed.
September 5, 2009 at 4:16 am I could write a book about some reactions here…If you’re not educated about this subject, please keep your ignorance for yourself and do something usefull. I’m just going to pick 1 thing i want to give comment for, being; some people realy find it ridiculous w