Today's Real Estate Agent Job Description: Do You Have the Skill Set?
Every year many people think about starting a career in real estate sales. It looks enticing, the freedom to create your own schedule, to be in control of how much you earn, and to have your own business. The reality though is not a pretty picture, over one third of new real estate agents leave the business in their first three years. Why do so many leave? The biggest factor is that they havent researched the real estate business to determine if they have the required skill set to be successful. Like any career there are some skills that can help set you on a path to success.
You should know early on that real estate sales are not a get rich quick career. To be a top producer in real estate takes business planning, patience, people skills, and resilience in addition to many other sub sets of skills. Many potential new agents are not aware of the fact they need a financial reserve to get them through the first six to twelve months in the business to pay household and personal expenses in addition to start-up and marketing costs related to their new real estate sales business.
The number one reason why new agents fail is their lack of self-motivation, you will be an independent contractor and will determine every day what you future will be in the real estate business. While your managing broker and possibly an office mentor or coach will offer some structure and counseling, if you are not a self-starter, conscientious, disciplined, and organized you hopes for success will be diminished. These skills can be adopted if you do not have them now.
My favorite question to ask a new agent is Why did you get into real estate sales? Over the years I have received many responses, but the all time leader is I love houses or architecture. While houses and architecture might look like the answer, it is not. Real estate is a business vehicle for people and their personalities to interact. Real estate is more about people than houses. People skills are the number one skill for you to be successful. People skills include building rapport, problem solving, active listening, assimilating needs and wants, and emotional resilience. Real estate is a business, not a hobby or interest. Real estate consumers expect and deserve an ethical and professional real estate experience.
Your personality will also play an important role in real estate sales. You should like or respect all kinds of people, personalities, ethnic groups, and lifestyles. If not you could find yourself in violation of federal, state and local fair housing laws. Your ability to manage the sales process from first contact with real estate clients to closing efficiently will help kick start your career by providing you with referrals from satisfied clients.
Real estate is increasingly a technology driven business. You will need to have or learn to use at a minimum a personal computer, digital camera, and e-mail and software programs to create effective marketing pieces and efficiently manage your time. The majority of real estate consumers today expect real estate agents to be able to email listings, arrange virtual tours, and have an Internet presence.
If you're like me, you've got the entrepreneurial bug, and there ain't no shaking it.
You and I detest the idea of working for "the man" (or "the woman" as the case may be).
We'll never be happy unless we're able to live life on our own terms, work when we chose, take plenty of time off to spend with our family and friends, and still have the kind of income we deserve.
Only problem is, this entrepreneurial spirit tends to leave us vulnerable on occasion.
Back in 1999, when I first began thinking about having my own home-based business, this smooth talking guy came through the Seattle area, hosting these live seminars on the topic.
After attending one of his all day events, I was really excited about what I'd heard, and decided to hand over $3,600.00 for his program.
Now I gotta be honest here.
That was a whole lot of money for me at the time. And truth is, if it wasn't for credit cards, there's no way I would have been able to afford it.
I sure has heck didn't have that kind of money lying around at the time.
So imagine my amazement when I call the company about a week later (to get started with their program), and I hear a recorded message that says, "You've reached a number that is no longer in service".
I knew this couldn't be right, so I dialed the number again.
And sure enough, I hear the same message.
Now I'm starting to get nervous.
I call directory assistance and ask them to put me through to the company.
But once again, I hear those familiar words...
"You've reached a number that is no longer in service".
As I hang up the phone, I'm starting to get angry as I think to myself, "Did this guy just blatantly steal $3,600.00 from me"?
To make a long story short, that's exactly what happened.
Maybe you've had a similar experience.
Kind of puts a bad taste in your mouth, doesn't it.
After all, not only was I blatantly lied to, but all the excitement I had after attending the seminar was gone.
Over the last several years, I've shared that story with countless people, and almost every one of them had a similar experience to share.
And some of them lost much more than me!
I met one gal who was swindled out of $10,000.00 after attending a seminar in Los Angeles.
I met another who lost $6,999.00 at a seminar in Cleveland.
Knowing what I know now, it'll never happen again.
And by the time you finish reading this, it ain't never gonna happen to you either.
So let's get to it.
There's 4 types of experts out there, yet only one of them is worth listening to.
Let me describe 'em to you:
The "pretend expert" who offers nothing but theory. This person has absolutely NO real-world experience. While their theory and ideas may sound great on the surface, they've never been tested or proven by anyone, which makes it completely worthless
The "pretend expert" who talks about how others may have succeeded in business. But once again, this person has NO real-world experience. They've never owned a business in their lives. They merely talk about what others have accomplished, and at best, what they speak of is merely speculation
The "pretend expert" who talks of real estate investing, financial planning, the stock market and other related topics, yet their own financial situation is nothing short of dismal. These schmucks are more than willing to offer you their advice (at a premium price), but a quick look into their financial situation will cause you to turn and run... as fast as humanly possible
But then, there's...
The "Genuine Expert" who actually takes their own advice. They have a ton of real-world experience under their belt. They NEVER talk about theory, but rather, what actually works.
This type of expert isn't afraid to admit that they've failed in the past. In fact, they realize that their success has been a direct result of their many failures. By trying many things (and failing) they eventually discovered what worked.
In sharing their experiences (both failures and successes), their goal is to put you on the fast track, by showing you how to avoid the many mistakes they've made in the past.
Here's the other big difference...
A "Genuine Expert" will show you proof of their success!
But I gotta warn you.
There's very few "Genuine Experts" out there.
So when you find one, hold on tight and don't let go.
After all, if they're a "Genuine Expert", they're gonna have a lot of demand on their time.
That's why these experts take the time to document their knowledge.
This allows them to multiply their efforts and help many more people.
For example...
When it comes to health, one of the experts I completely trust and recommend is Bill Phillips.
Bill is the man behind EAS (Experimental & Applied Sciences), author of Body For Life, founder of Muscle Media magazine, and he's truly an expert when it comes to health.
He's been one of my heroes for a long time.
I recently had the opportunity (thanks to a good friend of mine) to spend a day at Bill Phillips' Hollywood home, and rest assured, it's a day I'll never forget. I mean honestly, how many of us get the chance to meet our heroes in person, let alone spend an entire day with them.
And though this was the first time I'd ever met Bill in person, I'd been getting his personal assistance for the last several years... through his published materials.
So how do YOU go about finding a "Genuine Expert" to help you build a successful home-based business?
You start by asking yourself these 5 critical questions ...
1. Do they have a successful track record with their teachings?
2. Can you see proof of their results?
3. Are you able to speak with or meet other satisfied clients?
4. Does the expert stand behind their materials?
5. Can you get ongoing help and support if you need it?
If they meet these criteria, don't waste another minute. Do whatever needs to be done so you can start getting their help immediately.
You'll be amazed at how fast you'll reach your desired outcome when you have an expert walking you step-by-step through the process.
Oh, and here's one last pointer for you.
Just because someone offers you a guarantee, doesn't mean that they're reputable.
Heck, the company that ripped me off back in 1999 had a guarantee, but it was completely WORTHLESS!
In this day and age, if someone truly believes they can help you with what they have to offer, they'll do everything within their ability to prove it up front, by offering much more than a guarantee.
Don't you agree?
When starting a business of what ever kind, large or small, there is a always a require framework or scaffolding that you have to set up. Not only does this make your business much more effective, but it also saves you from a lot of embarrassing and costly problems. Here is your framework:
1. Business Name. Choose an appropriate name that sums up what your business stands for. It has to be unique try and ensure that a suitable domain name is also available as you will probably want a web site as well. The owner of an established web site might cause problems if you give your brick based business the same name so be careful in your choice.
2. Your Business Entity. Obtain professional advice as whether to the best way to set up your business as a limited company, partnership etc. Then register your company.
3. Patents and Trademarks. If you have unique products then you need to ensure that you have registered your patents before your start trading. Similarly any product names, mottos, selling tags etc should be trademarked. Take professional advice on how to do this..
4. Licenses and Permits. Ensure that you have all the licenses and permits that you are legally required to have.
5. Insurance. You may think that you dont need this but you do and will. So take out property, business, vehicle liability, staff and disaster insurance. A good broker can advise you.
6. Taxes. A necessary evil I am afraid. Register with your local tax collector. Set up a good accounting system and hire a good accountant.
7. Employment Laws. Establish what you local employment laws are and ensure that you adhere to them. Set up employee guidelines and handbooks. Make sure you hire and fire legally.
8. Banking. Visit your local banks and find the best business bank account and credit card for you business. Always keep your business and personal spending separate.
9. Business Plan. This is your carefully written plan on how you want your company to operate, what you want to sell, where and to whom. It includes your business and marketing strategy as well as your financial standing and projections. This is the foundation of your business.
10. Liquid Cash. Ensure that you have enough money to carry your through the first few months of your business as well as any foreseeable troublesome times ahead.
When you start up your business, remember to tick off the 10 items above and you will have a very sound start to your business.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Brazilian Law-Bunko! No Ethics Here
Brazilian Law-Bunko! No Ethics Here
A young man in Siemens of Brazil got a transfer to Siemens in Virginia in December of 2005. I was talking to him and he was filled with hope. He should be. There is plenty of opportunity and getting a home loan in the US has a very low, low rate.
In Brazil, there is a stark difference. Home loans are a whopping annual 120%! Take that rate and apply it to the US economy and guess what will happen. (Besides the screaming of Usary! Usary!) The economy slows down. That's what. The US economy would come to a screaching crawl.
On top of that, Brazilian law doesn't protect dwellers. Take my case for example. I signed a 3 year lease with an owner of a small apartment building in 2003. Shortly after I signed the contract, he sold the building to another man.
I asked the man, "Did you see our contract?" "No", he responded. "What happened to it?", I asked. "Sumiu", was his response. Meaning that he didn't know of its whereabouts. Somebody was lying. But who?
You can imagine the confusion and feelings of being violated that I had. Not good. We were in serious trouble. He was remodeling the entire building and he didn't want us in the apartment. In spite of all this, we continued to pay and he gladly accepted the money. That was our contract, then. Right? Not so in this country. Your word means nothing here.
Then in December of 2005 we received an eviction notice for 'nonpayment'. The new owner lied to a judge who signed the notice. According to the notice, we had 30 days to leave. And we could not defend ourselves because the lie for 'non payment' is considered a 'material error' by Brazilian law. In other words, that's just a euphanism for saying "We know we'er lying, but we can't exactly frame it properly or that way so we'll call it a material error." We have no recourse but to leave. Go figure. We're returning to the US, that's for sure.
No more Brazilian law!
Brazil wants to be a world leader championing human rights and political neutrality? I say, and I'm sure that many Brazilians would agree with me, clean up yor own house first, Brazil. You ain't even close to being ready to take center stage on the world scene yet. You probably never will be.
People may not realize it, but there have been many key inventions that have come about since the start of the new millennium. In a world where we think we may have invented everything, new inventions, technologies and devices come about more often than we may notice. Would you like to come up with an idea for a new invention? Here is some basic advice.
Think about what would make your daily life easier or more interesting. Do you need a better way to organize something? Do you have an idea for a novelty item? Brainstorm a list of possible items that can simplify your life.
Next, pick some ideas that seem the best. Check to make sure the idea isnt already taken. Contact the United States Patent and Trademark Office for more information. They should be able to tell you if your idea for a new invention is taken or not.
Once you have an idea, youll need to consider your resources. If one of your great ideas is to develop an artificial brain, for example, you will need to consider if you have the resources to develop something of that scale. If you think you can get funding and support for your idea, then it is still worth considering. Sometimes, people that develop new inventions need to take risks.
Finally, you will need to develop your new invention idea. Consider if you will need a team to assist you. Make sure you keep thorough records. Once youve developed and tested your idea to your liking, the only step left is to file the patent and pay the fee. At this point, you may want to hire a patent lawyer. They specialize in the process of filing patents.
So, even if you think there is nothing new to discover, new inventions are being developed all the time. Perhaps you can be the next great inventor!
At every few corners in major urban areas, you used to see phone booths.
Before cell phones, they served a significant purpose, of course, providing telephone access to the multitudes.
But now that theyve been disappearing, theyve taken more than dedicated phone lines with them.
Theyve removed a significant semi-private space, as well.
The old phone booth, while seldom perfectly quiet, facilitated several significant things:
(1) It was quiet enough so we could compose ourselves before conversations, thinking through what we were going to say.
(2) It did muffle some outside noises, making it easier for us to monitor our own voices, and hear ourselves think.
(3) It made it easier for listeners to concentrate on our messages.
(4) And perhaps most important, it kept our conversations confidential.
Ive never been comfortable talking business, surrounded by fellow passengers in an airport lounge, or when Im sitting in a restaurant. I dont want them to snoop, and I dont want to intrude into their acoustical space.
What we need to do, as I see it, is build cell phone booths.
They wont have a telephoneyoull bring yours. But there will be a platform for placing documents, and for four quarters, youll be able to buy five minutes of peace, at a shot.
My conversations are worth it.
Are yours?
A young man in Siemens of Brazil got a transfer to Siemens in Virginia in December of 2005. I was talking to him and he was filled with hope. He should be. There is plenty of opportunity and getting a home loan in the US has a very low, low rate.
In Brazil, there is a stark difference. Home loans are a whopping annual 120%! Take that rate and apply it to the US economy and guess what will happen. (Besides the screaming of Usary! Usary!) The economy slows down. That's what. The US economy would come to a screaching crawl.
On top of that, Brazilian law doesn't protect dwellers. Take my case for example. I signed a 3 year lease with an owner of a small apartment building in 2003. Shortly after I signed the contract, he sold the building to another man.
I asked the man, "Did you see our contract?" "No", he responded. "What happened to it?", I asked. "Sumiu", was his response. Meaning that he didn't know of its whereabouts. Somebody was lying. But who?
You can imagine the confusion and feelings of being violated that I had. Not good. We were in serious trouble. He was remodeling the entire building and he didn't want us in the apartment. In spite of all this, we continued to pay and he gladly accepted the money. That was our contract, then. Right? Not so in this country. Your word means nothing here.
Then in December of 2005 we received an eviction notice for 'nonpayment'. The new owner lied to a judge who signed the notice. According to the notice, we had 30 days to leave. And we could not defend ourselves because the lie for 'non payment' is considered a 'material error' by Brazilian law. In other words, that's just a euphanism for saying "We know we'er lying, but we can't exactly frame it properly or that way so we'll call it a material error." We have no recourse but to leave. Go figure. We're returning to the US, that's for sure.
No more Brazilian law!
Brazil wants to be a world leader championing human rights and political neutrality? I say, and I'm sure that many Brazilians would agree with me, clean up yor own house first, Brazil. You ain't even close to being ready to take center stage on the world scene yet. You probably never will be.
People may not realize it, but there have been many key inventions that have come about since the start of the new millennium. In a world where we think we may have invented everything, new inventions, technologies and devices come about more often than we may notice. Would you like to come up with an idea for a new invention? Here is some basic advice.
Think about what would make your daily life easier or more interesting. Do you need a better way to organize something? Do you have an idea for a novelty item? Brainstorm a list of possible items that can simplify your life.
Next, pick some ideas that seem the best. Check to make sure the idea isnt already taken. Contact the United States Patent and Trademark Office for more information. They should be able to tell you if your idea for a new invention is taken or not.
Once you have an idea, youll need to consider your resources. If one of your great ideas is to develop an artificial brain, for example, you will need to consider if you have the resources to develop something of that scale. If you think you can get funding and support for your idea, then it is still worth considering. Sometimes, people that develop new inventions need to take risks.
Finally, you will need to develop your new invention idea. Consider if you will need a team to assist you. Make sure you keep thorough records. Once youve developed and tested your idea to your liking, the only step left is to file the patent and pay the fee. At this point, you may want to hire a patent lawyer. They specialize in the process of filing patents.
So, even if you think there is nothing new to discover, new inventions are being developed all the time. Perhaps you can be the next great inventor!
At every few corners in major urban areas, you used to see phone booths.
Before cell phones, they served a significant purpose, of course, providing telephone access to the multitudes.
But now that theyve been disappearing, theyve taken more than dedicated phone lines with them.
Theyve removed a significant semi-private space, as well.
The old phone booth, while seldom perfectly quiet, facilitated several significant things:
(1) It was quiet enough so we could compose ourselves before conversations, thinking through what we were going to say.
(2) It did muffle some outside noises, making it easier for us to monitor our own voices, and hear ourselves think.
(3) It made it easier for listeners to concentrate on our messages.
(4) And perhaps most important, it kept our conversations confidential.
Ive never been comfortable talking business, surrounded by fellow passengers in an airport lounge, or when Im sitting in a restaurant. I dont want them to snoop, and I dont want to intrude into their acoustical space.
What we need to do, as I see it, is build cell phone booths.
They wont have a telephoneyoull bring yours. But there will be a platform for placing documents, and for four quarters, youll be able to buy five minutes of peace, at a shot.
My conversations are worth it.
Are yours?
Planning Your Successful Career:
Not Happy With Your Nursing Career or Need to Start One? Travel Nurses are in Great Demand!
If you are a nurse or plan to be one you may want to check out travel nurses. The benefits are huge and the demand for nurses in the United States is in dire need.
In the United States the number of young people entering the nursing field has declined, so much so, that it is feared that when the baby boomer nurses, who will soon retire, will put an immense strain on the medical profession.
With this great demand come many incentives to entice nurses to relocate, for example:
1) If you are coming from another country, you can be sponsored to obtain visa green cards and a social security number that will allow you to start work immediately. If you have a husband and children, they also can get green cards so they can remain with you and live and work in the States.
2) The agency can assist you with moving expenses and help find a suitable lodging for you and your family.
3) Free dental, health and life insurance are often offered as an incentive,
4) 401Ks with company matches may be offered to you.
5) License and NCLEX reimbursements may be offered to you.
6) Great pay!
It helps greatly to have experience in your field because if you do become a travel nurse you can be placed in a new hospital or facility and work in your specialized field immediately.
If you are not an experienced nurse then you may want to get that under your belt. Some hospitals want you to contract with them, but if you have any desire to relocate then you may want to pass that up and continue to train for that much needed experience. Some agencies will also place therapists and technicians.
If you are the adventurous type of person and want to experience many different facilities then you can be placed for 8 to 13 weeks at a particular place where your accommodations are taken care of for you. If you provide your own accommodations then you can get a generous subsidy for it. You can discuss what type of assignment you want and how long you want to do it and how many facilities you would like to work at. When your assignment is done you may want to consider a permanent residence or you may decide to resume a new assignment at a later date.
Planning Your Successful Career:
Doing a good job is one of the most important ways to move up the ladder", says Dr. Don Bagin, Professor of Communications at Glassbro State College.
If you are one of the many people who do a good job consistently but are not noticed by top management, here are some suggestions to help you get on the fast track:
Smiling: Research has shown that people who smile are perceived to be more intelligent than those who don't.
Prioritizing: Avoid spending a great deal of time on things that aren't important just because you are good at them. The person who gets ahead is the person who establishes priorities and sets aside time for them accordingly.
Walking: Choose to walk rather than drive as often as possible. And when you do, walk at least ten to fifteen percent faster than you normally would. Somehow this faster pace communicates to others that you are a person with a mission who is eager to get the job done.
Speaking actively: Use the active voice when speaking or writing. Listen to the difference: "I prepared and delivered the reports promptly." Compare it to "The report was promptly prepared and delivered." Although the second one told you something, many more questions were left unanswered.
Knowing your boss: Get to understand your boss' personality and when to approach him or her. If your boss is a morning person, be sure that you come up with your suggestions and proposals in the morning while he is most receptive.
Volunteering: While being careful not to overdo it, volunteer for special projects and responsibilities outside of your working hours and job description.
Expressing gratitude: Develop the habit of sending brief notes of thanks to anyone who has made your day easier.
Positively speaking: Look for positive things to say about people, especially your co-workers.
Being approachable: Make yourself approachable. Let people know when and how to reach you.
Following-up: After a task-assigning meeting, follow-up immediately on those assignments that were given to you.
Spotting trends: Learn to spot trends that affect your company or agency. Be the first person to alert those in a position to capitalize on them.
Presenting effectively: Be certain that you speak clearly and precisely when making presentations. Speak with confidence and admit honestly when you don't know, but promise to return with an answer promptly.
Reading the trades: Determine which publications top management is reading, then get a copy of them so that you, too, can become knowledgeable of relevant matters.
Making contact: Establish a contact person in all your referral sources. Make it a point to meet with that person so that you can get to know each other. It will help make your future contacts easier for both of you.
Remembering your manners: Never forget to be polite or to follow the proper protocol. It lets people know that you mean business, that you take your business relationships seriously.
Put these fifteen ideas into practice, and I guarantee you that you will see yourself progressing faster and farther than you think.
Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.
Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in ezines, newsletters, and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Although advance permission is not required, please notify us at when you use this article. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of your publication with the article included.
If you had a pen that was high-tech, yet baby-easy to use that in twenty (20) minutes of training could help you read-and-remember three (3) books, articles and reports in the time it takes others to finish one (1) would you need to know more?
Back in 1942 (World War 2) - the U. S. Air Force was having trouble teaching their pilots to quickly identify enemy planes. They created a training-tool called a tach-is-to-scope (Greek: meaning swift) that flashed visual-images on-a-screen - to improve the speed-of-viewing, together with extending long-term memory.
Did it really work?
The U.S. Air Force experts tested the tachistoscope on their crews and concluded it improved sightings 85%. It was declared mandatory-training for all pilots, co-pilots and navigators and hidden-away as Top-Secret for the duration of the war.
After the U.S. and their allies won the war educators in New York adapted the governments tachistoscope for training students to read faster. It worked great students read faster, understood more, and remembered text much longer.
But there was a serious problem using this speed reading tachistoscope it was way- too-big and once the reader did not have their tool they reverted back to snailing slowly reading one-word-at-a-time. But all the PhDs agreed this speed reading thing - was a valuable contribution to reading once they figured it out.
Evelyn Wood
A Utah school teacher decided to forget about this expensive and cumbersome tachistoscope - yet keep the benefits of speed reading. She substituted the fingers-of the-hand to pace the students eyes and found her method could help students ace their studies and tests.
Starting in 1959 Evelyn Wood (my partner), graduated two-million, together with the White House staffs of four (4) U. S. Presidents Kennedy Johnson Nixon Carter.
Whats New?
In the year 2000 (Evelyn passed-on in 1995), we finished ten-years of research on an advanced speed reading program for students and executives who required the competitive edge to live on the Fast Track.
The big-improvement was the RasterMaster, a handheld laser-pen (no ink), that offered all the benefits of the tachistoscope but was easy-as-pie, had you speed learning in twenty-minutes, and best-of-all was portable.
After testing it on kids from 8th grade to high school, college, graduate-school, and executives and professionals we began to offer it at colleges and universities in the U.S.
Speed Reading 100 helps students and executives quickly add 300% to their reading speed, and up to 40% to their knowledge-skills. It helps students ace their courses, exams and degrees.
Companies and organizations use it to improve the productivity of their top-guns up to 41% - a significant amount and discovered graduates were more creative, and communicated better. These results often transferred to an improved corporate balance sheet. Money talks.
In subsequent company-research executives also showed up to 28% improvement in long-term memory in speed learning trade-books, articles, reports and memos.
Directors of Human Resources in the U.S. and internationally added Speed Reading 100 to their training programs.
Is speed reading 100 for everybody?
Sure we recommend our twelve (12) hour live workshops for most students attending high-school, college and grad-schools (law, medical, business). The people who take it have a stubborn-streak and a burning-desire to show the world exactly how brilliant they are.
Speed Reading 100 is not everything it is only a valuable-skill that permits you to bring out your slumbering natural gifts-and-talents in learning.
Picture Speed Reading 100 as a boot-camp for folks who want to be top-of-the-heap, and have the competitive-edge. If you can imagine getting As on your exams, and receiving important promotions and raises you might consider our program.
Like all the major decisions in your life, self-improvement is a choice.
Is speed reading 100 a competition?
We all have a different pace for learning some are geniuses and pick up everything in-a-second, others (like me), are late-bloomers, and need practice and prodding from an inspired instructor - to make new strategies jell in our mind.
The only competition is reaching your personal-best.
If you are a nurse or plan to be one you may want to check out travel nurses. The benefits are huge and the demand for nurses in the United States is in dire need.
In the United States the number of young people entering the nursing field has declined, so much so, that it is feared that when the baby boomer nurses, who will soon retire, will put an immense strain on the medical profession.
With this great demand come many incentives to entice nurses to relocate, for example:
1) If you are coming from another country, you can be sponsored to obtain visa green cards and a social security number that will allow you to start work immediately. If you have a husband and children, they also can get green cards so they can remain with you and live and work in the States.
2) The agency can assist you with moving expenses and help find a suitable lodging for you and your family.
3) Free dental, health and life insurance are often offered as an incentive,
4) 401Ks with company matches may be offered to you.
5) License and NCLEX reimbursements may be offered to you.
6) Great pay!
It helps greatly to have experience in your field because if you do become a travel nurse you can be placed in a new hospital or facility and work in your specialized field immediately.
If you are not an experienced nurse then you may want to get that under your belt. Some hospitals want you to contract with them, but if you have any desire to relocate then you may want to pass that up and continue to train for that much needed experience. Some agencies will also place therapists and technicians.
If you are the adventurous type of person and want to experience many different facilities then you can be placed for 8 to 13 weeks at a particular place where your accommodations are taken care of for you. If you provide your own accommodations then you can get a generous subsidy for it. You can discuss what type of assignment you want and how long you want to do it and how many facilities you would like to work at. When your assignment is done you may want to consider a permanent residence or you may decide to resume a new assignment at a later date.
Planning Your Successful Career:
Doing a good job is one of the most important ways to move up the ladder", says Dr. Don Bagin, Professor of Communications at Glassbro State College.
If you are one of the many people who do a good job consistently but are not noticed by top management, here are some suggestions to help you get on the fast track:
Smiling: Research has shown that people who smile are perceived to be more intelligent than those who don't.
Prioritizing: Avoid spending a great deal of time on things that aren't important just because you are good at them. The person who gets ahead is the person who establishes priorities and sets aside time for them accordingly.
Walking: Choose to walk rather than drive as often as possible. And when you do, walk at least ten to fifteen percent faster than you normally would. Somehow this faster pace communicates to others that you are a person with a mission who is eager to get the job done.
Speaking actively: Use the active voice when speaking or writing. Listen to the difference: "I prepared and delivered the reports promptly." Compare it to "The report was promptly prepared and delivered." Although the second one told you something, many more questions were left unanswered.
Knowing your boss: Get to understand your boss' personality and when to approach him or her. If your boss is a morning person, be sure that you come up with your suggestions and proposals in the morning while he is most receptive.
Volunteering: While being careful not to overdo it, volunteer for special projects and responsibilities outside of your working hours and job description.
Expressing gratitude: Develop the habit of sending brief notes of thanks to anyone who has made your day easier.
Positively speaking: Look for positive things to say about people, especially your co-workers.
Being approachable: Make yourself approachable. Let people know when and how to reach you.
Following-up: After a task-assigning meeting, follow-up immediately on those assignments that were given to you.
Spotting trends: Learn to spot trends that affect your company or agency. Be the first person to alert those in a position to capitalize on them.
Presenting effectively: Be certain that you speak clearly and precisely when making presentations. Speak with confidence and admit honestly when you don't know, but promise to return with an answer promptly.
Reading the trades: Determine which publications top management is reading, then get a copy of them so that you, too, can become knowledgeable of relevant matters.
Making contact: Establish a contact person in all your referral sources. Make it a point to meet with that person so that you can get to know each other. It will help make your future contacts easier for both of you.
Remembering your manners: Never forget to be polite or to follow the proper protocol. It lets people know that you mean business, that you take your business relationships seriously.
Put these fifteen ideas into practice, and I guarantee you that you will see yourself progressing faster and farther than you think.
Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.
Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in ezines, newsletters, and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Although advance permission is not required, please notify us at when you use this article. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of your publication with the article included.
If you had a pen that was high-tech, yet baby-easy to use that in twenty (20) minutes of training could help you read-and-remember three (3) books, articles and reports in the time it takes others to finish one (1) would you need to know more?
Back in 1942 (World War 2) - the U. S. Air Force was having trouble teaching their pilots to quickly identify enemy planes. They created a training-tool called a tach-is-to-scope (Greek: meaning swift) that flashed visual-images on-a-screen - to improve the speed-of-viewing, together with extending long-term memory.
Did it really work?
The U.S. Air Force experts tested the tachistoscope on their crews and concluded it improved sightings 85%. It was declared mandatory-training for all pilots, co-pilots and navigators and hidden-away as Top-Secret for the duration of the war.
After the U.S. and their allies won the war educators in New York adapted the governments tachistoscope for training students to read faster. It worked great students read faster, understood more, and remembered text much longer.
But there was a serious problem using this speed reading tachistoscope it was way- too-big and once the reader did not have their tool they reverted back to snailing slowly reading one-word-at-a-time. But all the PhDs agreed this speed reading thing - was a valuable contribution to reading once they figured it out.
Evelyn Wood
A Utah school teacher decided to forget about this expensive and cumbersome tachistoscope - yet keep the benefits of speed reading. She substituted the fingers-of the-hand to pace the students eyes and found her method could help students ace their studies and tests.
Starting in 1959 Evelyn Wood (my partner), graduated two-million, together with the White House staffs of four (4) U. S. Presidents Kennedy Johnson Nixon Carter.
Whats New?
In the year 2000 (Evelyn passed-on in 1995), we finished ten-years of research on an advanced speed reading program for students and executives who required the competitive edge to live on the Fast Track.
The big-improvement was the RasterMaster, a handheld laser-pen (no ink), that offered all the benefits of the tachistoscope but was easy-as-pie, had you speed learning in twenty-minutes, and best-of-all was portable.
After testing it on kids from 8th grade to high school, college, graduate-school, and executives and professionals we began to offer it at colleges and universities in the U.S.
Speed Reading 100 helps students and executives quickly add 300% to their reading speed, and up to 40% to their knowledge-skills. It helps students ace their courses, exams and degrees.
Companies and organizations use it to improve the productivity of their top-guns up to 41% - a significant amount and discovered graduates were more creative, and communicated better. These results often transferred to an improved corporate balance sheet. Money talks.
In subsequent company-research executives also showed up to 28% improvement in long-term memory in speed learning trade-books, articles, reports and memos.
Directors of Human Resources in the U.S. and internationally added Speed Reading 100 to their training programs.
Is speed reading 100 for everybody?
Sure we recommend our twelve (12) hour live workshops for most students attending high-school, college and grad-schools (law, medical, business). The people who take it have a stubborn-streak and a burning-desire to show the world exactly how brilliant they are.
Speed Reading 100 is not everything it is only a valuable-skill that permits you to bring out your slumbering natural gifts-and-talents in learning.
Picture Speed Reading 100 as a boot-camp for folks who want to be top-of-the-heap, and have the competitive-edge. If you can imagine getting As on your exams, and receiving important promotions and raises you might consider our program.
Like all the major decisions in your life, self-improvement is a choice.
Is speed reading 100 a competition?
We all have a different pace for learning some are geniuses and pick up everything in-a-second, others (like me), are late-bloomers, and need practice and prodding from an inspired instructor - to make new strategies jell in our mind.
The only competition is reaching your personal-best.
Is an Invention Service Company the Solution? Very Few Inventors Ever See Successful Results
Business Plan Definition
Business plan definition - For every business, it is the vital first step. It is the blueprint that sets you going towards your goals. Look upon it as the roadmap that tells you and the world how you expect your company to achieve its stated objectives.
A business plan has often been defined as a comprehensive document that clearly describes how the entrepreneur intends to operate his business. You can also define a business plan as an important communication tool that details the financial strategy and goals of the organization. This definition is true for both existing and proposed business.
Find in the plan a detailed outline of the resources needed to realize the developmental objectives of the business. What are these resources, how will they be gathered, and from where will they be sourced a business plan tells you all.
For the company management, the business plan should include identification of markets, listing of customers, calculation of expenditures to be incurred and a computation of required investment of funds for business activities based on projected revenues and costs over a specified timeline.
The document is specifically designed to attract capital investment. Every time you approach a lending program for assistance, go armed with your business plan. Many banks insist on seeing the statement before they consider your loan application. Potential investors and bank managers pore over the document scheduling your proposed business activities over the coming year, or stated time period. Projection figures for sales, profit, turnover, ownership and key personnel data contained in the plan help them decide if your company is a safe bet for investment.
In the case of small business, the business plan definition extends to an examination of proposed products, target markets, concerned industries, management and marketing policies, production and financial requirements.
The business plans of giant companies can be defined as an expression of their corporate vision. Success and credibility of such a plan is ensured when the vision is truly global and draws from the present success of the private company.
Is an Invention Service Company the Solution? Very Few Inventors Ever See Successful Results
Every television viewer has seen the infomercial spot showing the forlorn, wanna-be inventor, crushed, their idea being successfully marketed by another party. He did not get a patent. The answer offered in the commercial, contact an invention Submission Company, get a patent, market your product or opportunity to thousands of corporate decision-makers, get rich. This is the American Dream, is it not?
One of the saddest aspects of my work as a new product development and marketing consultant is the whole area of invention submission firms. We see dozens of entrepreneurs every year: mentally torn, financially rocked, hopes depleted after their experience with the invention mills. In a number of cases real opportunity has been slaughtered. In many other cases the product or service offered would never be a realistically viable commercial opportunity, and any capable consultant would honestly advise such.
Essentially these dream merchants are boiler rooms. After viewing the commercial and calling the toll free number, the inventor is contacted by a sales person. Submission materials are forwarded, promises made and costs are discussed. Many entrepreneurs do not have the needed investment monies to appropriately file patents, create prototypes, conduct the research and produce the documents necessary to professionally present the product.
The invention mills, however, typically offer in-house financing and advise that they take care of all of the needed elements required to professionally excite investors or license deals. Often at usurious interest rates, the hopeful inventor makes a down payment on their dream, finances the balance, and, seduced by thoughts of riches, fully buys into the program. Then reality quickly rears its ugly head.
The Patent Filing
There are two styles of patents, utility and design. Only utility has real value, offering specific protections. The design patent can be easily overcome with elemental design or art changes to a product. In addition, a relatively recent filing class has been created: the provisional patent. Essentially the provisional patent is a simple letter to the United States Patent and Trademark Office announcing to the agency that you have an idea and are keen to pursue it. It offers virtually no protection.
The provisional patent costs almost nothing to file and has a life of exactly one-year from date of filing. The provisional must then be amended to utility or design in a new filing. The invention firms have in-house attorneys that routinely spit out the provisional filings and offer this as proof to the inventor that real patents have been filed and protections secured. Inexperienced, gullible first time entrepreneurs often believe that their product has real patent protection.
After the 12 month provisional period ends, the invention is never supported with a utility filing. The result, product protection rights are fully vacated. The inventor has a lapsed provisional and the submission firm walks away from pursuing the really valuable, and much more expensive, utility patent filing.
Securing a valuable, solid patent protection is the most touted benefit viewers of invention commercials will hear. Is a patent that important, valuable? Yes, and, no. Of course, a utility patent has immense value for any product. Given the choice, we always recommend pursuit of every patent, copyright and trademark claim possible. However, there are many non-patented, very successful products in the marketplace.
Patent strategy is crucial. It requires really experienced patent attorneys, fully committed to securing every possible protection available. That is not available from invention submission firms.
Create a Prototype
It is almost impossible to successfully market a new product without production quality prototypes. This requires diligence, creativity, sophisticated skills and equipment. The steps usually involve a mix of creative meetings, several 3-D, Computer Assisted Graphic (CAD) drawings, a rough model, styling tweaks and then the final model(s). The art is essential as exhibits in utility patent filings, as a tool for source of supply and to determine cost of goods. The models affirm commitment, features and benefits, product uniqueness and viability. Invention mills provide virtually none of this.
The inventor will receive an in-house generated piece of 3-D art. Thats it! No models, prototypes or hardware! This will be the basis for the campaign to market the submission for sale, joint venture or license. And, it can not work, ever.
The inventor provides a verbal description, or self-generated renderings, that are revised by in-house artists. There are almost never face to face meetings, essential to the creative process. The result is a piece of art that appears professional to the inexperienced. This is the prototype. It is sophomoric, unusable for the intended purpose of exciting investors.
Marketing the Invention
With the patent (provisional, of little value) and model (a drawing, of no value) in hand the product invention is ready to be sold, supposedly. Selling, marketing or partnering a product opportunity is hard work and requires contacts, research, experience in highly targeted areas, networking, attending trade shows and tenacity. No is a word heard many, many times more often than the word yes is heard.
How does the invention submission firm approach deal making? They take shortcuts, and shortcuts are death to opportunity. Shortcut number one is blind mailings. A list of companies and contact names is used and a cover letter, copy of the art and nothing else is mailed as a teaser. Anyone can relate to the results of this approach. Executives and corporate decision- makers never respond to junk mail, and that is what this type of submission really is.
The inter-net is a wonderful invention, and, of course, the invention clearing- houses really enjoy this tool, shortcut number-two. Mass e-mailings, unsolicited, otherwise known as junk mail, are a group favorite. The results are always the same, no deal.
Shortcut number-three, the product is added to an encyclopedia of the firms past products, and the book is offered as a repository of business opportunities for commercialization. A hard copy is available for viewing or on-line access is available. Unfortunately, this completely reverses normal progression of deal making.
Many, many more products are seeking a home than there are homes available for successful placement. Products must be sold and marketed with aggression, vigor, and creativity. Passivity is a model for failure and that is the approach taken by invention submission firms with these strategies.
I have asked many inventors, Did you ask for successful product placement references? They universally answer, I was told, that because of secrecy agreements they signed, they could not provide specific product names and details. This is gibberish and a subterfuge. A successful product placement is by nature openly sold in the marketplace. It is no longer a secret.
Here are several important keys to consider when interviewing or seeking assistance in marketing or launching a new product:
? Demand a face to face interview before hiring a firm or consultant.
? Demand references of successful campaigns.
? Demand to see successful product specimens.
? Check the firm out with Better Business Bureau, States Attorney General.
? Demand a patent strategy for a utility filing.
? Demand a template of processes the firm utilizes.
? Break out costs for each service provided.
? Will there be a customized business plan.
? Interview more than one firm, at least three.
Ask lots of questions and if you do not receive clear, concise responses, walk away. There is competent, reputable help available for every projects needs.
Business plan definition - For every business, it is the vital first step. It is the blueprint that sets you going towards your goals. Look upon it as the roadmap that tells you and the world how you expect your company to achieve its stated objectives.
A business plan has often been defined as a comprehensive document that clearly describes how the entrepreneur intends to operate his business. You can also define a business plan as an important communication tool that details the financial strategy and goals of the organization. This definition is true for both existing and proposed business.
Find in the plan a detailed outline of the resources needed to realize the developmental objectives of the business. What are these resources, how will they be gathered, and from where will they be sourced a business plan tells you all.
For the company management, the business plan should include identification of markets, listing of customers, calculation of expenditures to be incurred and a computation of required investment of funds for business activities based on projected revenues and costs over a specified timeline.
The document is specifically designed to attract capital investment. Every time you approach a lending program for assistance, go armed with your business plan. Many banks insist on seeing the statement before they consider your loan application. Potential investors and bank managers pore over the document scheduling your proposed business activities over the coming year, or stated time period. Projection figures for sales, profit, turnover, ownership and key personnel data contained in the plan help them decide if your company is a safe bet for investment.
In the case of small business, the business plan definition extends to an examination of proposed products, target markets, concerned industries, management and marketing policies, production and financial requirements.
The business plans of giant companies can be defined as an expression of their corporate vision. Success and credibility of such a plan is ensured when the vision is truly global and draws from the present success of the private company.
Is an Invention Service Company the Solution? Very Few Inventors Ever See Successful Results
Every television viewer has seen the infomercial spot showing the forlorn, wanna-be inventor, crushed, their idea being successfully marketed by another party. He did not get a patent. The answer offered in the commercial, contact an invention Submission Company, get a patent, market your product or opportunity to thousands of corporate decision-makers, get rich. This is the American Dream, is it not?
One of the saddest aspects of my work as a new product development and marketing consultant is the whole area of invention submission firms. We see dozens of entrepreneurs every year: mentally torn, financially rocked, hopes depleted after their experience with the invention mills. In a number of cases real opportunity has been slaughtered. In many other cases the product or service offered would never be a realistically viable commercial opportunity, and any capable consultant would honestly advise such.
Essentially these dream merchants are boiler rooms. After viewing the commercial and calling the toll free number, the inventor is contacted by a sales person. Submission materials are forwarded, promises made and costs are discussed. Many entrepreneurs do not have the needed investment monies to appropriately file patents, create prototypes, conduct the research and produce the documents necessary to professionally present the product.
The invention mills, however, typically offer in-house financing and advise that they take care of all of the needed elements required to professionally excite investors or license deals. Often at usurious interest rates, the hopeful inventor makes a down payment on their dream, finances the balance, and, seduced by thoughts of riches, fully buys into the program. Then reality quickly rears its ugly head.
The Patent Filing
There are two styles of patents, utility and design. Only utility has real value, offering specific protections. The design patent can be easily overcome with elemental design or art changes to a product. In addition, a relatively recent filing class has been created: the provisional patent. Essentially the provisional patent is a simple letter to the United States Patent and Trademark Office announcing to the agency that you have an idea and are keen to pursue it. It offers virtually no protection.
The provisional patent costs almost nothing to file and has a life of exactly one-year from date of filing. The provisional must then be amended to utility or design in a new filing. The invention firms have in-house attorneys that routinely spit out the provisional filings and offer this as proof to the inventor that real patents have been filed and protections secured. Inexperienced, gullible first time entrepreneurs often believe that their product has real patent protection.
After the 12 month provisional period ends, the invention is never supported with a utility filing. The result, product protection rights are fully vacated. The inventor has a lapsed provisional and the submission firm walks away from pursuing the really valuable, and much more expensive, utility patent filing.
Securing a valuable, solid patent protection is the most touted benefit viewers of invention commercials will hear. Is a patent that important, valuable? Yes, and, no. Of course, a utility patent has immense value for any product. Given the choice, we always recommend pursuit of every patent, copyright and trademark claim possible. However, there are many non-patented, very successful products in the marketplace.
Patent strategy is crucial. It requires really experienced patent attorneys, fully committed to securing every possible protection available. That is not available from invention submission firms.
Create a Prototype
It is almost impossible to successfully market a new product without production quality prototypes. This requires diligence, creativity, sophisticated skills and equipment. The steps usually involve a mix of creative meetings, several 3-D, Computer Assisted Graphic (CAD) drawings, a rough model, styling tweaks and then the final model(s). The art is essential as exhibits in utility patent filings, as a tool for source of supply and to determine cost of goods. The models affirm commitment, features and benefits, product uniqueness and viability. Invention mills provide virtually none of this.
The inventor will receive an in-house generated piece of 3-D art. Thats it! No models, prototypes or hardware! This will be the basis for the campaign to market the submission for sale, joint venture or license. And, it can not work, ever.
The inventor provides a verbal description, or self-generated renderings, that are revised by in-house artists. There are almost never face to face meetings, essential to the creative process. The result is a piece of art that appears professional to the inexperienced. This is the prototype. It is sophomoric, unusable for the intended purpose of exciting investors.
Marketing the Invention
With the patent (provisional, of little value) and model (a drawing, of no value) in hand the product invention is ready to be sold, supposedly. Selling, marketing or partnering a product opportunity is hard work and requires contacts, research, experience in highly targeted areas, networking, attending trade shows and tenacity. No is a word heard many, many times more often than the word yes is heard.
How does the invention submission firm approach deal making? They take shortcuts, and shortcuts are death to opportunity. Shortcut number one is blind mailings. A list of companies and contact names is used and a cover letter, copy of the art and nothing else is mailed as a teaser. Anyone can relate to the results of this approach. Executives and corporate decision- makers never respond to junk mail, and that is what this type of submission really is.
The inter-net is a wonderful invention, and, of course, the invention clearing- houses really enjoy this tool, shortcut number-two. Mass e-mailings, unsolicited, otherwise known as junk mail, are a group favorite. The results are always the same, no deal.
Shortcut number-three, the product is added to an encyclopedia of the firms past products, and the book is offered as a repository of business opportunities for commercialization. A hard copy is available for viewing or on-line access is available. Unfortunately, this completely reverses normal progression of deal making.
Many, many more products are seeking a home than there are homes available for successful placement. Products must be sold and marketed with aggression, vigor, and creativity. Passivity is a model for failure and that is the approach taken by invention submission firms with these strategies.
I have asked many inventors, Did you ask for successful product placement references? They universally answer, I was told, that because of secrecy agreements they signed, they could not provide specific product names and details. This is gibberish and a subterfuge. A successful product placement is by nature openly sold in the marketplace. It is no longer a secret.
Here are several important keys to consider when interviewing or seeking assistance in marketing or launching a new product:
? Demand a face to face interview before hiring a firm or consultant.
? Demand references of successful campaigns.
? Demand to see successful product specimens.
? Check the firm out with Better Business Bureau, States Attorney General.
? Demand a patent strategy for a utility filing.
? Demand a template of processes the firm utilizes.
? Break out costs for each service provided.
? Will there be a customized business plan.
? Interview more than one firm, at least three.
Ask lots of questions and if you do not receive clear, concise responses, walk away. There is competent, reputable help available for every projects needs.
Ingredients of Successful Career Development Training
With hundreds of students graduating from college each and every year, it is important to keep yourself up to date with skills that are needed in the workplace. Fortunately, no matter what industry you are in, career training can put you on a path to success. With thousands of opportunities online and offline, training and development is the way to go.
For most people, successful career development training begins when youre in college. These training and development courses are designed to help students recognize their potential and give them an extra push into the employment world. Since many students are confused with what jobs are the right fit for them, these courses could provide an insight. Generally, career training programs breakdown the skills needed to climb the professional ladder. For instance, if you were a student and wanted to become a computer programmer, a course would specify the mindset needed to succeed in such a market. Usually this would also include basic tutorials on programs, and time management training. Time management training will help you organize every aspect of your professional life. For instance, most programs teach you the essentials of keeping lists and writing every part of your schedule down. After all, if you dont learn time management, you will never get very far in life. These are tools you can not only use in the work place, but also in your personal life.
If you are out of school and are currently working within the industry, it is still important to become involved in career training. Many companies now hire training and development professionals who will teach employees the newest programs and skills needed in their specific market. It is important to stay ahead, especially when you are competing for the top spot with other companies. For those who do not have the luxury of learning career training through their means of employment, online programs offer career training courses. Fortunately, these courses are all legit and result in certification. Although these alternatives may be expensive, they will get you to a higher position in the long run.
No matter what type of career training you are looking for, each program will teach you the ingredients needed to succeed. Besides time management training, instructors will show you how to apply information you have learned in the classroom. For most students, it is difficult to take what you have learned and use it in the real world. Fortunately, this is all possible, and professionals will easily guide you into using such skills. As a result, you will not only be more prepared for working with professionals, but you will gain more confidence as you succeed.
When did the Job Hunter Become the Bad Guy?
Without a doubt, this is a highly competitive world we liveand workin. The job boards are full of very technical jobs requiring specific skill sets from would-be candidates. Nobody understands this better than the HR manager or the recruiter tasked to fill a position.
Its not uncommon today to find, at the bottom of a job description, a statement in bold declaring, Please only apply if you meet ALL of the requirements listed.
Thank you, we get it.
This desire for the perfect candidate has fostered a perceived attitude of, Dont bother me all ye who are only 80% qualified. While we (job hunters) can understand the reasoning, the tone comes off sounding condescending.
My question then is, When did the candidate become the bad guy? Isnt one of the main duties of an HR manager, and the only duty of a recruiter, to seek out and bring in the talent? Given this, why do so few of them bother with even a modicum of respect when dealing with candidates?
We (again job hunters) understand that recruiting managers are going to receive hundreds of resumes within hours of posting a job. We understand that even if the listing specifically asks people not to call, theyre going to. We even understand that after sifting through these hundreds of resumes to find a few gems, it will probably take a few days to get back to us. But what we dont understand is the lack of respect and follow through shown to candidates who are effectively putting food on your table.
True Story (times three) Im permanently employed, but Im looking. Nothing new about that. Since I currently have a job, Im being picky. In the last two months, Ive interviewed for three positions. As it turned out, I was only really interested in one of them after interviewing; however, one would have thought I had arrived and thumbed my nose at the interviewer and walked out. The lack of follow-up on the recruiters behalf was that poor.
What gives? Did you like me? Did you hate me? Are there internal politics going on that have put the position on-hold for the time being? Come onthrow a guy a bone here.
Are recruiters too busy to tell the poor sap that drove across town on his Saturday for an interview that the organization decided to go with someone else? That perhaps the recruiters is going to put the candidate on the maybe list while continuing to look for someone who will take less money? Is it really that difficult to pick up the phone or send an e-mail? I mean, isnt that part of your job?
With all this, we (again the candidates) are the bad guys. Were supposed to get all excited when a recruiter calls and asks us to review our work experience over the phone with someone who found our resume online and should already have the information.
For somebody who receives a paycheck based on how well they are able to woo candidates into the fold, HR managers and recruiters seem to have placed themselves on a pedestal. Being the corporate gatekeeper determining whether or not someone pays their mortgage next month is a lofty place to be, no-doubt. But lets not forget that everyone has to look for a job sometime. Karma can be a real pain if ignored.
With hundreds of students graduating from college each and every year, it is important to keep yourself up to date with skills that are needed in the workplace. Fortunately, no matter what industry you are in, career training can put you on a path to success. With thousands of opportunities online and offline, training and development is the way to go.
For most people, successful career development training begins when youre in college. These training and development courses are designed to help students recognize their potential and give them an extra push into the employment world. Since many students are confused with what jobs are the right fit for them, these courses could provide an insight. Generally, career training programs breakdown the skills needed to climb the professional ladder. For instance, if you were a student and wanted to become a computer programmer, a course would specify the mindset needed to succeed in such a market. Usually this would also include basic tutorials on programs, and time management training. Time management training will help you organize every aspect of your professional life. For instance, most programs teach you the essentials of keeping lists and writing every part of your schedule down. After all, if you dont learn time management, you will never get very far in life. These are tools you can not only use in the work place, but also in your personal life.
If you are out of school and are currently working within the industry, it is still important to become involved in career training. Many companies now hire training and development professionals who will teach employees the newest programs and skills needed in their specific market. It is important to stay ahead, especially when you are competing for the top spot with other companies. For those who do not have the luxury of learning career training through their means of employment, online programs offer career training courses. Fortunately, these courses are all legit and result in certification. Although these alternatives may be expensive, they will get you to a higher position in the long run.
No matter what type of career training you are looking for, each program will teach you the ingredients needed to succeed. Besides time management training, instructors will show you how to apply information you have learned in the classroom. For most students, it is difficult to take what you have learned and use it in the real world. Fortunately, this is all possible, and professionals will easily guide you into using such skills. As a result, you will not only be more prepared for working with professionals, but you will gain more confidence as you succeed.
When did the Job Hunter Become the Bad Guy?
Without a doubt, this is a highly competitive world we liveand workin. The job boards are full of very technical jobs requiring specific skill sets from would-be candidates. Nobody understands this better than the HR manager or the recruiter tasked to fill a position.
Its not uncommon today to find, at the bottom of a job description, a statement in bold declaring, Please only apply if you meet ALL of the requirements listed.
Thank you, we get it.
This desire for the perfect candidate has fostered a perceived attitude of, Dont bother me all ye who are only 80% qualified. While we (job hunters) can understand the reasoning, the tone comes off sounding condescending.
My question then is, When did the candidate become the bad guy? Isnt one of the main duties of an HR manager, and the only duty of a recruiter, to seek out and bring in the talent? Given this, why do so few of them bother with even a modicum of respect when dealing with candidates?
We (again job hunters) understand that recruiting managers are going to receive hundreds of resumes within hours of posting a job. We understand that even if the listing specifically asks people not to call, theyre going to. We even understand that after sifting through these hundreds of resumes to find a few gems, it will probably take a few days to get back to us. But what we dont understand is the lack of respect and follow through shown to candidates who are effectively putting food on your table.
True Story (times three) Im permanently employed, but Im looking. Nothing new about that. Since I currently have a job, Im being picky. In the last two months, Ive interviewed for three positions. As it turned out, I was only really interested in one of them after interviewing; however, one would have thought I had arrived and thumbed my nose at the interviewer and walked out. The lack of follow-up on the recruiters behalf was that poor.
What gives? Did you like me? Did you hate me? Are there internal politics going on that have put the position on-hold for the time being? Come onthrow a guy a bone here.
Are recruiters too busy to tell the poor sap that drove across town on his Saturday for an interview that the organization decided to go with someone else? That perhaps the recruiters is going to put the candidate on the maybe list while continuing to look for someone who will take less money? Is it really that difficult to pick up the phone or send an e-mail? I mean, isnt that part of your job?
With all this, we (again the candidates) are the bad guys. Were supposed to get all excited when a recruiter calls and asks us to review our work experience over the phone with someone who found our resume online and should already have the information.
For somebody who receives a paycheck based on how well they are able to woo candidates into the fold, HR managers and recruiters seem to have placed themselves on a pedestal. Being the corporate gatekeeper determining whether or not someone pays their mortgage next month is a lofty place to be, no-doubt. But lets not forget that everyone has to look for a job sometime. Karma can be a real pain if ignored.
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Why Keeping Your Business and Time Organized Will Help You Be Succesful.
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In any business the old saying "Time is Money" is very true. For every minute that is waisted could mean the loss of revenue or another potential client. This is seen for every business including a one or two man operation. Since the duties of the company will be either put on you totally or split between partners. Keeping your time organized will not only free you up to focus on other business related issues, which will allow you take care of more each and every day. It will also help lead you to success.
Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours you need to treat every minute precious. Some businesses work so efficient that it seems they can get 10 hours done in half the time. While other businesses waiste their time and are always trying to play catch up. Every time they get caught up on the work from yesterday, tomorrow they will have to get caught up on the work they had to skip from today. Which usually gets them into a catch 22 , which not only makes you or your employees have to work harder and longer hours to get everything in order. Your clients will also feel the delays that come along with this and may decide to opt-out for a business who can run their business right.
Keeping your company organized will allow you to stay on track when it comes to day to day operations. This is key for any business who has to meet deadlines and deliver products to clients. Organizing day to day operations will allow you to group activities that need to be addressed together. So if you need to pick up paper, ink for the printer and envelopes, you should be able to do this in one shot. So instead of making three trips during the week, do them all in one shot. This will not only save you time on having to go out to the store for the things you need, it will also allow you to stay in a steady progress without having to leave what you are doing to run out.
To organize yourself is actually very easy. Make a list of your day to day operations so that you can see what you need to do during the week. This will help create an outline of what you will need to do for your business and will give you a time table to run your business by. Make each day represent something for your company such as: Mondays - Go To The Store : Tuesday - Send Out Mail ect... Making a time table and tracking your time will help your business run more efficient and effective!
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The more information you have about your market value and the prospective employer, the greater your likelihood of success. This is the first commandment because it's the most important. There's a wealth of information available on the Internet, at the public library and through professional associations and networking groups. Time spent learning how to negotiate and preparing for negotiations may be the best investment you'll ever make.
When the negotiations are over, you'll have to work with the person with whom you're negotiating. Moreover, your future success may depend on that person. So, while you want to negotiate the best possible deal, you need to do so in a way that doesn't damage your image. At the same time, the employer's primary concern isn't negotiating the least expensive compensation package it can get away with. Rather, their focus will be on getting you to accept the job.
To be successful in this type of negotiation, you need to examine your priorities. What do you really want? Are you comfortable with a low salary and a large equity stake? Are you able to handle dramatic swings in income from year to year? Understanding your needs will also help you determine the type of company you want to work for. For example, a family-owned company may be able to offer a competitive salary and a large bonus based on results, but may not be willing to offer significant equity to a non-family member. A start-up company, on the other hand, may not be able to offer market salary, but will typically offer stock options. By recognizing what an employer can and can't do, you'll be able to determine what issues you should press.
Sometimes you'll have skills that are in great demand. And sometimes, you may be one of several qualified candidates the company would be happy to hire. Sizing up the situation and understanding the relative position of each party will help you determine when to press your advantage and when to back off.
It's not only wrong to lie, but in employment negotiations, it's ineffective. If you lie during negotiations, sooner or later you're likely to be caught. Once you are, even if you don't lose the offer, you'll be at a tremendous disadvantage, and your credibility will always be suspect. On the other hand, total candor wont be rewarded. You're under no obligation to blurt out everything you know. You can determine what you want to say and how you want to say it, and try to put everything in its most positive light. One key element of your preparation should be to recognize areas of concern so you can rehearse how to handle them when they inevitably come up.
The guiding principle for most employers when negotiating is fairness. Within the constraints of their budget and organizational structure, employers usually will agree to anything that's fair and reasonable to hire someone they want. Appeals to fairness are your most powerful weapon. Thus, you should be able to justify every request you make in terms of fairness. For example, if other computer programmers in similar companies are being given sign-on bonuses, you should expect to be treated no differently. Your prospective employer will want you to accept it's offer and feel that you've been treated fairly. Understanding the importance of fairness as a negotiating principle can make the difference between success and failure.
The more information you convey to a potential employer about your bottom line, the more likely it will limit what you get. Before making an offer, a company typically tries to determine what it will take for you to accept the position. With that information, the prospective employer will be able to determine the minimum package it needs to offer. While they may not offer you as little as they can get away with, if you've divulged too much information, they likely wont offer you as much as they might have otherwise. By not disclosing exactly what your current compensation is or exactly what it would take to get you to leave your job, you'll force a potential employer to make it's best offer.
Consider the value of the total package. Look for different ways to achieve your objectives. Be willing to make tradeoffs to increase the total value of the deal. If you're creative, you can package what you want in ways that will be acceptable to the company. You'll also be able to find creative "trades" that allow you to withdraw requests that might be problematic to the company in return for improvements in areas where the company has more flexibility. That way, you can maximize the value of the package you negotiate.
Too often in negotiations, the act of winning becomes more important than achieving your goals. And it's also important not to make your future boss feel as if he's lost in the negotiations. You'll have gained little by negotiating a good deal if you alienate your future boss in the process.
The one sure way to lose everything you've obtained is to be greedy. There comes a point in every negotiation when you've achieved everything you could have reasonably expected to gain. While most companies will want to treat you fairly and make you happy, few companies want a to hire a prima donna. Being perceived as greedy or unreasonable may cause the deal to fall apart. Even if it doesn't, you'll have done immeasurable harm to your career. This brings us to the 11th and most important commandment:
Job negotiations are the starting point for your career with a company. Get too little and you're disadvantaged throughout your career there; push too hard and you can sour the relationship before it begins.
Understanding these principles will allow you to effectively negotiate the terms of your new job. Then do your job well and continually seek out new challenges. As you take on added responsibilities and learn new skills, there will be opportunities to negotiate further improvements.
This article can also be read directly at:
Managing Editor
"Helping You Find More Jobs Faster"
Employment Screening Resources
Author: Josh Riverside
Employee screenings use legal, medical, human resource, and other government offices related records to get a good insight into a job applicants background. They must have access to these records in various government offices such as the DMV, criminal records bureau, medical institutions, and schools.
These offices do not provide confidential reports to each and everyone who enquires. The investigators must have authentic identification before trying to check these records. Educational institutes tend to provide only basic information.
Since the pre-employment screening companies make a business out of these reports, they need to be precise, accurate, and timely. They must have resources required to provide reports requiring exhaustive search in some cases. Also, some companies need to provide reports involving a nationwide screening of the candidate.
All pre-employment screening companies are able to check into the criminal background of the applicant. In the event the applicant had filed for bankruptcy or has a bad credit history, it will be mentioned in the report as it might reflect badly when the company provides the employee with a corporate credit card that can be misused. Criminal records or recorded instances of violence in the work place might also be considered against the candidate. Drugs and sexual abuse are other offenses that can be easily unearthed during the screening.
With the resources available to the investigative agencies these days, there is practically nothing about the applicant that they cannot unearth. Companies encourage candidates to not provide falsified resumes or hide something vital that might affect the job or the company in the future.
Starting a Business - The One Mistake many Owners make when Starting a Business
You've decided to go into business for yourself. You've done your research into your industry, overhead, equipment, advertising, etc. You're all set to go, right? Wrong!
If you have NOT had comprehensive research conducted on your business name, then you do not know if it's truly available.
A common mistake many new business owners make is assuming that their business name is available simply because:
the domain name was available
the fictitious name was available
the corporate name was available
internet research showed the name was available
yellow page research showed the name was available
The above are merely preliminary indications of what business names, service names, and product names are out there. Only comprehensive research will tell you if a name is truly available for use.
Ok, so what is comprehensive research?
Comprehensive research entails searching a variety of files.
The first step is a comprehensive search of the pending and registered Federal and State trademark files. Similar names matter too! The search should look for similarities in Sound, Appearance and Meaning, which means looking at synonyms, spelling variations, word placement, translations (if necessary), etc.
The second step is a comprehensive search of US National Common-Law files. This entails searching all incorporation records, all fictitious name/DBA records, Dun & Bradstreet (R) records, product announcements, newspapers, company directories, etc.
If the research proves clear on both steps, you can then decide if you'd like to file for a State or Federal trademark.
The second way to make money fast and easy is to offer a service. With the emphasis being on speed in this case, I will try to give you an outline of a particularly lucrative and rapid way to make money fast.
Asuming you have a home phone and a few dollars to spare on printing, you are going to rely on the law of averages to get your required money fast. As in PART 1, I have settled on $1500 but you can manipulate this to suit your needs. Whatever the crisis is, a few thouand dollars should always be enough to get you out and buy you some time until you get a handle on your finances.
The law of averages states that every situation has a conversion rate. To use an extreme example, lets take my table lamp sitting here on my desk.
If we set up the scenario we can get an understanding into the law of averages. Say our scenario is that we want to sell this $22.00 lamp for $1 million dollars. It sounds impossible, who would give you $1 million dollars in exchange for a $22.00 lamp?
The law of averages states that even this unlikely scenario shall have a conversion rate. The possibility might be calculated at 0.0000000000000000004858688% chance that it will happen, however even this unlikely event would occur at some decimal point. However, we can also manipulate the conversion ratio by developing the scenario. If the arbitrary calculation above means that you would have to try 200 billion, trillion times to find just 1 person who would give you $1 million dollars for a desk lamp, an adjustment in the scenario can improve that number.
For example, the price, you could reduce the price to $1000 which would immediately change the calculation to reflect the new circumstance. Now the conversion may be 1.2 in other words, for every 120 people you offer the lamp to, 1 will buy instead of the 200 billion, trillion.
What if ontop of a price reduction, you registered as a charity. You as the administrator of the donation may keep a percentage of the $1000 and refer the rest to the charity you chose. You get to help people and at the same time make a little money. Would this impact the conversion? Of course it would. Not everybody views money in the same way and there are people out there that definitely would buy a $22.00 table lamp for $1000 if it was going to charity. The conversion ratio might become 2% or 1 in every 50 people may take you up on this offer.
Novelty sells and in the above case, the novelty was the extremely high price of the lamp. That combined with it being a charitable donation meant that the scenario had a reasonable chance. To sell 10 lamps for $1000 for charity you would simply make 500 people aware of the offer if the 2% conversion ratio was true.
To apply the law of averages to make money fast we can see the possibilities. You must construct a scenario with an estimated conversion rate and work to make enough people aware of your offer based on the profit projection and your financial goal (in this case $1500)
To do that we look for demand. Without too much
To do that we look for demand. Without too much money we have settled on offering a service. We think about what people may need from you that you could offer that they would also pay for.
Also because we are working with the law of averages, we are not going to go for a high conversion rate. We are looking for a high price and lower conversion rate. The higher the price, the lower the chance that somebody will take your offer. But it doesnt mean nobody would take your offer does it? It just means you need to see more people to finally find the individual that finds your offer attractive and acts on it.
This is the bones of the strategy. Whether you choose to wash all the exterior windows of a wealthy persons house. Or provide in-home foot rubs and back and shoulder massage to retired people. Maybe you will advertise a flyer entitled "your slave for a week" $1500 to attract people using a novel approach is up to you.
CALLED +23407072040455
In any business the old saying "Time is Money" is very true. For every minute that is waisted could mean the loss of revenue or another potential client. This is seen for every business including a one or two man operation. Since the duties of the company will be either put on you totally or split between partners. Keeping your time organized will not only free you up to focus on other business related issues, which will allow you take care of more each and every day. It will also help lead you to success.
Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours you need to treat every minute precious. Some businesses work so efficient that it seems they can get 10 hours done in half the time. While other businesses waiste their time and are always trying to play catch up. Every time they get caught up on the work from yesterday, tomorrow they will have to get caught up on the work they had to skip from today. Which usually gets them into a catch 22 , which not only makes you or your employees have to work harder and longer hours to get everything in order. Your clients will also feel the delays that come along with this and may decide to opt-out for a business who can run their business right.
Keeping your company organized will allow you to stay on track when it comes to day to day operations. This is key for any business who has to meet deadlines and deliver products to clients. Organizing day to day operations will allow you to group activities that need to be addressed together. So if you need to pick up paper, ink for the printer and envelopes, you should be able to do this in one shot. So instead of making three trips during the week, do them all in one shot. This will not only save you time on having to go out to the store for the things you need, it will also allow you to stay in a steady progress without having to leave what you are doing to run out.
To organize yourself is actually very easy. Make a list of your day to day operations so that you can see what you need to do during the week. This will help create an outline of what you will need to do for your business and will give you a time table to run your business by. Make each day represent something for your company such as: Mondays - Go To The Store : Tuesday - Send Out Mail ect... Making a time table and tracking your time will help your business run more efficient and effective!
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The more information you have about your market value and the prospective employer, the greater your likelihood of success. This is the first commandment because it's the most important. There's a wealth of information available on the Internet, at the public library and through professional associations and networking groups. Time spent learning how to negotiate and preparing for negotiations may be the best investment you'll ever make.
When the negotiations are over, you'll have to work with the person with whom you're negotiating. Moreover, your future success may depend on that person. So, while you want to negotiate the best possible deal, you need to do so in a way that doesn't damage your image. At the same time, the employer's primary concern isn't negotiating the least expensive compensation package it can get away with. Rather, their focus will be on getting you to accept the job.
To be successful in this type of negotiation, you need to examine your priorities. What do you really want? Are you comfortable with a low salary and a large equity stake? Are you able to handle dramatic swings in income from year to year? Understanding your needs will also help you determine the type of company you want to work for. For example, a family-owned company may be able to offer a competitive salary and a large bonus based on results, but may not be willing to offer significant equity to a non-family member. A start-up company, on the other hand, may not be able to offer market salary, but will typically offer stock options. By recognizing what an employer can and can't do, you'll be able to determine what issues you should press.
Sometimes you'll have skills that are in great demand. And sometimes, you may be one of several qualified candidates the company would be happy to hire. Sizing up the situation and understanding the relative position of each party will help you determine when to press your advantage and when to back off.
It's not only wrong to lie, but in employment negotiations, it's ineffective. If you lie during negotiations, sooner or later you're likely to be caught. Once you are, even if you don't lose the offer, you'll be at a tremendous disadvantage, and your credibility will always be suspect. On the other hand, total candor wont be rewarded. You're under no obligation to blurt out everything you know. You can determine what you want to say and how you want to say it, and try to put everything in its most positive light. One key element of your preparation should be to recognize areas of concern so you can rehearse how to handle them when they inevitably come up.
The guiding principle for most employers when negotiating is fairness. Within the constraints of their budget and organizational structure, employers usually will agree to anything that's fair and reasonable to hire someone they want. Appeals to fairness are your most powerful weapon. Thus, you should be able to justify every request you make in terms of fairness. For example, if other computer programmers in similar companies are being given sign-on bonuses, you should expect to be treated no differently. Your prospective employer will want you to accept it's offer and feel that you've been treated fairly. Understanding the importance of fairness as a negotiating principle can make the difference between success and failure.
The more information you convey to a potential employer about your bottom line, the more likely it will limit what you get. Before making an offer, a company typically tries to determine what it will take for you to accept the position. With that information, the prospective employer will be able to determine the minimum package it needs to offer. While they may not offer you as little as they can get away with, if you've divulged too much information, they likely wont offer you as much as they might have otherwise. By not disclosing exactly what your current compensation is or exactly what it would take to get you to leave your job, you'll force a potential employer to make it's best offer.
Consider the value of the total package. Look for different ways to achieve your objectives. Be willing to make tradeoffs to increase the total value of the deal. If you're creative, you can package what you want in ways that will be acceptable to the company. You'll also be able to find creative "trades" that allow you to withdraw requests that might be problematic to the company in return for improvements in areas where the company has more flexibility. That way, you can maximize the value of the package you negotiate.
Too often in negotiations, the act of winning becomes more important than achieving your goals. And it's also important not to make your future boss feel as if he's lost in the negotiations. You'll have gained little by negotiating a good deal if you alienate your future boss in the process.
The one sure way to lose everything you've obtained is to be greedy. There comes a point in every negotiation when you've achieved everything you could have reasonably expected to gain. While most companies will want to treat you fairly and make you happy, few companies want a to hire a prima donna. Being perceived as greedy or unreasonable may cause the deal to fall apart. Even if it doesn't, you'll have done immeasurable harm to your career. This brings us to the 11th and most important commandment:
Job negotiations are the starting point for your career with a company. Get too little and you're disadvantaged throughout your career there; push too hard and you can sour the relationship before it begins.
Understanding these principles will allow you to effectively negotiate the terms of your new job. Then do your job well and continually seek out new challenges. As you take on added responsibilities and learn new skills, there will be opportunities to negotiate further improvements.
This article can also be read directly at:
Managing Editor
"Helping You Find More Jobs Faster"
Employment Screening Resources
Author: Josh Riverside
Employee screenings use legal, medical, human resource, and other government offices related records to get a good insight into a job applicants background. They must have access to these records in various government offices such as the DMV, criminal records bureau, medical institutions, and schools.
These offices do not provide confidential reports to each and everyone who enquires. The investigators must have authentic identification before trying to check these records. Educational institutes tend to provide only basic information.
Since the pre-employment screening companies make a business out of these reports, they need to be precise, accurate, and timely. They must have resources required to provide reports requiring exhaustive search in some cases. Also, some companies need to provide reports involving a nationwide screening of the candidate.
All pre-employment screening companies are able to check into the criminal background of the applicant. In the event the applicant had filed for bankruptcy or has a bad credit history, it will be mentioned in the report as it might reflect badly when the company provides the employee with a corporate credit card that can be misused. Criminal records or recorded instances of violence in the work place might also be considered against the candidate. Drugs and sexual abuse are other offenses that can be easily unearthed during the screening.
With the resources available to the investigative agencies these days, there is practically nothing about the applicant that they cannot unearth. Companies encourage candidates to not provide falsified resumes or hide something vital that might affect the job or the company in the future.
Starting a Business - The One Mistake many Owners make when Starting a Business
You've decided to go into business for yourself. You've done your research into your industry, overhead, equipment, advertising, etc. You're all set to go, right? Wrong!
If you have NOT had comprehensive research conducted on your business name, then you do not know if it's truly available.
A common mistake many new business owners make is assuming that their business name is available simply because:
the domain name was available
the fictitious name was available
the corporate name was available
internet research showed the name was available
yellow page research showed the name was available
The above are merely preliminary indications of what business names, service names, and product names are out there. Only comprehensive research will tell you if a name is truly available for use.
Ok, so what is comprehensive research?
Comprehensive research entails searching a variety of files.
The first step is a comprehensive search of the pending and registered Federal and State trademark files. Similar names matter too! The search should look for similarities in Sound, Appearance and Meaning, which means looking at synonyms, spelling variations, word placement, translations (if necessary), etc.
The second step is a comprehensive search of US National Common-Law files. This entails searching all incorporation records, all fictitious name/DBA records, Dun & Bradstreet (R) records, product announcements, newspapers, company directories, etc.
If the research proves clear on both steps, you can then decide if you'd like to file for a State or Federal trademark.
The second way to make money fast and easy is to offer a service. With the emphasis being on speed in this case, I will try to give you an outline of a particularly lucrative and rapid way to make money fast.
Asuming you have a home phone and a few dollars to spare on printing, you are going to rely on the law of averages to get your required money fast. As in PART 1, I have settled on $1500 but you can manipulate this to suit your needs. Whatever the crisis is, a few thouand dollars should always be enough to get you out and buy you some time until you get a handle on your finances.
The law of averages states that every situation has a conversion rate. To use an extreme example, lets take my table lamp sitting here on my desk.
If we set up the scenario we can get an understanding into the law of averages. Say our scenario is that we want to sell this $22.00 lamp for $1 million dollars. It sounds impossible, who would give you $1 million dollars in exchange for a $22.00 lamp?
The law of averages states that even this unlikely scenario shall have a conversion rate. The possibility might be calculated at 0.0000000000000000004858688% chance that it will happen, however even this unlikely event would occur at some decimal point. However, we can also manipulate the conversion ratio by developing the scenario. If the arbitrary calculation above means that you would have to try 200 billion, trillion times to find just 1 person who would give you $1 million dollars for a desk lamp, an adjustment in the scenario can improve that number.
For example, the price, you could reduce the price to $1000 which would immediately change the calculation to reflect the new circumstance. Now the conversion may be 1.2 in other words, for every 120 people you offer the lamp to, 1 will buy instead of the 200 billion, trillion.
What if ontop of a price reduction, you registered as a charity. You as the administrator of the donation may keep a percentage of the $1000 and refer the rest to the charity you chose. You get to help people and at the same time make a little money. Would this impact the conversion? Of course it would. Not everybody views money in the same way and there are people out there that definitely would buy a $22.00 table lamp for $1000 if it was going to charity. The conversion ratio might become 2% or 1 in every 50 people may take you up on this offer.
Novelty sells and in the above case, the novelty was the extremely high price of the lamp. That combined with it being a charitable donation meant that the scenario had a reasonable chance. To sell 10 lamps for $1000 for charity you would simply make 500 people aware of the offer if the 2% conversion ratio was true.
To apply the law of averages to make money fast we can see the possibilities. You must construct a scenario with an estimated conversion rate and work to make enough people aware of your offer based on the profit projection and your financial goal (in this case $1500)
To do that we look for demand. Without too much
To do that we look for demand. Without too much money we have settled on offering a service. We think about what people may need from you that you could offer that they would also pay for.
Also because we are working with the law of averages, we are not going to go for a high conversion rate. We are looking for a high price and lower conversion rate. The higher the price, the lower the chance that somebody will take your offer. But it doesnt mean nobody would take your offer does it? It just means you need to see more people to finally find the individual that finds your offer attractive and acts on it.
This is the bones of the strategy. Whether you choose to wash all the exterior windows of a wealthy persons house. Or provide in-home foot rubs and back and shoulder massage to retired people. Maybe you will advertise a flyer entitled "your slave for a week" $1500 to attract people using a novel approach is up to you.
Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions
Foxit PDF IFilter has two versions respectively for 32-bit Windows and x64 Windows. You can choose one of them to install into your machine according to your system requirements.
Here, we take Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server for example:
To install Foxit PDF IFilter 1.0 with Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server, please do the following:
1. Please note that Microsoft Office SharePoint Server has been installed successfully.
2. Download Foxit PDF IFilter from Foxit Software Website onto the machine where you wish to install it.
3. Stop the IIS Admin service: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrator Tools > Services > IIS Admin Service > Stop. Close window.
4. Run the Foxit PDF IFilter 1.0 Setup program to install the filter on the server.
5. Download PDF icon from .
6. Copy the downloaded .GIF file to "Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Template\Images".
7. Edit the file "Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Template\Xml\DOCICON.XML":
A. Right-click DOCICON.XML file > click Open With > select Notepad.
B. Add an entry for the .pdf extension. For example, where ICPDF is the name of the .gif file:
C. On the File menu, click Save, and then quit Notepad.
8. Perform an iisreset:
A. Click Start > Run > type "cmd" in the Open line > click OK > type "iisreset" at the command prompt > hit Enter.
Foxit PDF IFilter has two versions respectively for 32-bit Windows and x64 Windows. You can choose one of them to install into your machine according to your system requirements.
Here, we take Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server for example:
To install Foxit PDF IFilter 1.0 with Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server, please do the following:
1. Please note that Microsoft Office SharePoint Server has been installed successfully.
2. Download Foxit PDF IFilter from Foxit Software Website onto the machine where you wish to install it.
3. Stop the IIS Admin service: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrator Tools > Services > IIS Admin Service > Stop. Close window.
4. Run the Foxit PDF IFilter 1.0 Setup program to install the filter on the server.
5. Download PDF icon from .
6. Copy the downloaded .GIF file to "Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Template\Images".
7. Edit the file "Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\Template\Xml\DOCICON.XML":
A. Right-click DOCICON.XML file > click Open With > select Notepad.
B. Add an entry for the .pdf extension. For example, where ICPDF is the name of the .gif file:
C. On the File menu, click Save, and then quit Notepad.
8. Perform an iisreset:
A. Click Start > Run > type "cmd" in the Open line > click OK > type "iisreset" at the command prompt > hit Enter.
Foxit PDF IFilter
Making Money Online
If you are making money online, you probably have a website. However, there are a number of ways that you can market your website so that you are not just making money online, but instead you are making lots of money online. Effective marketing brings in a rush hour of traffic, which then equals a lot of revenue. Here are some effective ways to get the traffic you want:
Use Google Adwords to your advantage. If you are not already involved in Google AdWords, then you are not taking advantage of this great way to be making money online. It is very simple to sign up - you just need to set a budget and how much you are willing to pay per click, then you will start making money online within minutes. Your ads appear on Google searches all over the internet.
Use other Pay-Per-Click (PPC) search engines. Sites like Overture, FindWhat, and Kanoodle are all powerhouses in the PPC industry, and using them will help you in making money online. There are higher PPC limits and costs than Google, but these are all PPC engines that will keep you making money online by drawing in more traffic to your site.
E-zine advertising is another inexpensive way to advertise your site to draw in traffic. If you are serious about making money online, you need to look for e-zines that fit the topic of your website. Since there are thousands of e-zines published all over the internet, you can easily find one to fit your niche. Sometimes, the publishers will even trade advertising by giving you exposure if you put a link to the e-zine on your site. This makes it an even more inexpensive way to be making money online.
Creating an opt-in list is also a wonderful way to draw in traffic so you are making money online. Some people create an opt-in list promising to e-mail great offers and coupons. Other people offer things like e-zines, newsletters and e-courses. People like to get things for free, and your e-mails keep your site fresh in the customer's minds. You will be making money online by just taking a few minutes out of your day to write up a quick newsletter. If you get a lot of people subscribing, you can even hire a mail list service that can help you handle all that e-mailing. You will be able to afford it, because all that traffic will be making you money online.
Use eBay and other online auctions. If you have products to sell, then you may want to take advantage of online auctions, like eBay, for making money online. You can sell some of your products or services, then add the person to your opt-in list. With over 22 million customers in 100 countries, why not take advantage of that kind of traffic? There are over 1.8 billion page views on eBay every day. If you get even a portion of those views you will easily be making money online while also generating traffic for your site.
Author: Charles Fuchs
Author Bio:
Charles Fuchs
Hi, I'm Charles Fuchs, a professional Internet and network marketer specialist. We would like to welcome you to our home based business website. I am currently the President of Vision Management Entertainment Inc. and creator of I don't profess to be an online marketing guru or network marketing expert and I don't claim to have all the answers, but during my time online I have learned a lot and have gotten myself to a point where I can help others to the same. Not only have I created and managed several profitable online ventures but I have also helped several clients do the same and helped people to create a work at home and home based business from home.
Whether if you're looking for the world's Home Based Business, Work at Home, Make Money at Home, Make Money Online, Make Money on the Internet, Paid Surveys - we've got it all. Finally... A Realistic Way to Work From Home and Earn Good Money Doing It.
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Building the human genome
The Human Genome Reference DNA Sequence was completed in April 2003. The current version is listed as a build number on the Genome View page and includes an accompanying set of statistics and release notes. The chromosomal locations of several genes believed to be associated with the human BRCA1 gene implicated in breast cancer, highlighted using the Map Viewer query "BRCA1" (build 36 ).
Foxit PDF IFilter is designed to help users to index a large amount of PDF documents and then quickly find text within these documents. The PDF documents can be files, email attachments or database records.
Foxit PDF IFilter supports up to PDF 1.7 specification and future versions can be used in the following environments: Windows Indexing Service, MSN Desktop Search, Internet Information Server, SharePoint Portal Server, Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), Site Server, Exchange Server, SQL Server and all other products based on Microsoft Search technology. Hereafter, we use term "search engine" to refer to these products.
Foxit PDF IFilter acts as a plug-in for full-text search engines. A search engine usually works in two steps:
Step 1, the search engine goes through a designated place, e.g. a file folder or a database, and indexes all documents or newly modified documents, including PDF documents, in the background and creates internal data to store indexing result.
Step 2, a user specifies some keywords he would like to search and the search engine answers the query immediately by looking up the indexing result and responds to the user with all the documents that contains the keywords.
During Step 1, the search engine itself doesn't understand format of a PDF document. Therefore, it looks in windows registry for an appropriate PDF IFilter and finds the Foxit PDF IFilter. Foxit PDF IFilter understands PDF format. It filters out embedded formatting and extracts text from the document and return text back to the search engine. Further information about IFilter specification can be found on the Microsoft Web site.
Key Benefits:
Integrates with existing operating systems and tools within your company
Provides an easy solution to search within PDF documents located on local computer, local network and intranet
Greatly increases your ability to accurately locate information
Much smaller and faster than IFilter offered by other vendors
Support Chinese/Japanese/Korean PDF documents
Supports native 64-bit code
Supports multi-threading and takes
If you are making money online, you probably have a website. However, there are a number of ways that you can market your website so that you are not just making money online, but instead you are making lots of money online. Effective marketing brings in a rush hour of traffic, which then equals a lot of revenue. Here are some effective ways to get the traffic you want:
Use Google Adwords to your advantage. If you are not already involved in Google AdWords, then you are not taking advantage of this great way to be making money online. It is very simple to sign up - you just need to set a budget and how much you are willing to pay per click, then you will start making money online within minutes. Your ads appear on Google searches all over the internet.
Use other Pay-Per-Click (PPC) search engines. Sites like Overture, FindWhat, and Kanoodle are all powerhouses in the PPC industry, and using them will help you in making money online. There are higher PPC limits and costs than Google, but these are all PPC engines that will keep you making money online by drawing in more traffic to your site.
E-zine advertising is another inexpensive way to advertise your site to draw in traffic. If you are serious about making money online, you need to look for e-zines that fit the topic of your website. Since there are thousands of e-zines published all over the internet, you can easily find one to fit your niche. Sometimes, the publishers will even trade advertising by giving you exposure if you put a link to the e-zine on your site. This makes it an even more inexpensive way to be making money online.
Creating an opt-in list is also a wonderful way to draw in traffic so you are making money online. Some people create an opt-in list promising to e-mail great offers and coupons. Other people offer things like e-zines, newsletters and e-courses. People like to get things for free, and your e-mails keep your site fresh in the customer's minds. You will be making money online by just taking a few minutes out of your day to write up a quick newsletter. If you get a lot of people subscribing, you can even hire a mail list service that can help you handle all that e-mailing. You will be able to afford it, because all that traffic will be making you money online.
Use eBay and other online auctions. If you have products to sell, then you may want to take advantage of online auctions, like eBay, for making money online. You can sell some of your products or services, then add the person to your opt-in list. With over 22 million customers in 100 countries, why not take advantage of that kind of traffic? There are over 1.8 billion page views on eBay every day. If you get even a portion of those views you will easily be making money online while also generating traffic for your site.
Author: Charles Fuchs
Author Bio:
Charles Fuchs
Hi, I'm Charles Fuchs, a professional Internet and network marketer specialist. We would like to welcome you to our home based business website. I am currently the President of Vision Management Entertainment Inc. and creator of I don't profess to be an online marketing guru or network marketing expert and I don't claim to have all the answers, but during my time online I have learned a lot and have gotten myself to a point where I can help others to the same. Not only have I created and managed several profitable online ventures but I have also helped several clients do the same and helped people to create a work at home and home based business from home.
Whether if you're looking for the world's Home Based Business, Work at Home, Make Money at Home, Make Money Online, Make Money on the Internet, Paid Surveys - we've got it all. Finally... A Realistic Way to Work From Home and Earn Good Money Doing It.
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Household Workers
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Implements & Machinery
Import & Export Services
Industrial Services & Products
Information Service
Information Technology Services
Instruments & SuppliesIndustry
Livestock Farming
Maintenance & Construction
Major Organizations
Manufacturing Firms
Media & Entertainment Production
Media Production Houses
Multi-Level Marketing
New Items & Products
Non Woven Cloth & Material
Opportunities & Openings
Outsourcing Companies
Packaging Industry
Planning & Strategy
Plant Science
Pollution Control Agencies
Power & Energy
Precision Tools
Printing Services
Product Design Services
Production Services
Public Relation Firms
Public Sector Enterprise
Publishing Services
Research Labs
Retail Trade
Small & Medium Enterprise
Soil Fertilizers
Staff Injury Prevention
Supply & Equipment
Team Building
Technical Information Sharing
Testing & QA
Tissue & Genetic Engineering
Trade Fairs
Transportation & Moving Industry
Wholesale Trade
Building the human genome
The Human Genome Reference DNA Sequence was completed in April 2003. The current version is listed as a build number on the Genome View page and includes an accompanying set of statistics and release notes. The chromosomal locations of several genes believed to be associated with the human BRCA1 gene implicated in breast cancer, highlighted using the Map Viewer query "BRCA1" (build 36 ).
Foxit PDF IFilter is designed to help users to index a large amount of PDF documents and then quickly find text within these documents. The PDF documents can be files, email attachments or database records.
Foxit PDF IFilter supports up to PDF 1.7 specification and future versions can be used in the following environments: Windows Indexing Service, MSN Desktop Search, Internet Information Server, SharePoint Portal Server, Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), Site Server, Exchange Server, SQL Server and all other products based on Microsoft Search technology. Hereafter, we use term "search engine" to refer to these products.
Foxit PDF IFilter acts as a plug-in for full-text search engines. A search engine usually works in two steps:
Step 1, the search engine goes through a designated place, e.g. a file folder or a database, and indexes all documents or newly modified documents, including PDF documents, in the background and creates internal data to store indexing result.
Step 2, a user specifies some keywords he would like to search and the search engine answers the query immediately by looking up the indexing result and responds to the user with all the documents that contains the keywords.
During Step 1, the search engine itself doesn't understand format of a PDF document. Therefore, it looks in windows registry for an appropriate PDF IFilter and finds the Foxit PDF IFilter. Foxit PDF IFilter understands PDF format. It filters out embedded formatting and extracts text from the document and return text back to the search engine. Further information about IFilter specification can be found on the Microsoft Web site.
Key Benefits:
Integrates with existing operating systems and tools within your company
Provides an easy solution to search within PDF documents located on local computer, local network and intranet
Greatly increases your ability to accurately locate information
Much smaller and faster than IFilter offered by other vendors
Support Chinese/Japanese/Korean PDF documents
Supports native 64-bit code
Supports multi-threading and takes
Breast-feeding and family planning: a review of the relationships between breast-feeding and family planning..
Breast-feeding and family planning: a review of the relationships between breast-feeding and family planning.Brown RE.
A number of interrelated factors must be considered when breast-feeding is introduced as a concern for family planning programs: the number of pregnancies and births experienced, age at each pregnancy and birth, duration of the intervals between conceptions, lactation including duration and type, health and nutritional services available to meet the demands of pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. The dietary intake of the mother and her health and disease status have an effect on the duration of breast-feeding, and lactation has an effect on her ovulation and birth spacing. Those at particularly high risk include adolescent girls, older grand-multipara women, and families living in poverty. An historical relationship between the reduction in infant and childhood mortality and the falling off of births can be documented. The straightforward benefits on nutritional status of breast-fed infants, the conjunction with the antibody protection afforded by breast milk, served to reduce infant mortality and indirectly served to reduce birth rates. In addition, the prolongation of postpartum anovulatory cycles in breast-feeding women, coupled with sexual mores that postpone sexual relations while a women is breast-feeding in certain groups, will serve to prolong the interbirth intervals. Populations where breast-feeding is customary have been shown to have fewer births than populations where the women do not breast-fed and where infants are artificially fed.
PIP: Public health workers and social scientists favor breastfeeding because of the relationship between breastfeeding, infant survival, and family planning. Family planning in developing countries is a major concern among health professionals particularly because of the annual population growth rate of nearly 3% in these countries. Breastfeeding studies in West African villages, rural Philippines, Europe, India, and Taiwan show that breastfeeding prolongs interbirth intervals up to 35 months. It is calculated that breastfeeding in urban areas of developing countries would annually provide 3.4 million couple-years of protection against fertility, while for rural areas, the estimate is 34.7 million couple-years. Authors generally agree that lactation is usually associated with prolongation of postpartum amenorrhea. Because a lengthy period of lactation delays ovulation, this period of ovarian inactivity has been described as physiological castration. Postpartum amenorrhea may be influenced by seasonal patterns, as well as malnutrition of the mother. Other lactation factors which affect amenorrhea and prolongation of interbirth intervals are: 1) undernutrition of the breastfeeding woman, 2) taking of birth control pills, 3) cultural factors that include abstinence from sexual intercourse until weaning, 4) maternal age, and 5) education. Birth intervals are also affected by infant survival. The death of a child shortens the birth interval partly because of the absence of postpartum amenorrhea with lactation. In addition, parents tend to replace children who have died. This information could provide the basis for program development which would enhance the conscious awareness of better child survival through the combination of child care and family planning. The woman's age and temporary separations between spouses also affect pregnancy interval, as do the mother's health and nutritional status. Adolescents and older women are at high risk for problems during both pregnancy and lactation. Family planning programs should aim at improving adolescent nutrition, delaying 1st pregnancy, widening birth intervals, lowering parity, and encouraging both lactation and family planning.
Women who receive periodic counseling about exclusively breast-feeding children until the age of six months are less likely than those who do not to report infant diarrhea.1 In a randomized controlled trial conducted between October 1999 and June 2000 among 1,115 mothers and their newborns in Haryana, India, women who had received the counseling reported more commonly than did women in the control group that their child was exclusively breast-fed within the first three hours of life (50% vs. 24%), at age three months (79% vs. 48%) and at age six months (42% vs. 4%). Accordingly, women in the intervention group had elevated odds of exclusively breast-feeding their child at ages three and six months (odds ratios, 4.0 and 17.6, respectively.) These women also had reduced odds of reporting that their child, at ages three and six months, had had diarrhea in the past week (0.6 and 0.9, respectively) or had needed treatment for diarrhea outside the home at least once in the past three months (0.7 for each). However, at both ages, the mean weight and height of infants in the intervention group were similar to those of infants in the control group. The investigators conclude that the "promotion of exclusive breast-feeding until age six months...does not lead to growth faltering, and reduces the risk of diarrhoea."
Exclusive breast-feeding lowers risk of diarrhea
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A number of interrelated factors must be considered when breast-feeding is introduced as a concern for family planning programs: the number of pregnancies and births experienced, age at each pregnancy and birth, duration of the intervals between conceptions, lactation including duration and type, health and nutritional services available to meet the demands of pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. The dietary intake of the mother and her health and disease status have an effect on the duration of breast-feeding, and lactation has an effect on her ovulation and birth spacing. Those at particularly high risk include adolescent girls, older grand-multipara women, and families living in poverty. An historical relationship between the reduction in infant and childhood mortality and the falling off of births can be documented. The straightforward benefits on nutritional status of breast-fed infants, the conjunction with the antibody protection afforded by breast milk, served to reduce infant mortality and indirectly served to reduce birth rates. In addition, the prolongation of postpartum anovulatory cycles in breast-feeding women, coupled with sexual mores that postpone sexual relations while a women is breast-feeding in certain groups, will serve to prolong the interbirth intervals. Populations where breast-feeding is customary have been shown to have fewer births than populations where the women do not breast-fed and where infants are artificially fed.
PIP: Public health workers and social scientists favor breastfeeding because of the relationship between breastfeeding, infant survival, and family planning. Family planning in developing countries is a major concern among health professionals particularly because of the annual population growth rate of nearly 3% in these countries. Breastfeeding studies in West African villages, rural Philippines, Europe, India, and Taiwan show that breastfeeding prolongs interbirth intervals up to 35 months. It is calculated that breastfeeding in urban areas of developing countries would annually provide 3.4 million couple-years of protection against fertility, while for rural areas, the estimate is 34.7 million couple-years. Authors generally agree that lactation is usually associated with prolongation of postpartum amenorrhea. Because a lengthy period of lactation delays ovulation, this period of ovarian inactivity has been described as physiological castration. Postpartum amenorrhea may be influenced by seasonal patterns, as well as malnutrition of the mother. Other lactation factors which affect amenorrhea and prolongation of interbirth intervals are: 1) undernutrition of the breastfeeding woman, 2) taking of birth control pills, 3) cultural factors that include abstinence from sexual intercourse until weaning, 4) maternal age, and 5) education. Birth intervals are also affected by infant survival. The death of a child shortens the birth interval partly because of the absence of postpartum amenorrhea with lactation. In addition, parents tend to replace children who have died. This information could provide the basis for program development which would enhance the conscious awareness of better child survival through the combination of child care and family planning. The woman's age and temporary separations between spouses also affect pregnancy interval, as do the mother's health and nutritional status. Adolescents and older women are at high risk for problems during both pregnancy and lactation. Family planning programs should aim at improving adolescent nutrition, delaying 1st pregnancy, widening birth intervals, lowering parity, and encouraging both lactation and family planning.
Women who receive periodic counseling about exclusively breast-feeding children until the age of six months are less likely than those who do not to report infant diarrhea.1 In a randomized controlled trial conducted between October 1999 and June 2000 among 1,115 mothers and their newborns in Haryana, India, women who had received the counseling reported more commonly than did women in the control group that their child was exclusively breast-fed within the first three hours of life (50% vs. 24%), at age three months (79% vs. 48%) and at age six months (42% vs. 4%). Accordingly, women in the intervention group had elevated odds of exclusively breast-feeding their child at ages three and six months (odds ratios, 4.0 and 17.6, respectively.) These women also had reduced odds of reporting that their child, at ages three and six months, had had diarrhea in the past week (0.6 and 0.9, respectively) or had needed treatment for diarrhea outside the home at least once in the past three months (0.7 for each). However, at both ages, the mean weight and height of infants in the intervention group were similar to those of infants in the control group. The investigators conclude that the "promotion of exclusive breast-feeding until age six months...does not lead to growth faltering, and reduces the risk of diarrhoea."
Exclusive breast-feeding lowers risk of diarrhea
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
“Who Else Wants to Get Paid $500 - $3500 P
March 31, 2008 · Filed under Misc Money-Makers, Paid to Sign Up
Join MyPoints and earn points by visiting sites, signing up for offers, reading emails, taking surveys, searching, shopping, referring friends and more. Points can be redeemed for giftcards for nearly 100 different stores and restaurants including Old Navy, Walmart, JCPenny,, Circuit City and iTunes. Points can also be redeemed for gas cards, airline miles and hotel discounts.
Permalink Comments (3)
ETS Online Scoring Network
March 10, 2008 · Filed under Online Tutoring Jobs
“ETS (Education Testing Service) employs raters to evaluate essays online for numerous testing programs. Prospective raters are trained to apply scoring criteria and must complete a certification test.
“ETS also needs qualified individuals to evaluate open-ended responses for these paper and pencil programs: Advanced Placement Program (AP), National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTSSM) and Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers Program (PRAXIS).”
Online Scoring Opportunities.Paper-based Scoring Opportunities.
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title_tag: ETS Online Scoring Network > Online Tutoring Jobs >> Make Money From Home
Education To Go
December 7, 2007 · Filed under Online Tutoring Jobs
Education To Go (ed2go) provides online courses to a network of over 1,500 colleges, universities, and other training organizations - from the State Universities of New York to the California State University system, and everywhere in between.
ed2go is currently seeking courses in programming, computer applications, allied health, languages, writing, law/criminal justice, workforce development/career skills, small business, business certification, certification prep and continuing education for teachers.
Earnings will depend on the number of courses you teach and how many students enroll every month. Checks are mailed once a month.
Permalink Comments (2)
title_tag: Education To Go > Online Tutoring Jobs >> Make Money Online
November 16, 2007 · Filed under Paid to Search
BigDevil is a search engine where members can win prizes just for searching the web. Prizes include iPod, Xbox 360, gift card, Paypal cash and more. Members can search 30 to 50 times a day for a chance to win instant prizes.
Members can also win points for searching, inviting friends, and playing games. The points count as entries into BigDevil’s monthly sweepstakes for chances to win bigger prizes. You must be 13 or older & from the United States, United Kingdom or Canada to join.
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CALLED +23407072040455
Start Making Money Today from Home Just for Sharing Your Opinion!
“Who Else Wants to Get Paid $500 - $3500 Per Month From Home, $150 an Hour or $25 in the Next 7 Minutes by Large Corporations Such as Nike… Ebay… Amazon… FedEx and Wal-Mart who are Dying to Pay YOU to Answer their Simple Online Surveys?”
Discover an unbelievably quick and easy way to give yourself a BIG fat pay raise, without leaving your home or risking one penny of your hard-earned money...
…And Yes, YOU Can Do This From Anywhere In The World, **Guaranteed!**
My name is Sarah Cooper and I want you to give me just 5 minutes and I'll expose the most powerful, most effective, and most profitable secrets of filling online surveys from home...
Just enter your information below and I'll reveal how you can fill in simple online surveys from home and start enjoying benefits like:
Working part-time hours for a full-time pay
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Just type in your First Name and Primary Email and click the button you see below to instantly get FREE details for filling online paid surveys from Home...
... PLUS, I Sarah Cooper will give you a FREE subscription to my Monthly Newsletter which is packed with 100's of innovative ideas, tips and tricks you can use to make an extra income from home. I will also send you weekly promotions of the TOP Money Making opportunities (a $147 value, yours free!).
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Fill out the form below and you'll immediately receive FREE Details about how online paid surveys can generate an EXTRA INCOME for you!
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Welcome to Usa Investment Inc where experience and technology are a winning combination. We run this unique program off-line prior to launching it on the internet. We are strong team of traders and have been working successfully together for almost 15 years. You can be certain that your investment will be handled by a group of qualified professionals. Generate Income with these powerful returns. Get daily payments. It must be stressed that this is not a get rich quick program promising crazy percentages within days. Time proven formulas and up to the second information is what has created a winning strategy that is unsurpassed .Our team of traders and software developers have eliminated all the guess work. No need for you to spend time and money on complicated day trading courses and expensive software, we do all the work for you! It is fast becoming recognized as the world's premier trading venue. With unparalleled liquidity, FOREX is the world's largest financial market with over $1.5 trillion USD traded daily. No longer the exclusive domain of the worlds largest banks and corporate establishments, for the first time in history it is barrier free; offering a level playing field for the growing number of informed traders anxious to trade the worlds largest, most liquid and accessible market that is open 24 hours a day. No matrix, no game! Usa Investment Inc is real Forex Investment.Guaranteed Income : You probably ask yourself: Can there be any trade involving no risk?We make a unique offer: regardless of the trading results we guarantee you a minimal daily income of 5% provided by the ever-growing reserve fund. We have good experience in currency trading as well as unique programs of technical analysis we have developed on our own.Our trading system is original: It's the result of the joint work of our team and the specialists from several research institutes for many years.
*** Click here : Why Invest ? ***
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10% - 20% Daily for 30 days (No Return Principal)
Spent Amount ($)
Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1
$20 - $500
Plan 2
$501 - $1,000
Plan 3
$1,001 - $5,000
Plan 4
$5,001 - $10,000
Plan 5
$10,001 - $50,000
Plan 6
$50,001 and more
Calculate your profit >>
200% - 220% After 7 days (Return principal)
Spent Amount ($)
Profit (%)
Plan 1
$500 - $5,000
Plan 2
$5,001 - $10,000
Plan 3
$10,001 and more
Calculate your profit >>
V.I.P's Plan : 250% After 1 day (Return principal)
Join MyPoints and earn points by visiting sites, signing up for offers, reading emails, taking surveys, searching, shopping, referring friends and more. Points can be redeemed for giftcards for nearly 100 different stores and restaurants including Old Navy, Walmart, JCPenny,, Circuit City and iTunes. Points can also be redeemed for gas cards, airline miles and hotel discounts.
Permalink Comments (3)
ETS Online Scoring Network
March 10, 2008 · Filed under Online Tutoring Jobs
“ETS (Education Testing Service) employs raters to evaluate essays online for numerous testing programs. Prospective raters are trained to apply scoring criteria and must complete a certification test.
“ETS also needs qualified individuals to evaluate open-ended responses for these paper and pencil programs: Advanced Placement Program (AP), National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTSSM) and Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers Program (PRAXIS).”
Online Scoring Opportunities.Paper-based Scoring Opportunities.
Permalink Comments
title_tag: ETS Online Scoring Network > Online Tutoring Jobs >> Make Money From Home
Education To Go
December 7, 2007 · Filed under Online Tutoring Jobs
Education To Go (ed2go) provides online courses to a network of over 1,500 colleges, universities, and other training organizations - from the State Universities of New York to the California State University system, and everywhere in between.
ed2go is currently seeking courses in programming, computer applications, allied health, languages, writing, law/criminal justice, workforce development/career skills, small business, business certification, certification prep and continuing education for teachers.
Earnings will depend on the number of courses you teach and how many students enroll every month. Checks are mailed once a month.
Permalink Comments (2)
title_tag: Education To Go > Online Tutoring Jobs >> Make Money Online
November 16, 2007 · Filed under Paid to Search
BigDevil is a search engine where members can win prizes just for searching the web. Prizes include iPod, Xbox 360, gift card, Paypal cash and more. Members can search 30 to 50 times a day for a chance to win instant prizes.
Members can also win points for searching, inviting friends, and playing games. The points count as entries into BigDevil’s monthly sweepstakes for chances to win bigger prizes. You must be 13 or older & from the United States, United Kingdom or Canada to join.
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CALLED +23407072040455
Start Making Money Today from Home Just for Sharing Your Opinion!
“Who Else Wants to Get Paid $500 - $3500 Per Month From Home, $150 an Hour or $25 in the Next 7 Minutes by Large Corporations Such as Nike… Ebay… Amazon… FedEx and Wal-Mart who are Dying to Pay YOU to Answer their Simple Online Surveys?”
Discover an unbelievably quick and easy way to give yourself a BIG fat pay raise, without leaving your home or risking one penny of your hard-earned money...
…And Yes, YOU Can Do This From Anywhere In The World, **Guaranteed!**
My name is Sarah Cooper and I want you to give me just 5 minutes and I'll expose the most powerful, most effective, and most profitable secrets of filling online surveys from home...
Just enter your information below and I'll reveal how you can fill in simple online surveys from home and start enjoying benefits like:
Working part-time hours for a full-time pay
No boss looking over your shoulder
No more traffic
Spend more time with your family and friends
Much, much more...
Just type in your First Name and Primary Email and click the button you see below to instantly get FREE details for filling online paid surveys from Home...
... PLUS, I Sarah Cooper will give you a FREE subscription to my Monthly Newsletter which is packed with 100's of innovative ideas, tips and tricks you can use to make an extra income from home. I will also send you weekly promotions of the TOP Money Making opportunities (a $147 value, yours free!).
Claim Your FREE Details!
Fill out the form below and you'll immediately receive FREE Details about how online paid surveys can generate an EXTRA INCOME for you!
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Welcome to Usa Investment Inc where experience and technology are a winning combination. We run this unique program off-line prior to launching it on the internet. We are strong team of traders and have been working successfully together for almost 15 years. You can be certain that your investment will be handled by a group of qualified professionals. Generate Income with these powerful returns. Get daily payments. It must be stressed that this is not a get rich quick program promising crazy percentages within days. Time proven formulas and up to the second information is what has created a winning strategy that is unsurpassed .Our team of traders and software developers have eliminated all the guess work. No need for you to spend time and money on complicated day trading courses and expensive software, we do all the work for you! It is fast becoming recognized as the world's premier trading venue. With unparalleled liquidity, FOREX is the world's largest financial market with over $1.5 trillion USD traded daily. No longer the exclusive domain of the worlds largest banks and corporate establishments, for the first time in history it is barrier free; offering a level playing field for the growing number of informed traders anxious to trade the worlds largest, most liquid and accessible market that is open 24 hours a day. No matrix, no game! Usa Investment Inc is real Forex Investment.Guaranteed Income : You probably ask yourself: Can there be any trade involving no risk?We make a unique offer: regardless of the trading results we guarantee you a minimal daily income of 5% provided by the ever-growing reserve fund. We have good experience in currency trading as well as unique programs of technical analysis we have developed on our own.Our trading system is original: It's the result of the joint work of our team and the specialists from several research institutes for many years.
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Spent Amount ($)
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$20 - $500
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$501 - $1,000
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$5,001 - $10,000
Plan 5
$10,001 - $50,000
Plan 6
$50,001 and more
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200% - 220% After 7 days (Return principal)
Spent Amount ($)
Profit (%)
Plan 1
$500 - $5,000
Plan 2
$5,001 - $10,000
Plan 3
$10,001 and more
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V.I.P's Plan : 250% After 1 day (Return principal)
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Jidaw Systems Limited conducts FREE IT Career and Certification seminars at its Training center in Lagos, Nigeria.
Jidaw Systems was awarded a Certificate of Excellence at the ICT Achievers Award 2005 in the Category "Top ICT SMME in Africa". ForgeAhead organizes the Award in partnership with the Department of Communications, Republic of South Africa. Learn about the Certificate of Excellence Award here.
NEW CCNA - Attend the seminar to learn firsthand about the NEW Cisco CCNA 640-802 and the NEW Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) certifications.
"I write on behalf of the students of Novena University, Ogume, Delta State. We want to appreciate the opportunity given to us and indeed it was a mind blowing career seminar, an eye opener and a total career guide. Thank you Jidaw and God bless You for the investing in us."
- Nwokolo Emmanuel C. (for the students of Novena University, Ogume, Delta State)
"I want to express my deep appreciation for the seminar that was organized by Jidaw on the 19th of April 2008. It was very informative, educative and inspiring. Not only was I enlightened on the various types of IT and IT certifications but on factors to consider before making a choice." - Keshi Alex
The next Seminar in the year 2008 will hold on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 12.30 P.M. at our office ( Address below). Theme for the next seminar is "The Total Disrespect of Status Quo"
To attend the free seminar simply Register Now by filling this online form.
You can get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562, 01-8958064, 4808445, 07028186892 or 08035007778
The Free Information Technology Career seminar addresses how to build and grow a successful career in information technology. The seminar provides unique career insights by looking at requirements and key certifications in two high demand areas of information technology Plus there will be discounts for our training programs for those who attend the seminars (Technical support and Networking) and One of the participants will win a high value Information Technology book. PICTURES OF BOOK WINNERS
Theme for the next seminar is "The Total Disrespect of Status Quo" To attend the free seminar simply get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562, 01-8958064, 4808445, 07028186892 or 08035007778
We also advise that you Subscribe for the e-mail Newsletter
If you still have questions click here to contact us
What is the right approach to building a successful career in information technology? The quality of information at your disposal determines the quality of your decision-making. Training, books, certification, experience, technology are available, but is your approach right? How effective are your methods? You need to grow your career in a sensible manner. And you can start now!
The seminar serves as a wake-up call to many "sleeping giants" who are indecisive or unsure about careers in information technology. For newcomers and experienced professionals, there is a need to improve the effectiveness of our career growth efforts. Don't just sit! Don't just think! Don't just admire! Don't just complain! Make that move NOW! Start making things happen! Start doing something about your IT career today!
Read a previous Seminar Report
Technical and Computer Support
Professionals who work in this area are often involved in PC repair, maintenance, installation, configuring or upgrading. Tech support is actually the busiest area of IT. The seminar will discuss the requirements of Tech Support as well as those of A+ Certification. A+ certification, developed by CompTIA, Computing Technology Industry Association, is the most popular certification associated with Tech Support.Attendees of this seminar will also enjoy discounts for Jidaw's A+ and Tech Support training programs.
The whole world is getting more and networked through computers. Network professionals install networks and see to the proper functioning of computer networks.
Networking is one of the most popular areas of IT that has also closely embraced certification. Certification is one way of acquiring the skills and knowledge needed by Network Professionals. But you will be making a mistake going for a certification without any knowledge of what it entails and how it fits into your career plan.
Certification is no guarantee of career success. Certification on a particular product or field does not guarantee a job. However, by taking careful, meaningful certification steps, as you acquire the required experience, in line with a realistic career plan, you will eventually achieve your career objectives.
The seminar will look at Network+ developed by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) as well as the popular Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) from Cisco.
The September 2008 winner Aderemi Olusegun receiving the Network Security Career book he won during the Seminar from Ayo Adediran of
"Jidaw is excellent in all its activities. The faculties are brilliant & resourceful. Jidaw should keep up the good job. Jidaw has demystified IT in its totality. " -Matthew Adewuyi
The FREE IT Career and Certification seminars are organized by Jidaw Systems, an accredited training provider in Nigeria that has an enviable record of accomplishment in IT certification, Training and Career services. Jidaw Systems Limited, developed and runs, Nigeria's #1 IT Career / Certification guide on the web.
The FREE IT Career and Certification seminars will be conducted at Jidaw's Training center in Lagos, Nigeria.
Admission is free. We also give discounts for our training programs for those who attend our seminars. Plus One of the participants will win a high value Information Technology book.
Listen to Adimah Stephen, who won an MCSE certification book:
"I am most grateful to you and the entire staff of Jidaw systems Limited for removing the log of wood covering my face. I promise to improve on the information made available to me by the seminar I attended yesterday.I will not fail to also let you know that I appreciate the Book I won. Thank you very much and may god give you the strength to continue this good work of helping humanity especially the youth of this country.Distance will not be a barrier to me to come for lecture there. I know that I have gotten the right place to develop my I.T career."
The Book winner in the Month of January, 2004 was Arala Folarin, System Engineer with Itacomm Technologies. According to him, "Jidaw is the right place to do my training. I believe I won't just train but also help me in building my future in IT.
The First Seminar for the Year 2008 will hold on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 12.30 P.M. at our office:12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562, 01-8958064, 4808445, 07025333756, 07028186892 or 08035007778
Theme for the next seminar is "The Total Disrespect of Status Quo"
You can get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562 01-8958064, 4808445, 07025333756, 07028186892 or 08035007778
Jidaw....More Knowledge! More Power!
Jidaw wishes you great success in your IT Career.
"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever". - Chinese Proverb.
YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SUCCEED IN IT provided you take the right IT career decisions.
Mike Onyeabor, "Very interesting and educative. I didn't expect all what I learnt." And Bolaji Olaiwola, "Succinct and straight to the point. It keeps getting better. Keep it up. Thanks for giving something back to this society." "We learn nothing from telling but there is no limit to what we can learn from asking and listening."
Some of the participants who attended the May 2007 Seminar from Port Harcourt, Abeokuta and Onitsha.
What do those who attended the forums have to say? Feedback from the participants is included here. Here is some of what the participants have to say about their experiences during the seminars:
An IT Certification/ Training Book will be won at each seminar by one of the participants.
We also advise that you Subscribe for the e-mail Newsletter
You can get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel:01-7940562, 07025333756, 01-8958064, 07028186892 or 08035007778
If you still have questions click here to contact us
Thanks for your interest
Jidaw’s intention is not to spoon feed. It is simply to guide and inform so that you can Learn, Grow, Search, Find and Create by Your Own Effort.
Jidaw....More Knowledge! More Power!
"Nine tenths of education is encouragement" - Anatole France
For More Career Tips, Views And Advice, head straight to the IT Career Resource Center:
IT Career
You have
what it takes to
in IT!
IT Career
IT career Opportunities.
Recognize Your Strengths!
Invest in
You don't need to tell Stories when You have a Focus.
You don't need excuses when You have Strategy!
Jobs in Nigeria and Career Opportunities in Nigeria Resource
Build the e-skills for Your Career
Interesting page? Then Send this Page To a Friend
Jidaw's Content >>
IT Training and Certification - A+, Diploma, Cisco, Linux, Project management, Networking, Microsoft Security and more for IT professionals!
Free IT Career Seminar - Move your IT Career forward. Learn firsthand about IT Certification and Career growth. It's free and it works!
A+ Computer and Network Engineering Diploma - Enhance your Value - Start & Build your IT Career with Tech Support, IT Fundamentals & Practical Networking!
IT & Career Newsletter -Subscribe for your FREE IT & Career newsletter. Get info on Certification, Career tips, views
MoneyManager is an instant funds transfer service that ...
MoneyManager is an instant funds transfer service that allows account holders and non-account holders to send money to recipients by means of scratch card. The scratch cards can be bought from any Access bank branch, filling stations, eateries and along the streets, nationwide.They can be redeemed from the banks’ outlets.
What are the benefits?
Greater flexibility to the beneficiary by allowing funds to be collected at any Access bank branch
Available to both account holders and non account holders
24/7 availability
Transfers initiated with cash and debit instruction on savings account
Denominated Money Manager cards to incorporate the different classes of client
Speedy service delivery
walks of ...
View Details Online
Siemens-PLC-S7-300Small and medium-sized modular PLC system to meet ...
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Siemens-PLC-S7-400Solutions to meet the most complex tasks Grading...
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Siemens-Logo!Product Name:Siemens-Logo Always right...
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Simatic-PLC-S7-200SIMATIC S7-200 series PLC applied to all walks of ...
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Siemens-PLC-S7-300Small and medium-sized modular PLC system to meet ...
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SIMATIC ET 200With SIMATIC ET 200 a wide range of distributed I/...
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SIWAREX FTAThe appropriate certificate for the SIWAREX FTA ha...
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Upgrade of SIWAREX UWith the beginning of March 2008 we are offering a...
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SIWAREX U and CSPROFINET is a leading standard within the Ethernet...
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Siemens-inverters-MM420Items Products Order Number Type Inter- connection...
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Siemens-inverters-MM430Items Products Order Number Type Inter- connection...
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Siemens-inverters-MM440Items Products Order Number Type Inter-connection ...
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Siemens-inverters-MICROMASTER VectorSiemens converter MICROMASTER Vector MICROMASTER V...
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Siemens-inverters-MICROMASTER EcoMICROMASTER Eco-apply to the motor and pump the cu...
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Sinamics G110Today applications demand drive solutions with the...
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Siemens-HMI-SIMATIC-70The clever way to start - low cost and innovative ...
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Jidaw Systems was awarded a Certificate of Excellence at the ICT Achievers Award 2005 in the Category "Top ICT SMME in Africa". ForgeAhead organizes the Award in partnership with the Department of Communications, Republic of South Africa. Learn about the Certificate of Excellence Award here.
NEW CCNA - Attend the seminar to learn firsthand about the NEW Cisco CCNA 640-802 and the NEW Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) certifications.
"I write on behalf of the students of Novena University, Ogume, Delta State. We want to appreciate the opportunity given to us and indeed it was a mind blowing career seminar, an eye opener and a total career guide. Thank you Jidaw and God bless You for the investing in us."
- Nwokolo Emmanuel C. (for the students of Novena University, Ogume, Delta State)
"I want to express my deep appreciation for the seminar that was organized by Jidaw on the 19th of April 2008. It was very informative, educative and inspiring. Not only was I enlightened on the various types of IT and IT certifications but on factors to consider before making a choice." - Keshi Alex
The next Seminar in the year 2008 will hold on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 12.30 P.M. at our office ( Address below). Theme for the next seminar is "The Total Disrespect of Status Quo"
To attend the free seminar simply Register Now by filling this online form.
You can get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562, 01-8958064, 4808445, 07028186892 or 08035007778
The Free Information Technology Career seminar addresses how to build and grow a successful career in information technology. The seminar provides unique career insights by looking at requirements and key certifications in two high demand areas of information technology Plus there will be discounts for our training programs for those who attend the seminars (Technical support and Networking) and One of the participants will win a high value Information Technology book. PICTURES OF BOOK WINNERS
Theme for the next seminar is "The Total Disrespect of Status Quo" To attend the free seminar simply get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562, 01-8958064, 4808445, 07028186892 or 08035007778
We also advise that you Subscribe for the e-mail Newsletter
If you still have questions click here to contact us
What is the right approach to building a successful career in information technology? The quality of information at your disposal determines the quality of your decision-making. Training, books, certification, experience, technology are available, but is your approach right? How effective are your methods? You need to grow your career in a sensible manner. And you can start now!
The seminar serves as a wake-up call to many "sleeping giants" who are indecisive or unsure about careers in information technology. For newcomers and experienced professionals, there is a need to improve the effectiveness of our career growth efforts. Don't just sit! Don't just think! Don't just admire! Don't just complain! Make that move NOW! Start making things happen! Start doing something about your IT career today!
Read a previous Seminar Report
Technical and Computer Support
Professionals who work in this area are often involved in PC repair, maintenance, installation, configuring or upgrading. Tech support is actually the busiest area of IT. The seminar will discuss the requirements of Tech Support as well as those of A+ Certification. A+ certification, developed by CompTIA, Computing Technology Industry Association, is the most popular certification associated with Tech Support.Attendees of this seminar will also enjoy discounts for Jidaw's A+ and Tech Support training programs.
The whole world is getting more and networked through computers. Network professionals install networks and see to the proper functioning of computer networks.
Networking is one of the most popular areas of IT that has also closely embraced certification. Certification is one way of acquiring the skills and knowledge needed by Network Professionals. But you will be making a mistake going for a certification without any knowledge of what it entails and how it fits into your career plan.
Certification is no guarantee of career success. Certification on a particular product or field does not guarantee a job. However, by taking careful, meaningful certification steps, as you acquire the required experience, in line with a realistic career plan, you will eventually achieve your career objectives.
The seminar will look at Network+ developed by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) as well as the popular Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) from Cisco.
The September 2008 winner Aderemi Olusegun receiving the Network Security Career book he won during the Seminar from Ayo Adediran of
"Jidaw is excellent in all its activities. The faculties are brilliant & resourceful. Jidaw should keep up the good job. Jidaw has demystified IT in its totality. " -Matthew Adewuyi
The FREE IT Career and Certification seminars are organized by Jidaw Systems, an accredited training provider in Nigeria that has an enviable record of accomplishment in IT certification, Training and Career services. Jidaw Systems Limited, developed and runs, Nigeria's #1 IT Career / Certification guide on the web.
The FREE IT Career and Certification seminars will be conducted at Jidaw's Training center in Lagos, Nigeria.
Admission is free. We also give discounts for our training programs for those who attend our seminars. Plus One of the participants will win a high value Information Technology book.
Listen to Adimah Stephen, who won an MCSE certification book:
"I am most grateful to you and the entire staff of Jidaw systems Limited for removing the log of wood covering my face. I promise to improve on the information made available to me by the seminar I attended yesterday.I will not fail to also let you know that I appreciate the Book I won. Thank you very much and may god give you the strength to continue this good work of helping humanity especially the youth of this country.Distance will not be a barrier to me to come for lecture there. I know that I have gotten the right place to develop my I.T career."
The Book winner in the Month of January, 2004 was Arala Folarin, System Engineer with Itacomm Technologies. According to him, "Jidaw is the right place to do my training. I believe I won't just train but also help me in building my future in IT.
The First Seminar for the Year 2008 will hold on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 12.30 P.M. at our office:12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562, 01-8958064, 4808445, 07025333756, 07028186892 or 08035007778
Theme for the next seminar is "The Total Disrespect of Status Quo"
You can get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel: 01-7940562 01-8958064, 4808445, 07025333756, 07028186892 or 08035007778
Jidaw....More Knowledge! More Power!
Jidaw wishes you great success in your IT Career.
"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever". - Chinese Proverb.
YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SUCCEED IN IT provided you take the right IT career decisions.
Mike Onyeabor, "Very interesting and educative. I didn't expect all what I learnt." And Bolaji Olaiwola, "Succinct and straight to the point. It keeps getting better. Keep it up. Thanks for giving something back to this society." "We learn nothing from telling but there is no limit to what we can learn from asking and listening."
Some of the participants who attended the May 2007 Seminar from Port Harcourt, Abeokuta and Onitsha.
What do those who attended the forums have to say? Feedback from the participants is included here. Here is some of what the participants have to say about their experiences during the seminars:
An IT Certification/ Training Book will be won at each seminar by one of the participants.
We also advise that you Subscribe for the e-mail Newsletter
You can get Your Registration number by Calling, or Coming over to, our Office at: 12 Eric Moore Street, Wemabod Estate, Off Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, LagosTel:01-7940562, 07025333756, 01-8958064, 07028186892 or 08035007778
If you still have questions click here to contact us
Thanks for your interest
Jidaw’s intention is not to spoon feed. It is simply to guide and inform so that you can Learn, Grow, Search, Find and Create by Your Own Effort.
Jidaw....More Knowledge! More Power!
"Nine tenths of education is encouragement" - Anatole France
For More Career Tips, Views And Advice, head straight to the IT Career Resource Center:
IT Career
You have
what it takes to
in IT!
IT Career
IT career Opportunities.
Recognize Your Strengths!
Invest in
You don't need to tell Stories when You have a Focus.
You don't need excuses when You have Strategy!
Jobs in Nigeria and Career Opportunities in Nigeria Resource
Build the e-skills for Your Career
Interesting page? Then Send this Page To a Friend
Jidaw's Content >>
IT Training and Certification - A+, Diploma, Cisco, Linux, Project management, Networking, Microsoft Security and more for IT professionals!
Free IT Career Seminar - Move your IT Career forward. Learn firsthand about IT Certification and Career growth. It's free and it works!
A+ Computer and Network Engineering Diploma - Enhance your Value - Start & Build your IT Career with Tech Support, IT Fundamentals & Practical Networking!
IT & Career Newsletter -Subscribe for your FREE IT & Career newsletter. Get info on Certification, Career tips, views
MoneyManager is an instant funds transfer service that ...
MoneyManager is an instant funds transfer service that allows account holders and non-account holders to send money to recipients by means of scratch card. The scratch cards can be bought from any Access bank branch, filling stations, eateries and along the streets, nationwide.They can be redeemed from the banks’ outlets.
What are the benefits?
Greater flexibility to the beneficiary by allowing funds to be collected at any Access bank branch
Available to both account holders and non account holders
24/7 availability
Transfers initiated with cash and debit instruction on savings account
Denominated Money Manager cards to incorporate the different classes of client
Speedy service delivery
walks of ...
View Details Online
Siemens-PLC-S7-300Small and medium-sized modular PLC system to meet ...
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Siemens-PLC-S7-400Solutions to meet the most complex tasks Grading...
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Siemens-Logo!Product Name:Siemens-Logo Always right...
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Simatic-PLC-S7-200SIMATIC S7-200 series PLC applied to all walks of ...
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Siemens-PLC-S7-300Small and medium-sized modular PLC system to meet ...
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SIMATIC ET 200With SIMATIC ET 200 a wide range of distributed I/...
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SIWAREX FTAThe appropriate certificate for the SIWAREX FTA ha...
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Upgrade of SIWAREX UWith the beginning of March 2008 we are offering a...
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SIWAREX U and CSPROFINET is a leading standard within the Ethernet...
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Siemens-inverters-MM420Items Products Order Number Type Inter- connection...
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Siemens-inverters-MM430Items Products Order Number Type Inter- connection...
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Siemens-inverters-MM440Items Products Order Number Type Inter-connection ...
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Siemens-inverters-MICROMASTER VectorSiemens converter MICROMASTER Vector MICROMASTER V...
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Siemens-inverters-MICROMASTER EcoMICROMASTER Eco-apply to the motor and pump the cu...
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Sinamics G110Today applications demand drive solutions with the...
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Siemens-HMI-SIMATIC-70The clever way to start - low cost and innovative ...
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