Friday, October 17, 2008

Employee screenings use legal, medical, human resource, and other government offices related records to get a good insight into a job applicants backg

Why Keeping Your Business and Time Organized Will Help You Be Succesful.

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In any business the old saying "Time is Money" is very true. For every minute that is waisted could mean the loss of revenue or another potential client. This is seen for every business including a one or two man operation. Since the duties of the company will be either put on you totally or split between partners. Keeping your time organized will not only free you up to focus on other business related issues, which will allow you take care of more each and every day. It will also help lead you to success.

Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours you need to treat every minute precious. Some businesses work so efficient that it seems they can get 10 hours done in half the time. While other businesses waiste their time and are always trying to play catch up. Every time they get caught up on the work from yesterday, tomorrow they will have to get caught up on the work they had to skip from today. Which usually gets them into a catch 22 , which not only makes you or your employees have to work harder and longer hours to get everything in order. Your clients will also feel the delays that come along with this and may decide to opt-out for a business who can run their business right.

Keeping your company organized will allow you to stay on track when it comes to day to day operations. This is key for any business who has to meet deadlines and deliver products to clients. Organizing day to day operations will allow you to group activities that need to be addressed together. So if you need to pick up paper, ink for the printer and envelopes, you should be able to do this in one shot. So instead of making three trips during the week, do them all in one shot. This will not only save you time on having to go out to the store for the things you need, it will also allow you to stay in a steady progress without having to leave what you are doing to run out.

To organize yourself is actually very easy. Make a list of your day to day operations so that you can see what you need to do during the week. This will help create an outline of what you will need to do for your business and will give you a time table to run your business by. Make each day represent something for your company such as: Mondays - Go To The Store : Tuesday - Send Out Mail ect... Making a time table and tracking your time will help your business run more efficient and effective!

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The more information you have about your market value and the prospective employer, the greater your likelihood of success. This is the first commandment because it's the most important. There's a wealth of information available on the Internet, at the public library and through professional associations and networking groups. Time spent learning how to negotiate and preparing for negotiations may be the best investment you'll ever make.

When the negotiations are over, you'll have to work with the person with whom you're negotiating. Moreover, your future success may depend on that person. So, while you want to negotiate the best possible deal, you need to do so in a way that doesn't damage your image. At the same time, the employer's primary concern isn't negotiating the least expensive compensation package it can get away with. Rather, their focus will be on getting you to accept the job.

To be successful in this type of negotiation, you need to examine your priorities. What do you really want? Are you comfortable with a low salary and a large equity stake? Are you able to handle dramatic swings in income from year to year? Understanding your needs will also help you determine the type of company you want to work for. For example, a family-owned company may be able to offer a competitive salary and a large bonus based on results, but may not be willing to offer significant equity to a non-family member. A start-up company, on the other hand, may not be able to offer market salary, but will typically offer stock options. By recognizing what an employer can and can't do, you'll be able to determine what issues you should press.

Sometimes you'll have skills that are in great demand. And sometimes, you may be one of several qualified candidates the company would be happy to hire. Sizing up the situation and understanding the relative position of each party will help you determine when to press your advantage and when to back off.

It's not only wrong to lie, but in employment negotiations, it's ineffective. If you lie during negotiations, sooner or later you're likely to be caught. Once you are, even if you don't lose the offer, you'll be at a tremendous disadvantage, and your credibility will always be suspect. On the other hand, total candor wont be rewarded. You're under no obligation to blurt out everything you know. You can determine what you want to say and how you want to say it, and try to put everything in its most positive light. One key element of your preparation should be to recognize areas of concern so you can rehearse how to handle them when they inevitably come up.

The guiding principle for most employers when negotiating is fairness. Within the constraints of their budget and organizational structure, employers usually will agree to anything that's fair and reasonable to hire someone they want. Appeals to fairness are your most powerful weapon. Thus, you should be able to justify every request you make in terms of fairness. For example, if other computer programmers in similar companies are being given sign-on bonuses, you should expect to be treated no differently. Your prospective employer will want you to accept it's offer and feel that you've been treated fairly. Understanding the importance of fairness as a negotiating principle can make the difference between success and failure.

The more information you convey to a potential employer about your bottom line, the more likely it will limit what you get. Before making an offer, a company typically tries to determine what it will take for you to accept the position. With that information, the prospective employer will be able to determine the minimum package it needs to offer. While they may not offer you as little as they can get away with, if you've divulged too much information, they likely wont offer you as much as they might have otherwise. By not disclosing exactly what your current compensation is or exactly what it would take to get you to leave your job, you'll force a potential employer to make it's best offer.

Consider the value of the total package. Look for different ways to achieve your objectives. Be willing to make tradeoffs to increase the total value of the deal. If you're creative, you can package what you want in ways that will be acceptable to the company. You'll also be able to find creative "trades" that allow you to withdraw requests that might be problematic to the company in return for improvements in areas where the company has more flexibility. That way, you can maximize the value of the package you negotiate.

Too often in negotiations, the act of winning becomes more important than achieving your goals. And it's also important not to make your future boss feel as if he's lost in the negotiations. You'll have gained little by negotiating a good deal if you alienate your future boss in the process.

The one sure way to lose everything you've obtained is to be greedy. There comes a point in every negotiation when you've achieved everything you could have reasonably expected to gain. While most companies will want to treat you fairly and make you happy, few companies want a to hire a prima donna. Being perceived as greedy or unreasonable may cause the deal to fall apart. Even if it doesn't, you'll have done immeasurable harm to your career. This brings us to the 11th and most important commandment:

Job negotiations are the starting point for your career with a company. Get too little and you're disadvantaged throughout your career there; push too hard and you can sour the relationship before it begins.

Understanding these principles will allow you to effectively negotiate the terms of your new job. Then do your job well and continually seek out new challenges. As you take on added responsibilities and learn new skills, there will be opportunities to negotiate further improvements.

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"Helping You Find More Jobs Faster"

Employment Screening Resources

Author: Josh Riverside

Employee screenings use legal, medical, human resource, and other government offices related records to get a good insight into a job applicants background. They must have access to these records in various government offices such as the DMV, criminal records bureau, medical institutions, and schools.

These offices do not provide confidential reports to each and everyone who enquires. The investigators must have authentic identification before trying to check these records. Educational institutes tend to provide only basic information.

Since the pre-employment screening companies make a business out of these reports, they need to be precise, accurate, and timely. They must have resources required to provide reports requiring exhaustive search in some cases. Also, some companies need to provide reports involving a nationwide screening of the candidate.

All pre-employment screening companies are able to check into the criminal background of the applicant. In the event the applicant had filed for bankruptcy or has a bad credit history, it will be mentioned in the report as it might reflect badly when the company provides the employee with a corporate credit card that can be misused. Criminal records or recorded instances of violence in the work place might also be considered against the candidate. Drugs and sexual abuse are other offenses that can be easily unearthed during the screening.

With the resources available to the investigative agencies these days, there is practically nothing about the applicant that they cannot unearth. Companies encourage candidates to not provide falsified resumes or hide something vital that might affect the job or the company in the future.

Starting a Business - The One Mistake many Owners make when Starting a Business


You've decided to go into business for yourself. You've done your research into your industry, overhead, equipment, advertising, etc. You're all set to go, right? Wrong!

If you have NOT had comprehensive research conducted on your business name, then you do not know if it's truly available.

A common mistake many new business owners make is assuming that their business name is available simply because:

the domain name was available
the fictitious name was available
the corporate name was available
internet research showed the name was available
yellow page research showed the name was available

The above are merely preliminary indications of what business names, service names, and product names are out there. Only comprehensive research will tell you if a name is truly available for use.

Ok, so what is comprehensive research?

Comprehensive research entails searching a variety of files.

The first step is a comprehensive search of the pending and registered Federal and State trademark files. Similar names matter too! The search should look for similarities in Sound, Appearance and Meaning, which means looking at synonyms, spelling variations, word placement, translations (if necessary), etc.

The second step is a comprehensive search of US National Common-Law files. This entails searching all incorporation records, all fictitious name/DBA records, Dun & Bradstreet (R) records, product announcements, newspapers, company directories, etc.

If the research proves clear on both steps, you can then decide if you'd like to file for a State or Federal trademark.

The second way to make money fast and easy is to offer a service. With the emphasis being on speed in this case, I will try to give you an outline of a particularly lucrative and rapid way to make money fast.
Asuming you have a home phone and a few dollars to spare on printing, you are going to rely on the law of averages to get your required money fast. As in PART 1, I have settled on $1500 but you can manipulate this to suit your needs. Whatever the crisis is, a few thouand dollars should always be enough to get you out and buy you some time until you get a handle on your finances.
The law of averages states that every situation has a conversion rate. To use an extreme example, lets take my table lamp sitting here on my desk.
If we set up the scenario we can get an understanding into the law of averages. Say our scenario is that we want to sell this $22.00 lamp for $1 million dollars. It sounds impossible, who would give you $1 million dollars in exchange for a $22.00 lamp?
The law of averages states that even this unlikely scenario shall have a conversion rate. The possibility might be calculated at 0.0000000000000000004858688% chance that it will happen, however even this unlikely event would occur at some decimal point. However, we can also manipulate the conversion ratio by developing the scenario. If the arbitrary calculation above means that you would have to try 200 billion, trillion times to find just 1 person who would give you $1 million dollars for a desk lamp, an adjustment in the scenario can improve that number.
For example, the price, you could reduce the price to $1000 which would immediately change the calculation to reflect the new circumstance. Now the conversion may be 1.2 in other words, for every 120 people you offer the lamp to, 1 will buy instead of the 200 billion, trillion.
What if ontop of a price reduction, you registered as a charity. You as the administrator of the donation may keep a percentage of the $1000 and refer the rest to the charity you chose. You get to help people and at the same time make a little money. Would this impact the conversion? Of course it would. Not everybody views money in the same way and there are people out there that definitely would buy a $22.00 table lamp for $1000 if it was going to charity. The conversion ratio might become 2% or 1 in every 50 people may take you up on this offer.
Novelty sells and in the above case, the novelty was the extremely high price of the lamp. That combined with it being a charitable donation meant that the scenario had a reasonable chance. To sell 10 lamps for $1000 for charity you would simply make 500 people aware of the offer if the 2% conversion ratio was true.
To apply the law of averages to make money fast we can see the possibilities. You must construct a scenario with an estimated conversion rate and work to make enough people aware of your offer based on the profit projection and your financial goal (in this case $1500)
To do that we look for demand. Without too much

To do that we look for demand. Without too much money we have settled on offering a service. We think about what people may need from you that you could offer that they would also pay for.
Also because we are working with the law of averages, we are not going to go for a high conversion rate. We are looking for a high price and lower conversion rate. The higher the price, the lower the chance that somebody will take your offer. But it doesnt mean nobody would take your offer does it? It just means you need to see more people to finally find the individual that finds your offer attractive and acts on it.
This is the bones of the strategy. Whether you choose to wash all the exterior windows of a wealthy persons house. Or provide in-home foot rubs and back and shoulder massage to retired people. Maybe you will advertise a flyer entitled "your slave for a week" $1500 to attract people using a novel approach is up to you.

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