Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reasons To Build A Solar Power System At Home

Reasons To Build A Solar Power System At Home

There are many reasons to use solar power at home, and the benefits exist on multiple levels, spanning the personal, the financial, and the global. Not only is it a modern and forward thinking approach to energy production and sustainability, but it also helps put your home energy in your own hands. If you value independence, frugality, and the idea of leaving a healthy planet to our children, setting up a home solar power system is a win win proposition.

Financial Advantages

Low operating costs: Passive solar power systems don’t cost much to build, use, and maintain, and the energy is generated for free. Particularly when the equipment is well placed, the energy it generates is almost as good as free money. Plus, if you can find ways to generate surplus energy, many local governments will allow you to sell your power back to the community for a profit.

Lower taxes: Unlike other types of fuel, there’s no way to attach a tax rate to the sun. The taxes added to other types of fuel can create an overhead that takes a substantial bite out of your wallet. When harnessing the sun’s energy, this doesn’t happen.

Higher home value: When you eventually decide to sell your home, the presence of a well maintained home solar power system can add substantial value to your home, often much more than the original price of the equipment.

Personal Advantages

No blackouts: It’s no secret that infrastructure maintenance is a problem for governments all over the world. When you mix in the occasional whether related disturbance, periodic blackouts are almost inevitable. With solar power, you don’t have to worry about that. Imagine how proud you will feel to be the only person in the neighborhood whose life goes on as normal as the rest of the community endures a blackout.

Family involvement: Home solar power systems usually don’t require much maintenance. But when it comes to installation and the occasional work that may be needed, having solar power at home is a great way to involve your children in the project. Not only will they learn a few lessons in handiness, but they’ll be better prepared than their peers to deal with this energy source of the future.

Global Advantages

Energy independence and local economic benefit: The more solar power and other forms of sustainable energy we use, the less dependent we’ll be on foreign countries for our energy needs. Many of us don’t like the fact that much of the money we spend on fuel goes to distant lands rather than our domestic economy. Using solar power frees up money for us to use on things that have a greater financial benefit on the immediate world around us.

Environmental sustainability: Last but not least, solar power is one of the best energy options for the environment. Sure, any time we use energy, we create emissions, but using solar panel can cut our overall carbon footprint in half. This may not be important to many adults, but our children and grandchildren will appreciate our efforts. Plus, using solar panel will set a good example for others in the community.

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