Archive for Love & Relationship
By Lowla Dee
Very cliche right? Well yea! its c’mmon but essential. Never forget to ask How your partner is sincerely. You’ll discover that when you really want to know how someone is doing not just because you feel like asking but you really care, you ull down walls and you get more than you ask for. Sure your boo looks fine, ut how sure are you deep down that there is not something holding him down.
Hold hands I repeat. Holding hands are magical moments, its so simple yet there’s something I can’t explain about it. Try it out and you’ll see.
Listen being sterotyped is borng. Going to the same places, talking about the sam things could really be boring. Try out new things. Go horse riding, car racing, bake together, wrestle, crack jokes, go on evening strolls…My God! You can e creative
Yeah you don’t have to say I love you every time, but sometimes its necessary to assure your partner of your feelings and its even best at akward times. Never assume your partner knows you love and still care, show it in many ways. Say it DIRECTLY.
Saying I’m sorry can change a whole lot of things. Now don’t just say it, but act it. Too many people say I’m sorry from their noses these days and not from their heart. Your heart speaks out loud, so when you say I’m sorry from your heart, it will definitely calm the raging Storm!
Category: Blog, Love & Relationship /
NSB Love & Relationship: 10 Signs That He’s A Player
I just stumbled on the below article which was published on Yahoo and it is really an interesting one. As women, most of us are aware of some of the very clues that give up men as PLAYERS. The article below has added more to my clues; maybe it will add some to yours too. Check it out below…
The guy you’ve started seeing is hot, charming, smart, confident and a highly accomplished love-maker. Sounds great (actually, sounds like me) but you have a nagging doubt that it’s all too good to be true. A player (also: playa) is a particular breed of man who prefers not be tied down to just one woman, and every girl with breasts will get played by one at some point. Read more
Category: Love & Relationship /
Love & Relationship Advice: My Family Is Pressuring To Meet My Boyfriend & He Says No! I Am Worried…
My name is Katherine, I have been with my
boyfriend for 5months now and I am really happy with him. He is the best
thing to happen to me and treats me just like a girl should be treated.
When we started dating, my family wanted to meet him the moment they
got to know about him.
He was honest with me and told me that we were barely dating and that
he usually waited a couple of months before meeting the family, which I
thought was okay because at least he had made an effort to meet my
mother (plus driving 3 hours just to spend a few hours at my house). My
mom liked him and said she thought he was really nice.My oldest brother is the only one that has not yet met him. My oldest brother wants to meet him and there has been two times when I have tried to pressure my boyfriend to go and meet him which I have felt bad for trying to force him, but at the same time I feel pressured by my family to do so.
Now my mom see’s him different, she says ” when a guy is serious about you he will want to meet the entire family”. I told her “that’s the way you see it, but every person is different plus we are still getting to know each other”.
I have made my mother to know how my boyfriend feels about the pressure and the fact that he stand by the words “no one is going to force him to do something he doesn’t want to do”. Read more
Category: Love & Relationship /
Love & Relationship Advice: My Best Friend’s Wife Says She Loves Me & Ready To Jilt her Problem Husband for Me, I am Confused….
Dear Readers,
I am a single Dad in my late 20’s and living with my 5 year old child. I have a close married friend with a child of same age as my son. Due to the two kids, I spend some of my weekends at my friend’s house with his family to allow the two children play together.
A few months ago, I was working and taking up a professional web development course at a College to enable me become a freelance web developer. I lost my job when I was at the finishing end of my course. My job loss meant that I could not finance the course and had to drop out.
My friend’s wife is a professional web developer and the very person who suggested the course to me in the first place. As I couldn’t continue the course at the college, she offered to help me finish the few units I was left with. Read more
Category: Love & Relationship /
A 31 Year Old Virgin, A Fantasy Or A Reality?
Many men including my very close friends have been disappointed by girlfriends who have thrown the virgin dust into their eyes, making them wait for years with the trust that, their girlfriends were virgins. Eventually when the day came, these girls were far from virgins.
As much as every man will cherish and adore a virgin woman, I do not go with that frame of mind. In fact, it is an absolute turn off for me. Immediately I hear the slogan, “I am a virgin”, I dash into thin air. I will surely like a virgin to my self, but I do not want to be part of the entire virgin-disappointment chronicles so I stay away from such girls.
With my current entrenched mindset of doubt about the issue of virgin women, I did not find myself the appropriate individual when my very friend approached me with his sticky situation. As he poured out that which is being thrown to him by his new found lover, it pushed me deep into thought and made me extremely “bemused and bewildered”. Read more
Category: Love & Relationship /
Weekly Discussion, Let’s Get Talking: Sex Before Marriage, What Is Your Take On This?
Legal rules even if they do not appeal to one’s conscience must be upheld else the punishment of its breach would be served. This is not the same for most moral and religious laws. Religious laws have “nicodemusly” found their way into our moral laws such that we see most of these laws as that which govern good conduct. Read more
Category: Love & Relationship /
Age & Marriage, Should Society Be A Determining Factor?
Have you noticed that when you reach a certain age the clock in your head starts to give hints about marriage? Is this clock biological or sometimes is it also society (like your family or friends) that ticks in your head? If anybody had told me marriage is about age when growing up, then I think I would have waited a little bit before hitting 20 and above. Unfortunately this is not how this commitment appears to function. I am not the type that is scared of ageing.
I don’t know about any of you, but I think ageing makes one wiser and confident. The song says ‘all you need is love’, and I couldn’t agree more. Some people probably started making wedding plans before hitting 20. For instance thoughts of what their wedding is going to be like, where and what age they ‘must’ settle down. I have come across many people who always relate marriage to age and got me thinking…what is this about? Who makes these rules anyway? Read more
Category: Love & Relationship /
Making Your Long-Distance Relationship Work
Between juggling schedules to challenges in communication, anyone
who’s ever been in a long-distance relationship can certainly tell you
how hard it can be to make a long-distance relationship work. Read more
Category: Love & Relationship /
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