Thursday, August 13, 2009



One thing about Jesus that a lot of people do not know is that He gives to every one who comes to Him, the right to choose. Christianity is not a religion. In the religions of the world, you lose your right to choose, and as a matter of fact, you almost lose your personality. You become a ‘religious’ and ‘psychological non-person’.

You lose the right to choose to whoever or whatever is extolled to be “god”. You can not choose what you want anymore. Somehow, this opinion of religion has been passed from one generation to another and people have come to think that God is really like that.

They think that you lose yourself when you come to Jesus. They think, ‘well, if I am born again, I will not be able to do what I want to do. I will lose my right to choose’. How untrue! Yet, it is sad to note that some Christians have helped in perpetuating this erroneous idea because of the way they present Christianity to the world.

When you come to Jesus, He gives you the right to choose. Sometimes, though, people have not been able to choose, for fear of missing out on God’s will for them. When Jesus came, He showed us that things were not that way. You do have a right to choose. Life really begins when you give your life to your Creator and He gives you the power to face reality. This is the good life.

YOU CAN CHOOSE RIGHT : You may say, ‘what if I choose something that He does not like? What if what I want is not what He wants?’. Know this, you are a child of God, never be afraid of that. You will know when your desire is wrong and then you can keep it off because you only experience true joy, doing what He wants. Then, you ask, ‘How do I know what God wants?’ Well, you have been chosen to know His will; you have been chosen to hear and to know His voice. When you were born again, God imparted His life into your human spirit and brought you to His realm of living (2 Peter 1:4).

You have the Spirit of God to reveal to you the mind of God, so you can choose right. Don’t let anybody cheat you out of God’s best by telling you that you cannot choose right for yourself. You know His will and you can choose right.

God has given you a right to choose. Decide what you want. Jesus said to blind Bartimaeus, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ (Mark 10:51). Perhaps, right now you really have a need; well then, have you told God what you want Him to do for you? Or are you afraid to ask? God is your Father, your heavenly Father and He would not give you a serpent for a fish. Even if you had asked for the serpent He would not just hand it over to you. He would ask, ‘son, what do you want a serpent for; that is dangerous to you’.

If you are asking wrongly He also knows how to deal with you. He would say, ‘Come on son that is not the right thing’. He will show you the right thing. He is always out for your good. He is not out there watching, waiting for you to miss it and saying: “I have given you my will and you had better stuck to it. If you don’t follow my will, I sure will get you’. He doesn’t talk like that. God is not a despot. He is a good God. He is a loving Father.

Culled from the book.... Your Rights In Christ

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